In the Wardrobe of the Goblin King: Black Armour

Nov 10, 2011 12:49

I went through "Labyrinth" and actually took notes and screen caps of all Jareth's costumes. Sadly, the caps are just from the DVD, not the Blu-Ray - to take screenshots of the Blu-Ray requires fancy software I don't have.

Since I did all this work, I figure I might as well share. It was sort of interesting to follow his wardrobe through the movie since although there are some unique ensembles (the Masquerade and "Bruised Owl" outfits, for instance) there is also a lot of mixing and matching as though this really was designed as a working wardrobe for the Goblin King.

From the Wardobe of the Goblin King there are 9 Outfits worn altogether (plus his Beggar disguise). I have no idea if anyone has developed standard names for these costumes, so I'm taking the liberty of naming them the way I want - usually after the scene, but sometimes after their look.

This might seem confusing at first, but I'm going to start by listing all the individual pieces, so you can see how they get mixed and matched:

Jackets and Doublets
Black Carapace Doublet (one outfit: Black Armour)
Jousting Jacket (one outfit: Jousting)
Spiffy Sparkly Tailcoat (one outfit: Masquerade)
Blood and Leather Doublet (one outfit: Escher Duel)

Life/Death Vest (four outfits: Magic Dance, Oubliette, Battle Stations, Blowing Bubbles)
Ivory Brocade Waistcoat (one outfit: Jousting)
Trimmed Waistcoat (?one outfit: Masquerade)

Skeletal Floaty Cape (three outfits: Black Armour, Battle Stations, Blowing Bubbles)
Dashing Cape (one outfit: Jousting)
Wraithly Cape (out outfit: Bruised Owl)

Artfully Tattered White Shirt (two outfits: Magic Dance, Battle Stations)
Tufted White Shirt (one outfit: Jousting)
White Shirt with Waterfall Ascot (one outfit: Masquerade)
Cuffless Black Shirt (two outfits: Oubliette, Blowing Bubbles)
Ghastly Shirt (one outfit: Bruised Owl)

Paving Stone Grey Pants (three outfits: Magic Dance, Battle Stations, Jousting)
Somewhat Shiny Charcoal Pants (four outfits: Black Armour (?), Blowing Bubbles, Escher Duel, Masquerade (?))
Ghostly Pants (one outfit: Bruised Owl)

Boots and Gloves
His Own Boots (probably every scene, except for Bruised Owl outfit where they are a desaturated version, though sometimes they seem more scuffed/brown and other times more polished/black.)
His Own Gloves (every scene except for Masquerade and Bruised Owl outfits - so 7 outfits)
Ivory Gloves (two outfits: Masquerade and probably Bruised Owl.)

Dream Crystals (five outfits: Black Armour, Oubliette, Jousting, Blowing Bubbles, Escher Duel)
Sceptre of Discipline (two outfits: Magic Dance, Jousting, Battle Stations)
Bejewelled Ascot Pin (one outfit: Masquerade)
Horned God Mask (one outfit: Masquerade)
Pendant of Power (morphs through various outfits: silver symbol built into chestpiece of Black Armour; silver symbol on cord in Magic Dance, Oubliette, Battle Stations, Peach, Blowing Bubbles; absent in Masquerade; turned upside down & bronze built into chestpiece of Escher Duel, bronze symbol on cord in Bruised Owl.)

1. Black Armour

First appearance in Toby’s room and introduces Sarah to the Labyrinth.
Action Figure based on this outfit.

Black Carapace Doublet - his shirt sleeves are either intrinsic to the piece or his undershirt is made of leather.
Pants - never seen well; they are dark. Probably the Somewhat Shiny Charcoal Pants based on the action figure.
His Own Boots - assumed since he always wears them, and based on the figure.
His Own Gloves
Skeletal Floaty cape
Silver Pendant of Power - built into his chestpiece.
Dream Crystal

To be continued.

labyrinth, costumes, jareth

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