Daidi Hecht from Germany wrote to me to tell that he and Yannis from Switzerland want to create a forum where we can talk about Sending Love practice. Sending love is described in "Living on Love - The Messenger" book by Klaus Joehle. Daidi asked if I want to moderate Russian language section of their forum. I agreed and proposed we use our old Russian forum on Sending Love. It's free to use and it has good security features.
Daidi and I spent some time setting up English, German and Russian sections on the forum. Daidi was going to ask Yannis, how he likes it, by Yannis is out of contact for some time. So I think it would be OK to begin inviting people to the forum.
You are
welcome to the forum!
http://klausbooks.borda.ru/ I thought our fb group "The Love that you are" would be a good place to talk about sending love. But this group evolved into motivational pics group. I hope that on the forum we'll have really meaningful interactions.