Werewolf: the Forsaken Characters (Pure/Bale Hound/Wolf-Blooded Other) Part 2

Jul 08, 2012 14:01

In Order:
Name Who Location Pg. # Book Title
Aaron Masters Ivory Claw: Pure Arizona 137 Territories
Adeodatus Ivory Claw: Pure: NPC: Past: Rome 99 The War Against the Pure
Akilles Jordan Ivory Claw: Pure 80 The Pure
Anne Katherine Blake "Kat Brokensoul" Ivory Claw: Female: Pure 48 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Archer Ivory Claw: Sky's Talons Pack: Pure 165 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Beth Golden Ivory Claw: Female: Pure 78 The Pure
Damon Radcliffe Ivory Claw: Pure: Vengeance Pack 85 The Pure
Dan Jimenez Ivory Claw: Pure 78 The Pure
Dave Winstone Ivory Claw: Power and Glory Pack: Pure 159 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Desolation Jess Ivory Claw: Female: Pure 50 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Dominic Martin Ivory Claws: Howl to Mock the Dead Pure Pack 105 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Endammu (Flesh-Ripper) Ivory Claw: Female: Pure 67 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Esmeralda Rios Ivory Claw: Female: Pure 151 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Evan Hamilton Ivory Claw: Pure 78 The Pure
Gordon Boyd Ivory Claw: Sky's Talons Pack: Pure 165 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Gus "White-Hot" Fererro Ivory Claw: Pure 71 The Pure
Huetzin Ivory Claw: Pure 117 Blood of the Wolf
Ivory Claw Templar Ivory Claw: Pure: Stats 237 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Jacko "Leerie" Leary Ivory Claw: True Blood Pack: Pure 158 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Jen Davenport Ivory Claws: Female: Howl to Mock the Dead Pure Pack 106 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Johnny Shadow Ivory Claw: Pure 33 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Jonathon Masters Ivory Claw: Pure Arizona 137 Territories
Josef Coburn Ivory Claw: Pure: NPC: The Town Elders Pack Santa Fe Mexico 184 The Pure
Joshua Proudblood Ivory Claw: Pure 32 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Judith's Dagger Ivory Claw: Female: Pure 127 The Pure
Julian Archer Ivory Claw: NPC: Power and Glory Pack: Pure 159 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Kal" Gatherer Wolf Ivory Claw: Pure 47 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Kat Brokensoul Ivory Claw: Female: Pure 51 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Katherine Anne Blake "Kat Brokensoul" Ivory Claw: Female: Pure 48 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Keisha Ivory Claw: Female: Pure 79 The Pure
Louis Park Ivory Claw: Pure 80 The Pure
Lucy Abrams Ivory Claws: Irraka (Rare): Female: Pure 25 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Malcom Brightsun Ivory Claw: Father of Sascha: Howl to Mock the Dead Pure Pack 104 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Mike Turner Ivory Claw: Pure 80 The Pure
Monica Tullio Ivory Claw: Female: Pure 80 The Pure
Peyton Raine Ivory Claw: Pure 26 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Reggie Braff Ivory Claw: Pure 120 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Renato Cabral Ivory Claw Pure: Deep South Pack 85 The Pure
Richard Carlin Ivory Claw: Power and Glory Pack: Pure 159 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Sarah Masters Ivory Claw: Pure Arizona 137 Territories
Sascha Sunsdaughter Ivory Claws: Female: Howl to Mock the Dead Pure Pack 104 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Second Son Ivory Claws: Howl to Mock the Dead Pure Pack 106 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Seed-Spitter Ivory Claw: Pure 79 The Pure
Sparks From Stone Ivory Claw: Pure: Alpha 143 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Talons of the People Ivory Claw: True Blood Pack: Pure: NPC 158 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
The Huntsman: Anthony Prestor Ivory Claw: Pure 168 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Theia Ivory Claws: Female: Pure: NPC: The Silver Rush Pack Santa Fe Mexico 186 The Pure
Tim Kendall Ivory Claw: Pure 79 The Pure
Tony Burdis Ivory Claw: Power and Glory Pack: Pure 159 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
William Masters Ivory Claw: Pure Arizona 137 Territories

Andy Black Fire-touched: The Aimless Pack: Pure 161 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Andy Lee Fire-touched: True Blood Pack: Pure 158 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Auren Fire-touched: Female: Pure 2 The Pure
Bear Fire-touched: Pure: NPC: The Last Mile Pack 64 The Pure
Brother of Fire Fire-touched: Pure 32 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Celeste Fire-touched: Female: Pure: NPC: The Last Mile Pack 65 The Pure
Charles Fire-touched: Pure: Died 4 The Pure
Chaz "Fowler" Kendrick Fire-touched: Sky's Talons Pack: Pure 165 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Christian Macintyre Fire-touched: Time's Wounds Pack: Pure 164 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Cinder Fire-touched: Pure 56 The Pure
Coal Fire-touched: Pure 26 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Cousin Marcus Fire-touched: Pure 84 Blasphemies
Crucible Fire-touched: Pure: NPC: Fire's First Children Pack Santa Fe Mexico 178 The Pure
Deacon Marsh Fire-touched: Pure 115 The War Against the Pure
Devil's Daughter Fire-touched: Female: NPC: Pure: Route 666 Pack Santa Fe Mexico 176 The Pure
Ember Fire-touched: Female: Pure 2 The Pure
Faher Strict the Master of Hemotoxin Fire-touched: Pure 62 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Fire-Touched Deacon Fire-touched: Pure: Stats 237 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Gene "Cull" Coller Fire-touched: Howl to Mock the Dead Pure Pack 103 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Hunter's Voice Fire-touched: Pure back cover The Pure
Ian King Fire-touched: NPC: Sky's Talons Pack: Pure 166 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Isobel "Death's Voice" Lang Fire-touched: Female NPC: Time's Wounds Pack: Pure 164 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Janos Fire-touched: Pure 4 The Pure
Jervis Morgan Fire-touched: Time's Wounds Pack: Pure 164 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
John "Little Hell" Keeler Fire-touched: Pure (Formerly Iron Masters) NPC: Laughing Jackals Pack Santa Fe Mexico 182 The Pure
John Red-Hands Fire-touched: Pure: Dead 2 The Pure
Ka Hadar (Burning Whisper) Fire-touched: Pure 67 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Kate Shadow's Call Fire-touched: The Aimless pack: Pure 161 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Mary Black Talons Fire-touched: Time's Wounds pack: Pure 164 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Michael "Gurim-dakh" Fire-touched: Pure 3 The Pure
Nails Fire-touched Female: Pure 58 The Pure
Pastor Gray Fire-touched: Pure 50 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Purgatory Fire-touched: Pure: Packless: Painter Santa Fe Mexico 169 The Pure
Rachel "Si Zi'the 'Silent Truth'" Fire-touched: Female: Pure 3 The Pure
Reverend Winter Fire-touched: Pure: NPC: The Blood Street Preachers Pack Santa Fe Mexico 184 The Pure
Rev. Ewan M. Ogilvy Fire-touched: Pure 43 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Rick "Fort" Knox Fire-touched: Sky's Talons Pack: Pure 165 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Samuel Mentis Fire-touched: Pure 57 The Pure
Samuel Tucker Fire-touched: Howl to Mock the Dead Pure Pack 101 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Shawna Singer Fire-touched: Female: Pure 57 The Pure
Stokes Fire-touched: Pure: NPC: The Last Mile Pack 63 The Pure
The Demagogue: Kiwode Pinto Fire-touched: Pure: Female 167 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
The Mountain Man Fire-touched: Pure: Died Mexico 111 Signs of the Moon
Thrice-Scarred Jane Fire-touched: Time's Wounds Pack: Pure 164 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Tony Markov Fire-touched: Pure 64 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Tremor Fire-touched: Pure 57 The Pure
Trevor Cracked Bone Fire-touched: Sky's Talons Pack: Pure 165 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Truth-Speaker Fire-touched: Pure 99 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies

Alice Colburn Predator King: Pure: NPC: Female 53 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Ban Hiinek Predator King: Pure Arizona 138 Territories
Blood-on-the-Stones Predator King: Pure: NPC: Storm Above the Land Pack Santa Fe Mexico 180 The Pure
Bronwyn Davis Predator King: Black Mountain Pack: Pure 162 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Chevor Predator King: Daughter of Ben: Female: Pure Arizona 138 Territories
Chupe Predator King: Pure: NPC: Negatory Pack Santa Fe Mexico 179 The Pure
Coat of Snow Predator King: NPC: Black Mountain Pack: Pure 163 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Crack Tooth Predator King: Pure 32 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Crowned Rhiannon Predator King: Black Mountain Pack: Pure 162 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Dark Sky Predator King: Howl to Mock the Dead Pure Pack 102 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Eddie Rawhide Predator King: Pure: NPC: Ignition Pack Santa Fe Mexico 181 The Pure
Elder Man Eater Predator King: Pure: Stats 238 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Gabriel Ward Predator King: Pure: Stats Arizona 100 Territories
Gargahan Shulath (Bringer of Ruin) Predator King: Pure 67 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Ge'e Mashad Predator King: Pure Arizona 138 Territories
Gutterblood Predator King: Pure 100 The Pure
Hunt's-Eye Predator King: Pure: Seet 55 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
John Gowan Predator King: Black Mountain Pack: Pure 162 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Jon Streetlight Howl Predator King: The Aimless Pack: Pure 161 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Lahan-Aru (Prey-Render) Predator King: Pure: Female 67 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Little Mary Predator King: Female: NPC: Pure: Roach Blood Pack Santa Fe Mexico 177 The Pure
Lost Obsidian Claws Predator King: Pure Arizona 138 Territories
Preys Unseen Predator King NPC: Pure: Pure Howl Before Time Pack Santa Fe Mexico 174 The Pure
Pure-Heart Terra Predator King: Female: Dying 130 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Rain-Caller Predator King: Pure 100 The Pure
Red Snow Predator King: Howl to Mock the Dead Pure Pack 101 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Red Stick Predator King: Pure: NPC 137 The War Against the Pure
Rodrigo Predator King: Alpha of the Roach Blood Pack Santa Fe Mexico 178 The Pure
Sarah Grey-Howler Predator King: Female: Pure 100 The Pure
Silent-in-the-Desert-Wind Predator King: Pure: NPC: Absence of Sunlight at Dawn Pack Santa Fe Mexico 187 The Pure
Snowsprinter Predator King: Pure 99 The Pure
Sound-the-Howling-Cries Predator King: Pure: Dead 99 The Pure
Tanglejaw Predator King: NPC: Cult of Bones 123 Lodges: The Faithful
The Beast: Many-Taloned Hunter Predator King: Pure: Female 167 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Until-the-Blood Predator King: Pure 161 Tribes of the Moon
Urazakh-Angir Predator King: Pure 69 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane

Abraham Raine Pure 25 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Clay "Gut Check" Larson Pure 46 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Doc the Master of Hemlock Pure 62 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Emily (Rabid Sister) Pure: Female 41 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
George (Defies the Moon) Pure 41 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Jedediah Raine Pure 25 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Jesse "Bear Trap" Kern Pure: Female 46 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Landon (Walks with Fury) Pure 41 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Might of Stone Pure: Female 151 The War Against the Pure
Mitch Lanning Pure 49 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Rachel Abrams Pure: Female 25 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Tox-Never-Speaks the Master of Strychnine Pure 62 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane

Uratha Hunter Pure: Ivory Claws or Irraka Ghost Wolves: Stats: Past Rome vs. Parthia 101 The War Against the Pure

Adelita Sundancer Bale Hound/Ivory Claws: Female: NPC: Dogs of Chimayo Pack Santa Fe Mexico 188 The Pure
Eleanor Hepburn Bale Hound: Sparrowclaw Circle Pack: Alpha Female 25 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Harry Gallagher Bale Hound/Storm Lord: The Estate Pack 152 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Lip Ramage Bale Hound/Ghost Wolf: Rahu: The Estate Pack 152 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Liz Bale Hound/Predator King: Female: NPC: The Aimless Pack: Pure 161 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Locke Bale Hound 16 Signs of the Moon
Maryann Bale Hound: Female: Dead 4 Blasphemies
Olivia Citysmith Bale Hound: Female Back cover Blasphemies
Piggy Bale Hound 111 Blasphemies
Rostislav Bale Hound: Lodge of The Lake Antarctica 89 Lodges: The Splintered
Three-Finged Neil Bale Hound/Blood Talon: Irraka: The Estate Pack 152 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Bale Hounds of Asmodai (Makuh-Rihur) Bale Hound 119 Blasphemies
Bale Hounds of Baalphegor (Sa'asu-Rihur) Bale Hound 125 Blasphemies
Bale Hounds of Beliar (Na'aki-Rihur) Bale Hound 118 Blasphemies
Bale Hounds of Carnala (Desasu-Rihur) Bale Hound 124 Blasphemies
Bale Hounds of Lamashtu (Namhur-Rihur) Bale Hound 121 Blasphemies
Bale Hounds of Mammon (Gushasu-Rihur) Bale Hound 123 Blasphemies
Bale Hounds of Maastraac (Asusar-Rihur) Bale Hound 118 Blasphemies
Bale Hounds of Pseulak (Lul-Rihur) Bale Hound 117 Blasphemies
Bale Hounds of Thurifuge (Azitha-Rihur) Bale Hound 120 Blasphemies

Albert Lawrence Cursed: NPC: Stats: Not Forsaken or Pure (Werewolf): Cannot use Gifts or Rites 21 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Dave Naughton Cursed: Not Forsaken or Pure (Werewolf): Cannot use Gifts or Rites 19 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Laura Pfieffer Cursed: Not Forsaken or Pure (Werewolf): Cannot use Gifts or Rites 19 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Riley Ogilvy Cursed: Not Forsaken or Pure (Werewolf): Cannot use Gifts or Rites 19 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Tom McDermott Cursed: Not Forsaken or Pure (Werewolf): Cannot use Gifts or Rites 20 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Will Nicholson Cursed: Not Forsaken or Pure (Werewolf): Cannot use Gifts or Rites 18 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)

Akkulu the Eater Ur-Sag: Ithaeur: Dog-Kings of Sumer 58 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Dreams-of-Dust-Tongue Ur-Sag 59 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Hegir-Nuna the Singer Ur-Sag: Cahalith: Dog-Kings of Sumer 58 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Ikssuda the Grasper Ur-Sag: Irraka: Dog-Kings of Sumer 58 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Illtebu the Holder Ur-Sag: Elodoth: Dog-Kings of Sumer 58 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Ukkumu the Seizer Ur-Sag: Rahu: Dog-Kings of Sumer 58 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)

Anna Koren Wild Child: Not Forsaken or Pure back cover Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Vargr The Pack: Werewolves: Not Forsaken or Pure 156 Changing Breeds
Sandra Lee Scott Victim of the Disease: Versipellitis: NPC: Female: Not Forsaken or Pure 120 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane

Aidan Hardrick Wolf-blooded: Killed 35 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Albert Doiron Wolf-blooded: Hunters in Darkness 113 Blood of the Wolf
Aunt Stacy Wolf-blooded: Disappeared: Storm Lords: Female 128 Blood of the Wolf
Carol Wolf-blooded: Human: Female 41 Blood of the Wolf
Cassie Wolf-Blooded: Storm Lords: Brought Back to Life 165 Tribes of the Moon
Cavallas Wolf-blooded Family Santa Fe Mexico 171 The Pure
Dr. Wilhelmina Weiss Wolf-blooded: Uragarum 14 Signs of the Moon
Fillmore Herz Wolf-blooded: Owner of Herz Orchards Oregon 78 Territories
Isaiah Wolf-blooded: Son of Peyton 24 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
John Barcomb "The Lure" Wolf-blooded 128 Blood of the Wolf
John Hardrick Wolf-blooded 5 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Karl Pfeiffer Wolf-blooded: Uragarum 14 Signs of the Moon
Keeltown Colorado Wolf-blooded: Predator Kings 18 The Pure
Lillian Pickering-Smith Wolf-blooded: Human: Female: The Pickering Family Pack 42 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Los Aseinos Wolf-blooded: Fire-Touched Los Angeles 18 The Pure
Los Pinos Wolf-blooded Family Santa Fe Mexico 168 The Pure
Maria Rios Wolf-blooded: Female 117 Blood of the Wolf
Marsh Pickering Wolf-blooded: The Pickering Family Pack 41 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Miguel Rios Wolf-blooded: Killed 117 Blood of the Wolf
Neil Kimberlin "The Silversmith" Wolf-blooded 130 Blood of the Wolf
Regina Lannier "The Last Survivor" Wolf-blooded: Female 131 Blood of the Wolf
Robert Owens Wolf-blooded: President of the Parkdale Lions Oregon 80 Territories
Sherry Wolf-blooded 77 Signs of the Moon
Tayauh Rios Wolf-blooded escaped male becomes werewolf finds Iron Masters (Irraka) 117 Blood of the Wolf
The Doirons Wolf-blooded Family: Hunters in Darkness 113 Blood of the Wolf
The Lancaster Clan Wolf-blooded: Ivory Claws North Carolina 17 The Pure
The Pickerings Wolf-blooded Family: Bone Shadows 115 Blood of the Wolf
The Rios Wolf-blooded Family 117 Blood of the Wolf
Wendy Draper Wolf-blooded: State Trooper 4 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Wolf-Blooded Hunter Wolf-blooded: Human 235 Werewolf: the Forsaken

Brain Wolf-blooded? Baby 41 Blood of the Wolf
Michael Wolf-bloooded? Didn't Change Dhaka 2 Lodges: The Splintered

Whiskey Croc Shadow Breeds: The Cold Kings: Werealligators 198 Changing Breeds
Hanumani Brahman Royal Apes: Wereape/Weremonkey 160 Changing Breeds
The Order of the Luminous Way of Sun Wukong Royal Apes: Wereape/Weremonkey 262 Changing Breeds
Abathakathi Royal Apes: Werebaboon 163 Changing Breeds
Babi-Ahsh Royal Apes: Werebaboon 165 Changing Breeds
The Chacma Werebaboons Africa: Cape Town 163 The War Against the Pure
Tothians Royal Apes: Werebaboon 165 Changing Breeds
Vagahuir Wing-Folk: Werebats 194 Changing Breeds
Qualm'a ni Bastet: Werebobcats/Werelynxs 131 Changing Breeds
Rucksack Mary Bastet (Qualm'a ni) 214 Changing Breeds
Nanuq Ursara: Werebears (Polar Bears) 177 Changing Breeds
Storm Bears Ursara: Werebears (Dire Bears or Nahual) 179 Changing Breeds
Yonah Ursara: Werebears 175 Changing Breeds
Ejercito de Toro Werebulls Loma Soledad: Spain 160 The War Against the Pure
Athena of the Flashing Eyes Werebulls Names 222 The War Against the Pure
Aurelius of the Red Harvest Werebull: NPC: Idol: Bone Auspice 221 The War Against the Pure
Baal-Hadad "Gudthabak" Werebulls 215 The War Against the Pure
Brother Michael Werebulls Names 222 The War Against the Pure
Father Paul Werebulls Names 222 The War Against the Pure
Serena of the Piercing Horns Werebulls Names 222 The War Against the Pure
Sister Wren Werebulls Names 222 The War Against the Pure
Thomas of the Silent Ax Werebulls Names 222 The War Against the Pure
Betty Johnson Werecats: Names 189 The War Against the Pure
Bubasti Bastet: Werecats 126 Changing Breeds
Cait Sith Bastet: Werecats/Werelions/European 130 Changing Breeds
Crueltongue Werecats: Names 189 The War Against the Pure
Emile Autumn "Ghost" Bastet 123 Changing Breeds
Fickletail Werecats: Names 189 The War Against the Pure
Klinkerash Bastet: Werecats (Black) 132 Changing Breeds
Maryam French "Honeytongue" Werecats Female NPC: Auspice: Leafeyes 192 The War Against the Pure
Nurse McAvoy "Nimbleclaw" Werecats Female 192 The War Against the Pure
Peter Cosgrove Werecats: Names 189 The War Against the Pure
Quickpaw Werecats: Names 189 The War Against the Pure
The Colony "Suthanu-Sua" Werecats 187 The War Against the Pure
Yumni Shadow Breeds: The Taurae: Werebufflos 203 Changing Breeds
Mistai Laughing Strangers: Werecoyotes 146 Changing Breeds
Corvians Wing-Folk: Werecrows/Wereravens 192 Changing Breeds
Warrigal The Pack: Weredingos 156 Changing Breeds
Maerans The Pack: Weredogs 152 Changing Breeds
Olutakami Shadow Breeds: The Oceanborn: Weredolphins 199 Changing Breeds
Iravati The Land Titans: Were-elephants (South-Asian) 138 Changing Breeds
Jhaa The Land Titans: Were-elephants (Asian) 136 Changing Breeds
Mhole-Rho The Land Titans: Were-elephants (African) 137 Changing Breeds
Chervaliers Rapace Wing-Folk: Werefalcons/Were-eagles 193 Changing Breeds
Crash falcon shifter 214 Changing Breeds
Ehecatl Werefalcons: Names 198 The War Against the Pure
Enlil Werefalcons: Names 198 The War Against the Pure
Ishkura Werefalcons: Female NPC 199 The War Against the Pure
Olorun Werefalcons: Names 198 The War Against the Pure
The Distant Ones "Surthu Athilal" Werefalcons 194 The War Against the Pure
Carl (Zithagh Hibizh Anhur) Werefish: NPC New Jersey 206 The War Against the Pure
Oe Werefish: Founder (Died) 201 The War Against the Pure
The Brineborn "Bith Balag" Werefish 201 The War Against the Pure
Reynardi Laughing Strangers: Werefoxes 145 Changing Breeds
Mendeans Shadow Breeds: The Horned Folk: Weregoats 199 Changing Breeds
Kinno'balo Shadow Breeds: The Riverkin: Werefrogs 200 Changing Breeds
Dr. Epona Steed Wind-Runners 180 Changing Breeds
Felipe Miguel Santiago Bandaris "Keeper of the Family Crest" Wind-Runners (Equestri) 206 Changing Breeds
Takuskansa Wind-Runners: Werehorses 186 Changing Breeds
Uchchaihshravi Wind-Runners: Werehorses 183 Changing Breeds
Gente Alada Wing-Folk: Hummingbird/Quetzal 190 Changing Breeds
Riantes The Pack: Werehyenas 154 Changing Breeds
Balam Bastet: Werejagaurs 130 Changing Breeds
Balam-Colop Shapeshifter: Balam-Colop: Werejaguars 95 Blasphemies
Bahgrasha Bastet: Wereleopards 130 Changing Breeds
Hatara Bastet: Werelions 128 Changing Breeds
Alces Wind-Runners: Weremooses/Wereelks 184 Changing Breeds
Kyle Volente Wing-Folk (Strigoi) 211 Changing Breeds
Sovah Volente Wing-Folk (Strigoi) 211 Changing Breeds
The Strigoi Wing-Folk: Wereowls 195 Changing Breeds
Old Man Possum Laughing Strangers (Wapathemwa) 213 Changing Breeds
Wapathemwa Laughing Strangers: Werepossums 147 Changing Breeds
Baitu Laughing Strangers: Wererabbits 142 Changing Breeds
Archunem Laughing Strangers: Wereraccoons 144 Changing Breeds
Minjur Laughing Strangers: Wererats 141 Changing Breeds
Witchrats Wererats: Allies with Beshilu Tenderlion: San Fran 160 The War Against the Pure
Azubuike The Land Titans: Wererhinos 135 Changing Breeds
Chomper Wereroaches: Bug Names 214 The War Against the Pure
Jenkins Wereroaches 214 The War Against the Pure
Killer Wereroaches: Bug Names 214 The War Against the Pure
Piggy Wereroaches: Bug Names 214 The War Against the Pure
Po-boy Wereroaches 214 The War Against the Pure
Puke Wereroaches: Bug Names 214 The War Against the Pure
Samantha Gregory Wereroaches: Female NPC 214 The War Against the Pure
Shadow Wereroaches: Bug Names 214 The War Against the Pure
Squick Wereroaches 214 The War Against the Pure
The Unclean "Nidmuzug" Wereroaches 208 The War Against the Pure
Mimma Lemnua Shadow Breeds: The Swarm: Werescrabs 201 Changing Breeds
Hugranjah Royal Apes: Weresasquatch/Ape 165 Changing Breeds
Copperhead McCain Serpentines (Melusinae) 208 Changing Breeds
Melusinae Shadow Breeds: Serpentines: Weresnakes 201 Changing Breeds
Carapache The Spinner-Kin: Werespider (South American) 169 Changing Breeds
C'hi Hsu The Spinner-Kin: Werespider (Chinese) 171 Changing Breeds
Nanekisu The Spinner-Kin: Werespider 168 Changing Breeds
Sicarius The Spinner-Kin: Werespider (Black Widow) 172 Changing Breeds
Fawn Richards Wind-Runners (Flidaisin) 209 Changing Breeds
Flidaisin Wind-Runners: Werestags/Weredeer 185 Changing Breeds
Brythians Wing-Folk: Wereswans 197 Changing Breeds
Rajanya Bastet: Weretigers 125 Changing Breeds
Bear Shifter? 214 Changing Breeds
Hyper Shifter? 214 Changing Breeds
Mandrill Shifter? 214 Changing Breeds
Steve-Steve Shifter? 214 Changing Breeds

white wolf, werewolf the forsaken, characters

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