Mar 12, 2006 15:12


Author: laughs_muses (fic journal)

Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter

Rating: PG-13, PG-13, R

Disclaimer: No, none of these characters are mine. If they were mine I wouldn’t be working absurd hours in a coffee shop, now would I? Nup, I’d be cruising around in my Merc with little HP flags on the bonnet and…*dreams*


Set: Kings Cross Station

Beta: None, aggggaaaiiinnn.

Authors Notes: Sorry it took me so long you attractive Harry/Draconians but it's here and stuff is finally happening.

Jealousy: PART I
Jealousy: PART II
Jealousy: PART III
Jealousy: PART IV
Jealousy: PART V, PART VI


Draco stepped out of the long black car that had brought him to the station. The servant driving heaved his trunk next to him with a short bow and then slid back into the driver’s seat. As Draco watched the car silently vanish into the Muggle streets of London, he gave his case a half hearted kick. How the sodding hell was he suppose to carry it to the train?

Pansy hadn’t come with him. She had gone home a few days before, saying that she needed to spend time with her mother. Draco hadn’t cared. He had smiled and kissed her gently on the cheek, bidding her an enjoyable stay and all that crap. But as soon as she had left the grounds he had gone flying.

Draco looked around him and saw other students milling around on the station, all dressed in their Muggle clothes looking absolutely revolting. At least Draco knew how to look decent when forced to wear rubbish. Though one could hardly call Armani rubbish. His black tailored trousers settled neatly on his hips, adjoined with his white polo shirt underneath a black travelling cloak.

He watched the Creevey brothers and their dumpling of a mother amble towards the inside of Kings Cross. Their respective trunks were on little trolleys. Where the bloody hell had they got those? Draco looked around again and saw to his discredit, more students pushing trolleys with owls in cages and cats in baskets and extra bags filled with lumpy, awkward looking things. Why did they have so many things? They had only been gone two or three weeks.

Draco looked down at his own perfectly presented case, the Malfoy crest curling delicately below the handle. He had never had to do this before. Mother had always accompanied him to the station, a servant or elf of some sort carrying his trunk or case or whatever. Now he would have to do it on his own.

He heard a loud shout from a fair distance away and tuned to see the Weasley, a case swung over his shoulder, come almost running towards the Mudblood who was just getting out of a taxi with her Muggle parents. Draco sent them a sneer for good measure, but knew that know one would see it.


Potter was walking slowly along the station, his suitcase resting easily against his side. The Weasel girl was talking to some other girls and was much further ahead than Potter. Draco watched as he made his way unhurriedly towards the barrier between platforms nine and ten. As he drew closer, Draco saw that his eyes were red. As was his nose.

Potter was sick.

As if on cue, the Gryffindor sneezed loudly and covered his mouth with his free hand. Said hand then ran tiredly through his hair and then began to rummage in his travelling cloak’s pocket. A blast of cold air swept around Draco and he sighed and picked up his case. He shouldn’t have to sodding do this.

It was only when he was following Potter, a fair way behind, through the solid wall of Platform Nine and Three Quarters that he noticed in the boy’s hand a vivid green handkerchief.

Draco didn’t really feel cold anymore.


It felt good to be back on a broom. Over the Christmas break Harry had felt restless and bored. Jack Masters and the coach of the Magpies had written a few times, but hadn’t mentioned training or anything. So when Harry had shaken off Ginny and headed down towards the Pitch, his heart was lighter than it had been in days.

He blew his nose hard before he mounted and stuffed Malfoy’s handkerchief back into his pocket. As he shot off into the air he felt his sinuses clearing and throat opening. He gave a grin and threw himself into his flying.


Every few minutes his eyes flickered over to the Slytherin bleachers, just in case.

It was only when Harry brought the snitch out did Malfoy appear. Harry didn’t see him arrive; only looked over to suddenly see a white blond head under the stand. Harry took a deep breath and flew over to him. As he neared he saw that Malfoy was dressed in thick black robes that had dots of snow on them. Although with the charmed heat and dryness of the stadium, he must have been stifling.

Malfoy didn’t move when Harry vaulted off his broom and stood directly in front of him. The grey eyes only surveyed him calmly, looking just as disinterested as always.

“Why Potter, I was so enjoying your exhibition.”

Harry didn’t really know what to say, and to his dismay, he felt a sneeze coming on. He decided to play Malfoy at his own game. Be cocky and arrogant. Harry’s urge to sneeze left him and he grinned.

“Were you? You should come and see me at a game. I’m better then.” To Harry’s surprise they grey eyes looked mildly amused. The cold grey was lightening and Harry could see a slice of blue through them.

“I’ve been told,” said Malfoy easily and pulled his wand from his pocket. Harry gave a start and reached for his own, only to be rewarded with a condescending laugh. “I wouldn’t waste my time cursing you here, Potter.” The black wand was flicked once and the snow on Malfoy’s cloak disappeared.

“And why’s that?” Harry asked, still eying the wand.

Malfoy smirked and to Harry’s horror he felt his insides liquefy. The pale face was void of colour except for a light tinge on each cheek.

“Because, there’s no one here to see it.”


There was a silence while Malfoy regarded Harry blankly. Harry felt himself warm under Malfoy’s scrutiny and decided some movement might be in order. So he sat down. Malfoy’s eyes didn’t change their expression, only lightened a bit more.

Harry took a deep breath; “Why are you here?”

A blond eyebrow was raised. Harry’s insides slid around a bit. Oh Merlin. He was so close to Draco Malfoy. So close. He could see the flawless skin; if he wanted he could have reached out and touched it. The blond hair fell in a sheet from the top of the Slytherin’s head and brushed lightly across his forehead.

“I had thought that was obvious. I was watching you.”

Harry moved a little bit, feeling a little bit underdressed in his tight white training shirt and running shorts. He looked down at his feet, staring at his trainers.

“Why though?”

“Because I happen to like it, Potter.”

Harry’s insides now went into overdrive. Draco Malfoy liked to watch him fly. Draco sodding Malfoy wanted to watch him fly. Jesus. He looked up and saw Malfoy watching him calmly.

“What about Pansy?”

Malfoy blinked and his head jerked back a little way. And when he next spoke his voice was hard and cutting.

“What about her?”

Harry felt his stomach plummet. Oh God, he had fucked this up now. Malfoy was angry or pissed off or something.

“I just- well…I…I don’t know. Forget I said anything.” Harry held his breath and watched Malfoy’s eyes as they lingered on his shirt.

“Consider it forgotten.” The thin lips murmured and Harry breathed again. Malfoy stood and stretched, his head having to duck out of the way of the seats above him. Harry followed suit. Malfoy wrapped his cloak more securely around him and appeared to take a deep breath.

“Care for a walk Potter?”


Malfoy looked annoyed and a sneer wound its way onto his features.

“I said, did you care for a walk? I didn’t realise that the likes of you managed to lack intelligence to that extent. In fact I-

“Sure, why not.”

Malfoy stopped talking and stared at Harry. Harry felt a blush rise from his neck and looked down. What if Malfoy had been kidding? Oh Jesus, Malfoy was moving out from under the bleachers and heading towards the stadium’s exit. Harry stood there, struck dumb. A million thoughts raced through his head, the most prominent of them; Draco sodding Malfoy had asked him for a walk! Under any sort of other circumstances this invitation would not have been so momentous but since this was Malfoy asking…

“Are you coming Potter? I thought you were supposed to be some kind of athlete.”

Harry went.

Ha! Keep scrolling, baby!


Okay, so. Harry Potter was walking next to him. Harry Potter was walking next to him in nothing but an almost see-through white shirt and impossibly undersized running shorts. Harry Potter was walking next to him in nothing but an almost see-through white shirt and impossibly undersized running shorts and was currently quite sweaty since he just been Quidditch training.

Draco figured this must be what they called heaven.

They were walking through snow, towards the Forbidden Forest. Draco had no idea where he was going. Ideally they would run off together through the woods and Draco would divest him of his almost see-through white shirt and impossibly undersized running shorts and proceed to ravish him.

Although this seemed an unlikely scenario.

Draco looked over at Potter and saw goosebumps winding their way up his arms and down his legs.

“Cold Potter?”

The Gryffindor shot him a scathing look and Draco couldn’t help but smirk. The boy had wrapped his arms around his shoulders in an attempt to keep warm.

“If you were any kind of gentleman, Malfoy, you would have given me your cloak when we left the stadium.”

“Oh, but Potter, I am a gentleman. I just assumed a big strong boy like yourself could deal with a few snowflakes.”

Potter’s eyebrows shot into his messy hairline and his flipped Draco the finger from under his bicep.

“Malfoy, these aren’t just a few snowflakes,” he said derisively and Draco noticed him starting to shiver now. “It’s going to fucking storm.”

“Oh, so you want me to give up my coat, is that right?” Draco kept his voice suitably sarcastic, although it was a little difficult since he, himself was starting to shiver a little. “Well Potter, I’m not going to divest myself of clothing, no matter how much you want me to. But,” Potter had opened his mouth to say something. “Because I am a Malfoy and therefore a gentleman and although you are Harry Potter and I have sworn upon the grave of my father to loathe you until my dying day etcetera etcetera.” Draco raised his hand and saw Potter shrink back a little. “I will present you with a cloak of your own. Of sorts.”

Draco clicked his fingers and a thick black cloak wound its way over Potter’s narrow shoulders. The Gryffindor’s arms slipped through the sleeves and wrapped it securely about his person.

“Thanks, Malfoy. But since I am obliged to despise you and anticipate your death since you are Draco Malfoy etcetera etcetera, you will never repeat to another living soul that I thanked you, deal?”

Draco nodded and felt something inside him twist when Potter smiled back at him.

“But then again,” Potter continued cockily, “I think you would be in severe trouble by…I don’t know…everyone…if you had let Montrose’s new starting Seeker catch a cold.”

Draco scoffed and pulled a branch out of his path, and then carefully made sure it thwacked! back into Potter’s face. “You already had a cold, Potter.”

“Jesus Christ Malfoy!” the Gryffindor spluttered and wiped the snow off his face and shoulders. “Pneumonia then.”

Draco just sent a grin over his shoulder and kept walking. There was silence for a while and both boys wrapped their arms around themselves to keep out the cold.

“Where are we going?” asked Potter, wiping flakes off his glasses. Draco looked at him and then looked around. He had no idea.

“I have no idea.”

“Oh,” Potter nodded and looked around him, flakes gathering on his glasses again almost immediately.

Draco sat down suddenly in the snow, the soft, wet crunch the only sound in the area. He looked up at Potter who was still gazing around at the trees surrounding them. When he glanced down at Draco, he felt his insides curdle again. Potter sat down next to Draco and held out his palm. Nothing happened. Well, almost nothing. A bird flying low off towards the hollow in the tree just above them suddenly smacked into an invisible wall.

Draco almost killed himself laughing.

Potter cracked a grin and leant back onto the tree. He crossed his legs at the ankle and closed his eyes. Suddenly they sprang open. Draco started and looked around, expecting to see a stampeding herd of centaurs or something.

“Ginny wanted to know where Pansy got her robes from,”

Draco frowned. He didn’t want to talk about bloody Weasley. In fact, he was doing a very good job of forgetting she existed.

“Which ones? She owns nearly as many as I do,”

Potter screwed up his nose and Draco suddenly wanted to touch his own to it.

“The ones she wore to…to…that lady’s dinner party thing. I think they were blue. And you own more robes than a girl?”

Draco smirked and brought his legs up to his chest and rested his head on his knees. Looking over at Potter, he noticed that it wasn’t as cold anymore. At all really. He must have put that invisible wall all around them. Draco was starting to feel hazy and he blinked a little to keep himself from dozing off. He liked thinking of him and Potter just being in a box all by themselves.

“Twilfitt and Tatting’s. And yes I do.”

Potter laughed and shrugged off his coat. It slid down his back and the Gryffindor leant comfortably against it.

“I always knew you were a ponce, Malfoy.”

Draco scowled at him and drew his knees tighter to his chest. Although he hardly needed to. The little clear box they were in was quite toasty warm now.

“I’m not a ponce, Potter. I just,” He looked around as if searching for a word to help him. “Can we not talk about Pansy?”

Potter blinked.

“Okay,” he said slowly. “As long as we don’t talk about Ginny either.”

“I wasn’t going to. Why would I want to talk about that little…” he had been going to say blood traitor but figured Potter wouldn’t react kindly to that. “Girl.”’

“Good. Hey Malfoy?”


Then the most amazing thing happened.

Harry Potter kissed him.


Author's Notes:


So…you want to like…if you’re not too busy…and since you kinda maybe like me…and I sorta like you…we could…I dunno…comment together sometime?

Say, I pick you up…now?

Another thing before I sign out...I'm almost finished writing Jealousy so I'm scouting around for something new. So if you leave a comment did you want to leave a prompt and I'll write a drabble for you? Any random prompt Dinner? Buses?



AHHHHH! I TEASE SO here is the next part...
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