Mar 15, 2006 10:40

Title: Jealousy: PART XXXI, PART XXXII

Author: laughs_muses (fic journal)

Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter

Rating: PG-13, R

Disclaimer: No, none of these characters are mine. If they were mine I wouldn’t be working absurd hours in a coffee shop, now would I? Nup, I’d be cruising around in my Merc with little HP flags on the bonnet and…*dreams*

Summary: Kisses...that's right. Kisses...and Harry gets some lip balm.

Set: Forbidden Forest

Beta: None, aggggaaaiiinnn.

Authors Notes: It's UP. I'm hoping against hope that this kind of meets your expectations...*is nervous*

Jealousy: PART I
Jealousy: PART II
Jealousy: PART III
Jealousy: PART IV
Jealousy: PART V, PART VI


OhGod. OhGod. OhGod. OhGod. OhGod. OhGod. OhGod!

Harry was kissing him. He was kissing Malfoy. Sort of. Well, his lips were pressed against Malfoy’s, but they weren’t doing anything. If anything, Harry’s stomach was hurting a bit from holding him up across the gap.

Malfoy’s lips under his were kind of like kissing polished wood. And, yes, Harry had dropped a kiss on his broomstick on more than one occasion. They were very soft and very smooth. But unlike a broomstick, they weren’t hard.

OhGod. OhGod. OhGod. OhGod. OhGod. OhGod. OhGod!

He pulled back.

Malfoy was looking at him. An eyebrow was raised and his eyes were the bluest Harry had ever seen. He wasn’t flushed. He wasn’t red. He was just…normal. Except that he had just licked his lips and that went straight to Harry’s dick.

“Do you make a point of randomly kissing devastatingly handsome boys in the Forbidden Forest?” Malfoy didn’t smile but he leant back easily against the tree. With every single ounce of willpower he possessed, Harry did not look down. He looked squarely back at Malfoy.

“They’re usually girls, actually.”

Harry mentally hit himself.

“I see,” Malfoy said. “But since I am incredibly attractive and from the highest aristocracy of wizarding blood and have quite possible the best body known to man and-


Malfoy blinked and a small smirk graced his features. Harry felt a lurch in his stomach and he quickly calculated how long it would take him to sprint out of the clearing they were in.

“Okay then,” Malfoy said. “But I suppose there was a reason for your attacking my-

“I didn’t attack you!” Harry said quickly. Well, he hadn’t.

“Good point.” Malfoy looked thoughtful as he crossed his arms and looked in front of him. “I suppose just putting your lips on mine doesn’t really qualify as anything, does it?”

Harry watched as Malfoy’s slim fingers slid over his elbow and down the seam of his coat. Harry took a deep breath and said;

“Have you ever kissed a boy before?”

“Ah.” Malfoy suddenly smiled. “I was an experiment. To see if the great Harry Potter liked blokes, was it?”


“Then what Potter?” Malfoy’s voice had suddenly become razor-sharp. Harry looked up to see the light blue of his eyes darkening a little. “Just decided to kiss me because it seemed the thing to do?”


“Was it because you were horny and that Weasel slut wasn’t around?”


“Or was it because you might actually want to do some harm to me?”

“No! Wait, what?”

“Because Potter,” Malfoy’s voice was now sharp and it echoed around the invisible box they were in. “If you had wanted to kiss me because it was me, you would have done it like this!”

Harry felt the slim hands suddenly cradle his face and he was yanked roughly forward. There was a flash of brilliantly blue eyes before he felt his mouth on Malfoy’s. Not just on Malfoy’s…he felt his hot breath as Malfoy’s tongue swept over his lips. And into his mouth.

He felt Malfoy’s hands leave his cheeks and drift lower onto his neck, and then onto his chest. Pressing hard against him. Harry lifted his own hands so they mimicked Malfoy’s and he felt the flat planes of the Slytherin’s stomach through the thick coat.

OhGod. OhGod. OhGod. OhGod. OhGod. OhGod. OhGod!

Harry felt the slim hands pull Harry closer.

Oh Merlin. Harry had never wanted someone so bad his entire life. He felt himself press right in close to Malfoy and realised they were laying awkwardly against the tree, Harry half on top.

He felt Malfoy’s teeth with his tongue and was about to run across them when;


The teeth had bitten him.

“That Potter,” Malfoy said, his lips moving against Harry’s as he spoke. “Is how you kiss me.”

This is a BIG GAP intended to build SUSPENSE.


About half an hour later, Potter raised his head from underneath Draco’s arm.

“Is this awkward?” he asked and Draco looked down. He was sort of cradling Potter, his arms draped around his shoulders and crossed on the flat chest. The Gryffindor was lying sort of crushed over Draco’s legs, his head lolling against Draco’s stomach.

“Should it be?” Draco said, untangling his arms and yawning. The invisible box they were in was a nice, lazy warm but snow was falling outside from the darkened sky. He felt Potter wriggle a bit and then sit up.

“Honestly? Yeah, it should be awkward.” His green eyes looked at Draco and he felt his stomach stir a little. It was amazing. It was amazing that he was here with Harry Potter. It was amazing that Harry Potter was looking at him with eyes that didn’t shine with anger or hurt. It was amazing that he and Potter had kissed for almost a full half an hour.

It was just amazing.

“But it’s not,” Draco said, slithering his arms back around Potter’s middle. The dark haired boy gave a grin and didn’t resist the pull of Draco’s hands.

“Are you trying to seduce me, Malfoy?”

“I believe I already have. Now all I need to do is hold you for ransom. Although, not,” he said quickly, as Potter opened his mouth to say something, “because I need the money...just to prove how evil I am.”

“You are evil.” Potter said matter of factly. “And I can’t believe I am here fraternising with you. The enemy.”

Draco couldn’t help but smile as Potter pulled one of his slim, pale hands towards his lips and rubbed the tip of his index finger over them. Draco felt the bumps and cracks of lips that had been chapped and untreated.

“Potter, I know you are going to unmercifully scoff at me when I say this but…have you ever thought of using lip balm?”

“Lips balm? What for?”

Draco rubbed his finger a little more firmly across the skin.

“The chaps and cracks you have acquired on them.”

Potter suddenly sat up. Draco’s arms fell harshly to his side. The green eyes were looking desperately around the glade. And as Draco looked at the hollow of the Gryffindor’s throat, he saw the rise and fall of a racing pulse.

“Am I cheating?”

“Cheating? No, just receiving advice on how to keep those lips of yours in tip-top-

“No,” Potter broke in, “No, am I having an affair?”

Draco blinked and crossed his arms.

“Technically you are,” he agreed nodding slowly. Dear God, please God. Don’t let him think he has to be all…moral…now.

“Technically I am.” Potter repeated. “What does this mean, Malfoy?”

“What mean?” Draco said, playing dumb.

“Me, you. Here, snogging like animals.”

“I object to my kissing being categorised alongside animals.”

“Well you were kind of rough.”

Draco raised an eyebrow.

“But you obviously enjoyed it, Potter.”

A grin slipped lopsidedly across Potter’s lips and a dimple fell in his left cheek.

“Yeah, no I did. It’s just…”

“You couldn’t imagine this happening?”

“Yeah, I couldn’t imagine this happening.”

There was a silence as Draco looked at his hands. He couldn’t imagine this either. What were the odds that the object of his goddamn fantasies for ages had been thinking the same thing.

“Neither could I,” murmured Draco quietly.

Potter was now sitting bolt upright, but his eyes were fixed in a stare at the bark above Draco’s head. Draco looked at his face. This famous face. Harry Potter graced the Daily Prophet fortnightly, and Witch Weekly even more. His picture was splashed on billboards, pamphlets, magazines, books, broomstick advertisements. Everything. And now here he was, sitting almost on top of him.

Draco’s fingers reached up and traced the curve of Potter’s jaw. His skin was smooth and dark, but it lightened as Draco pushed back some of the long fringe. The green eyes had snapped out of their daze and were now watching Draco.

“I don’t feel guilty,” he said, and Draco watched him turn slightly so they were facing front on. “I don’t feel guilty that I’m here with you, and not somewhere else with Ginny.”

A vision flashed in front of Draco’s eyes. It was Pansy, her hair curling around her head as she snuggled into Draco’s pillow. Her lips bruised from his. A pang of what he supposed was remorse shot through his lower stomach.

“I do,” he said and his stomach sank as Potter frowned.

“You do?” The Gryffindor’s eyes looked a little dangerous. “Then why are you here?”

Draco looked steadily back. Why was he here? Because he couldn’t think of anywhere he’d rather be? Because when Potter looked at him like that it made his stomach clench and twist? Because when he felt his lips against Potter’s, he couldn’t help but wind his arms around him?

“Because,” Draco started. How could he say this? He didn’t want to lie…lying to Potter didn’t seem to work. And he couldn’t say ‘I think I might be close to fucking loving you’. He took a deep breath. “Because, as bizarre as this sounds Potter, I can’t think of anywhere I’d like to be.”

Potter cocked his head to the side.

“But you still feel guilty?”

Draco nodded and he felt one of Potter’s hands slide under his own. The finger rested there for a moment, before they began to lace themselves with Draco’s own.

“I like being with Pansy. But,” he looked up to find Potter watching him carefully. “But I don’t feel…sparkish.”

“Sparkish?” Draco saw amusement bubbled within the green eyes and mentally hit himself for using a word that was perhaps the most unsophisticated word ever invented.

“I don’t know. Sparkish. Alive more. Turned on more. I don’t know. It’s like,” Draco wrapped his own fingers around Potter’s and moved a bit further up, so he was sitting straighter. “It’s like having a broom that’s old and comfortable and that you love to ride. Oh shut up!” Harry’s mouth had quirked into a wry smile at the word ‘ride’. “It’s like having a broom that’s easy to be transported on, but it doesn’t go very fast and you keep getting beaten by some stupid moronic Gryffindor with a revolting scar.”

Potter reached over and Draco ducked, expecting a cuff or something. Instead he slipped his brown hand under Draco’s shirt and rested it on his stomach and laid his head against Draco’s chest.

“And then you get a new broom, one that’s faster, one that’s better built and one that you just,” Draco realised that his voice had dropped lower and that he was barely speaking above a whisper. “want more. And when you fly with it, you can suddenly feel the wind sharper, and the air’s colder and more crisp and you just feel more…sparkish.” he finished somewhat lamely and looked down.

Potter’s head hadn’t moved but Draco could feel the boy breathing through his shirt.

“That was a completely abstract analogy,” Draco said, his chest burning as Potter still didn’t move.

“No,” came the Gryffindor’s muffled voice. “It was perfect. Except,” there was a rustle as Potter sat up again. “Except for me, it’s like finally having a broom that you’ve wanted for ages. One that’s always in Quidditch magazines, one that’s always tacked up in the change rooms, one that some up-himself, conceited git happens to own. And flaunts it at you every time you see him fly. And then suddenly,” Potter’s voice was starting to strain a little. “Suddenly, you find one. Just happens to be under the Slytherin bleachers. And then every time you look at your new broom. You can’t imagine ever having ridden anything else.

Draco smiled and sent Potter a withering look.

“Yeah, and all of a sudden.” Potter waved his left hand and a blast of cold air engulfed them both as the invisible box disappeared. “You just feel more…sparkish.”


Author's Notes:


I was so nervous about posting this. Mostly because when commenting people were saying "I can't wait till Harry and Draco kiss! It's going to be explosive!" and things like that, and so I was incredibly nervous about the kiss not being as good as you all wanted it to be. *blush*. Mind you, Harry's initial kiss wasn't much chop was it? But I wanted to keep it that way. *shrug*.

So, whatcha doin'? Feel like clicking that little button just below here? The one that says 'Post a Comment'? C'mon, you know you want to. Well, you know I want you to...



ps. I think I've messed up the stupid-assed roman numerals somewhere...why oh why couldn't I just have put normal numbers like everyone else...

The next part...GO CHECK IT OUT. I am bossy, hear me roar.
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