Jan 10, 2008 11:41
I've been really lazy with this.
Christmas was really relaxing for me. This last semester really killed me. I was stressed and behind every single day. I'm vowing to myself that it will not get this way this semester. But being able to go home to family and friends and not having to worry about anything other than making Grandma's ricotta cake and wrapping presents was a wonderful feeling. It was a productive week at home though. I went to a few basketball games and practices so I can keep in shape, saw my friends from home, spent time with my family, got some good gifts. It was bittersweet leaving so early though.
So the 27th I came back up to Boston for basketball. Our first few days back was Coach Gould's workout plan. We did more running than I could imagine: 15 suicides in 15 minutes, minute drills, ladders, sideline sprints while having to roll over from our backs get up and run...second day was even worse! We probably did 20 suicides that day. Basketball wise, our time back hasn't been too productive. We're 1-2 right now with losses against Trinity and Fitchburg, two teams we should have beaten. It's been like that all season. Would have, could have, should have. I'm sick of the excuses and coach giving the same old speech. On a personal level, I've been playing really well. I made the all tournament team for the Wheaton Tournament and I got 18 boards in our last game. My double double average keeps going up, which is good if I plan on playing overseas.
My New Years was interesting enough as well. A few of the girls and I went to 360 Ultralounge, VIP of course. I can honestly say I've never looked like what I did taht night in my entire life. I got a lot of compliments though so I'll take that and run. Seriously, New Years is probably the most overrated holiday ever. But it gives me an excuse to go out and party. I didn't make any resolutions this year because I never stick to them anyway. Well, in a way I guess a resolution would be to not fall behind this semester with schoolwork. It'll be tough because I'm getting surgery the Tuesday of spring break on my ankle. I'm going to be in a hard cast, non-weight bearing, 6-8 weeks. Which means I won't be out of my cast until I'm home from school. Which means I'll be doing rehab all summer. Sigh. There's goes that summer.
So, yeah, I guess that's it. Living and loving life at the moment. Getting paid to play basketball and not take classes. I'm basically a pro-basketball player right now. YUUUUUP! Too bad school starts soon. :(