(no subject)

Mar 31, 2004 16:01

Zagreb I am. I got an email a while ago from dom. he said simply, he'd be in zagreb if I wanted to meet up with him. So I emailed him telling him to meet me at the train station. he was not there. He had not read the email. I sent another one saying that we should meet up soon, cause I had no where to go. I ended up finding a place on the outskirts of the city (really nice place, I'm hella impressed with Ravnice Hostel - and only for 99 kuna!). I waited for some form of response from my numerous emails. any kind of sign, I would be put at ease. if a bird smacked into me, that's gods way of saying 'better luck next time kid'. if the bird smacks into me, and an egg pops out, hatched, and the chick started chirping the MASH theme song, that could be taken as a sure thing luck is headed my way... or dom, but I think I'd prefer luck over dom right now.

He just replied though! ... finally. He wasn't even in Zagreb like he said, he'll be in the city on friday. So I gotta figure out how to keep myself entertained for two whole days. I'd hang out with travelers, but there's just a random guy sleeping in his bunk in my room, and everyone else has disappeared for the day. instead, I've been playing my guitar, and getting some great classical skillz built up. One song that I know real well brought tears of sorrow to my uncles face 'cause it brought up forgotten memories. BOO YAA! that's the ultimate compliment in my book; he looked like a loser, I looked like god. hahaha!

In other news, slovenian beer is good, but not in croatia. I think this is just building yet more tension between the slovenies and the croats. example:

SLOV: ¨Your fishing in slovenian waters you stupid Croat!¨
CROAT: ˝Yeah? well your traditional slovenian beer sucks monkey coconuts!˝
SLOV: ¨Lies! Bah! that's all you slow minded people can do. it's a shame your taste buds are acustomed to the taste of your mommas feces, or you'd enjoy the bitter-sweet symphony of Union Beer!¨
*Both groups proceed to punch each others lights out.*

Yet another tradegy brought forth by something or other... I don't really care anymore. as far as a lesson goes, when in slovenia, drink their beer. when in croatia, don't drink slovenian beer. case closed.
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