
May 10, 2009 23:36

Title: Discovered
Author: LaughtersMelody
Rating: G
Fandom: Supernatural
Disclaimer: It’s not mine, but Dean wanted me to say hi to Kripke for him, and he wanted to know how the rescue plans are coming…wait a minute, rescue plans? Why would he need rescuing? *blinks innocently, then goes to knock Dean out and move him to a new secret location*
Genre: Humor
Pairing: None
Type: One-shot
Spoilers: Spoilers for “Hollywood Babylon.”
Characters: Sam
Secondary Characters: Dean
Summary: Sam and Dean didn’t just walk into the sunset. While leaving LA, they hit a small…snag. “Hollywood Babylon” tag.

A/N: This fic has been sitting on my computer since Hollywood Babylon originally aired, lurking around in my files. I tried a few times to finish it, but I never seemed to be able to. Well, praise the Lord, I was finally inspired to complete it. And, besides, who couldn’t use a little humor right now, lol? :)

As all ways, to God be the glory. He’s blessed me beyond measure, and I can never praise Him enough for all He’s done.

I hope you enjoy it, and please let me know what you think!



“You! Don’t move! Stay right there!”

The shout made Sam freeze, and next to him he felt Dean do the same. They exchanged a glance, one that said just how very bad this was, and turned around slowly.

Sam had been expecting the FBI, a SWAT team, or both - after Milwaukee, Hendricksen wasn’t gonna be taking any chances - but instead, there was just one man. And he was staring at them.

Well, at least he wasn’t calling the cops.

He walked closer and peered intently at Dean.

“Oh, you’re beautiful!” he exclaimed.

“Um, thanks…I guess,” Dean grimaced.

The man moved around Dean slowly, “mm-hmm-ing” all the while, looking the older Winchester up and down. Sam couldn’t help smirking as Dean subtlety tried to move away.

“Who’s your agent?” the man asked finally.



“I…uh…don't have one.”

“You’re kidding.”

Dean shook his head.

“That’s wonderful! Here, take my card. I'm telling you, you could be the next James Dean. The girls will go nuts for you. I'm thinking…action hero. You just have that look, you know? You’ve really got the ‘here I come to save the day’ thing going for you.”

Dean blinked. “I do?”

“Totally. You've got that edge. A real tortured-hero-type. I bet I could get you a job right away. I mean…you might get stuck on a soap first - they always snatch up the good-looking ones - but give me some time and I guarantee you’ll have fan girls swooning!” The man paused, snapping his fingers and pointing at Dean like he’d just remembered something important. “Oh, hey, can you do sarcasm?”

“I've been known to on occasion.”

“Perfect. You’re beautiful, I’m telling you. Beautiful! Call me!”

The man walked backwards a few steps, miming a phone to his ear before finally turning around.

Sam and Dean watched him go in silence.

Dean looked down at the card and bit his lip. Sam saw his expression and shook his head.

“Don’t even think about it.”


“You’re a wanted man, Dean. Hendricksen would be all over this.”

“Come on-”


“But…fan girls,” he whined.

Sam just rolled his eyes. The sooner they got out of LA the better.



Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think!

Take care and God bless!


character: dean winchester, type: one-shot, rating: g, fanfiction: supernatural, character: sam winchester, genre: humor

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