Dec 22, 2007 12:52
It's snowing outside. I woke up at 12:30 this afternoon.
It doesn't feel like Christmas to me. I don't know what it is. When I was younger Christmas just seemed so much more magical and so more special than anything else. Having a week off from school, wrapping gifts, praying for snow for a winter wonderland, baking. Now it just seems like another day. I don't like feeling this way because Christmas is a special time of year and it's like I'm almost taking it for granted. But how can I not when I feel like it's another day on the job?
I don't know why, but I was up until about 4 a.m. this morning. I was just downloading music and talking to people. Weird.
I really didn't have anything special to write. I just figured I would since I'm in my room doing nothing at the moment.
New Years resolution: get toned, get rid of the belly, cut down the sweets I intake.
Oh, I know what I forgot to mention. The other day I went to May's finance's doctor to get a second opinion about surgery on my ankle. He said I need it. So, my spring break will consist of painkillers and a cast. I'll finish out my second semester in a cast and the beginning of my summer I won't be able to do anything. I'll get the cast off two weeks into summer and then it'll be rehab, rehab, rehab. My 21st summer and I gotta spend it like that. Great. But I really do want my ankle to get better so I just hope the surgery goes ok.
Got my grades yesterday via degree audit:
Latino Lit B-
Argument and Advocacy B+
Journalism Law and Ethics A
Beat Reporting C
I knew I would be getting a C in BR. I didn't hand in three things including my interactive news segment. But you know what, I really don't care. My parents will not be all. I'll deal. I just haven't cared about anything this semester. Next semseter I need to do better.