Aug 24, 2004 23:28
Ok, so I'm sitting online, minding my own damn business and outta nowhere this happens:
afisyndicate: can i have my pipes back
afisyndicate: you can just give them to ryan
FancyTalkinBean: Give what back?
afisyndicate: my green bag of shit
FancyTalkinBean: Oh hell no
afisyndicate: you can have any weed thats left
FancyTalkinBean: you're not getting that back
FancyTalkinBean: I'm using that shit
FancyTalkinBean: weeds gone
afisyndicate: fuck you, its not yours
FancyTalkinBean: and the other stuff
FancyTalkinBean: is mine
afisyndicate: retard, ian found it
FancyTalkinBean: So?
FancyTalkinBean: he gave it to you to sell
FancyTalkinBean: and you gave it to me to use
afisyndicate: and what 'other stuff'
FancyTalkinBean: and well
FancyTalkinBean: I'm still using it
FancyTalkinBean: Everything that was in there
FancyTalkinBean: as far as I'm concerned
FancyTalkinBean: is mine.
FancyTalkinBean: So you can sit over there and bitch and moan
FancyTalkinBean: but you're not getting it back
afisyndicate: well as far as im concerned, you can die
FancyTalkinBean: Oh
afisyndicate: and i want my shit back
FancyTalkinBean: you got me right in the feelings
FancyTalkinBean: What shit?
afisyndicate: my BAG stupid
FancyTalkinBean: Oh
FancyTalkinBean: I'm sorry
FancyTalkinBean: I thought you said YOUR shit
FancyTalkinBean: I just figured you were talking about something else
afisyndicate: ya
FancyTalkinBean: considering that bag
FancyTalkinBean: is MINE
afisyndicate: I DID
afisyndicate: youre a fucking moreon
afisyndicate: you didnt find it
afisyndicate: i never gave it to you
FancyTalkinBean: Neither did you
afisyndicate: its MINE
FancyTalkinBean: You didn't find it either
FancyTalkinBean: so shut up
afisyndicate: it was YOUR big idea to hold onto it
afisyndicate: not mine
FancyTalkinBean: Ok
afisyndicate: its MY SHIT
FancyTalkinBean: and?
FancyTalkinBean: Ok
FancyTalkinBean: well
FancyTalkinBean: Christopher
FancyTalkinBean: what are you going to do about it?
afisyndicate: well maybe an wants it back
FancyTalkinBean: Well maybe Ian can suck my dick
afisyndicate: im gonna shoot you
FancyTalkinBean: if he wants it
afisyndicate: *blam*
FancyTalkinBean: he can fuckin ask for it
FancyTalkinBean: Yea, good one Chris... real fucking original
FancyTalkinBean: why don't you go practice that one in front of the mirror a few times
FancyTalkinBean: maybe then you'll get the balls to say that shit when I'm standing two feet in front of you
afisyndicate: naw i dont need to
FancyTalkinBean: instead of pussing out.
FancyTalkinBean: Right
afisyndicate: it wont help on aim
FancyTalkinBean: of course not.
afisyndicate: ok ill tell ian to ask for it back
afisyndicate: bye now
FancyTalkinBean: because you clearly didn't read anything I just wrote.
afisyndicate signed off at 11:24:34 PM.
But as if he wasn't being retarded enough, he came back online with this witty retort all thought out and well rehearsed:
afisyndicate signed on at 11:26:00 PM.
afisyndicate: as if id ever SEE you two feet in front of me
FancyTalkinBean: Ok
afisyndicate: you dont WANT to see me, soooo...
FancyTalkinBean: you unblocked me
afisyndicate: ya
afisyndicate: adios
FancyTalkinBean: just to say that?
afisyndicate: yup
FancyTalkinBean: Come on Chris
FancyTalkinBean: get a fucking life
afisyndicate: now im blocking you again
afisyndicate: see?
FancyTalkinBean: Knock yourself out
afisyndicate signed off at 11:26:43 PM.
God dammit! Why do I have to be so god damn irresistable that people will find any excuse to talk to me? And god double damn why am I so fucking modest, it's incredible.