Today's exercise journal...

Jan 13, 2008 22:51


It was just one of those days when everything feels off a beat or two.  Starting with going outside this morning and seeing little ice chips coming down and accumulating just a tiny bit.  It never did "snow" - just little tiny bits of ice precipitation falling down until late morning.

I really didn't want a slow-track-walk day.  I wasn't feeling that exhausted from yesterday's treadmill.  I did call the club about 12:30ish asking if they had a racquetball court open for 1 PM.  Not only didn't they, but it was tied up until 3PM, when the racquetball league play started.
I also didn't want to treadmill or machine again, didn't want to do weights, don't have my swimsuit yet, and figured the basketball courts would be full up with kids and others.  And I am (legitimately) concerned that I've exercised the previous six days, and don't want to overdo it.  That's a little exaggerated, as I would have happily pushed hard on racquetball or soft on swimming.

But at any rate, the default mode became that this is a rest day, which I thought about when I first felt those ice chips - perhaps a Sabbath on exercise is a good thing.  As long as I don't lose my momentum.  Thinking about racquetball practice tomorrow morning.

* * *

I also didn't feel very productive this weekend, even though Nikki pointed out all the stuff I did get accomplished this weekend - a not insignificant list.  Maybe she's right, and it's just today's lack of exercise making me feel that way.

And the penalty of so many 3-4 days workweeks is now being felt, as this weekend felt entirely too short.

But back at it tomorrow - work and exercise!  And off to bed right now so I feel good enough to hit it well.

exercise sabbath, exercise

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