Werewolf: the Forsaken Characters (Forsaken/Ghost Wolves) Part 1

Jul 08, 2012 13:58

In Order:
Name Who Location Pg. # Book Title
Aaron Fairhand Blood Talons: Elodoth: Eddie's Pack 49 Tribes of the Moon
Abopey the Catfish Blood Talons: Irraka Africa 184 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Aleksander Vierzba Blood Talons: Elodoth: NPC: Lodge of The Willow Branch Poland 142 Lodges: The Splintered
Andrew Blood-From-the-Shadows Blood Talons: Elodoth: NPC: Lodge of Swords 99 Lodges: The Faithful
Andrew Long-Run Blood Talons 31 Tribes of the Moon
Ben Priest Blood Talons: Cahalith: The Trawlermen Pack 147 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Boneless Harald Blood Talons: Past 24 Tribes of the Moon
Branch Blood Talons 59 Tribes of the Moon
Bright Claw Blood Talons: Names of Glory 30 Tribes of the Moon
Broken Sword Blood Talons: Rahu: Dead: Lodge of the Lone Wolf 37 Tribes of the Moon
Captain Aaron Williams Blood Talons: Elodoth: Founder of The Lodge of the Shield L.A. 35 Tribes of the Moon
Cara One-Last-Cut Blood Talons: Irraka: Female: NPC: Lodge of Garm 56 Lodges: The Faithful
Cholo Blood Talons: Irraka: NPC: The Howlrunners Pack Santa Fe Mexico 188 The Pure
Cholon Sukh "Stone Axe" Blood Talons: Rahu 189 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Copperhead Blood Talons: Irraka: Female: Scar Angels Pack 36 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Coyote Smile Blood Talons: Names of Glory 30 Tribes of the Moon
Daniel Thunderstar Blood Talons: Irraka: NPC: Lodge of Wendigo 109 Lodges: The Faithful
Detective Kowalski Blood Talons: The Lodge of the Shield L.A. 35 Tribes of the Moon
Edward Shattersong K'ruuk Blood Talons: Cahalith: NPC: Lodge of Scars 115 Lodges: The Splintered
Emilien "Honor Flows" Wickham Blood Talons: Lodge of The Rose Europe 107 Lodges: The Splintered
Emmet Royce Blood Talons: Past: WWII 27 Tribes of the Moon
Enrique Blood Talons: Rahu 71 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Fergal Macrea Blood Talons: Ithaeur: NPC: Lodge of The Rose Europe 112 Lodges: The Splintered
Fukue Blood Talons: Cresecent Moon: Past: The Middle Path Pack 26 Tribes of the Moon
Gerard the Last-Howler Blood Talons: Route 49 Pack 9 Lore of the Forsaken
Ghost Howl Blood Talons: Cahalith: Past: Founder of The Lodge of the Einherjar 32 Tribes of the Moon
Greg Butcher Blood Talons: Ithaeur: The Irregulars Pack 132 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Grunt Blood Talons: Rahu: The Red Knives Pack 32 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Handsome Katla Blood Talons: Ithaeur: Female Northern Europe 200 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Harold "Grinning Skull" Fairweather Blood Talons: Elodoth: NPC: Lodge of Cerberus 40 Lodges: The Faithful
Hellfire Blood Talons: Rahu: Scar Angels Pack 37 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Hernan Bolivar Blood Talons: Irakka 94 Blasphemies
Honcho Blood Talons: Cahalith: The Red Knives Pack 302 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Jack Snake Tooth Blood Talons: Lodge of the Lone Wolf 42 Tribes of the Moon
Jackson Morris Blood Talons: Elodoth: NPC: The Lodge of the Shield 46 Tribes of the Moon
Jack Timber Blood Talons back cover Territories
Jerry "Duke" Needham Blood Talons: Elodoth: Scar Angels Pack 303 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Joanne Lassiter Blood Talons: Female: Downtown Hunters Pack 9 Lore of the Forsaken
Jo Final Strike Blood Talons: Irraka: The Bone Orchard Pack 136 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
John Marx Blood Talons: Elodoth: The Mountain Demons Pack 134 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Jurgurtha Lion-Eater Blood Talons: Irraka NPC: Lodge of The Red Sands Desert of Sub-Africa 106 Lodges: The Splintered
Killsinger Blood Talons: Cahalith 127 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Komori Blood Talons: Elodoth: Past: The Middle Path Pack 26 Tribes of the Moon
Long-Nail Jack Blood Talons 31 Tribes of the Moon
Lukas "Barbarossa" Reimann Blood Talons: Rahu: NPC: Lodge of the Black Woods Germany 41 Lodges: The Splintered
Mani Seif Blood Talons 2 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Mark Freerunner Blood Talons: Last Surviving Member of the Stone Killers Pack 9 Lore of the Forsaken
Michiko Blood Talons: Moon Dancer: Past: The Middle Path Pack 27 Tribes of the Moon
Mick Campbell Blood Talons: Rahu: The Bone Orchard Pack 137 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Miller Blood Talons: Rahu Colt Mesa 2 The War Against the Pure
Minister Red Blood Talons 173 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Nine-Claws Amy Blood Talons: Rahu: Female: New Hope Pack 63 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Nuananong Blood Talons: Lodge of Songkran Thailand/Laos/Myanmar 117 Lodges: The Splintered
Ollie White Blood Talons: Past: WWII 27 Tribes of the Moon
Olwen Blood Talons: Names of Glory 30 Tribes of the Moon
Phantom Blood Talons: Irraka: Female: The Red Knives Pack 33 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Ragnar Two Step Blood Talons: Past 24 Tribes of the Moon
Ranger Blood Talons: Irraka: The Red Knives Pack 33 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Red Claw Blood Talons: Rahu: Past 24 Tribes of the Moon
Rhonabwy Blood Talons: Names of Glory 30 Tribes of the Moon
Rib-Spreader Blood Talons: Names of Glory 30 Tribes of the Moon
Richard Canfield Blood Talons: Rahu: The Silver Syndicate Pack 53 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Ripper Blood Talons: Names of Glory 30 Tribes of the Moon
Rose Blood Talons: Cahalith: Female: Nine Walkers Pack Tokyo 26 Tribes of the Moon
Ruth Hundred-Scars Blood Talons back cover The War Against the Pure
Sanjay Jain Blood Talons: Elodoth: The Hard-Linder 156 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Seething Brave Blood Talons: Rahu 60 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Sidewinder Blood Talons: Names of Glory 30 Tribes of the Moon
Smoker Blood Talons: Irraka: Scar Angels Pack 37 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Snake-Eyed Eddie Blood Talons: Irraka: NPC 48 Tribes of the Moon
Snap Blood Talons: Cahalith: The Red Knives Pack 34 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Soul-of-the-Tribes Blood Talons: Elodoth: NPC: Lodge of Unity 143 Lodges: The Faithful
Steel Trap Mind Blood Talons: Elodoth: NPC: The Irregulars Pack 132 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Stone Eyes Blood Talons: Rahu: Lodge of the Lone Wolf 42 Tribes of the Moon
Tasanee Blood Talons: Cahalith: Female: NPC: Lodge of Songkran Thailand/Laos/Myanmar 120 Lodges: The Splintered
The Coulee Ridge Cannibal Blood Talons: Rahu: NPC 47 Tribes of the Moon
Thomas Coldfire Blood Talons: Elodoth: Lodge of the Lone Wolf 37 Tribes of the Moon
Walks-From-the-Light Blood Talons: Rahu: NPC: Lodge of Night 76 Lodges: The Faithful
William Blood Talons 3 The Pure

Aldric Haven Bone Shadows: Elodoth New Orleans 17 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Amanda "First Shadow Cast" Lopez Bone Shadows: Elodoth: Female: The Three Sisters Pack 44 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Andrea Waters Bone Shadows: Cahalith: Female: The Silver Syndicate Pack 54 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Andrew Carlton Bone Shadows: Irraka: Founder (The Lodge of Coyote): Pack Leader (Lobos del Rio): Past 44 World of Darkness: Shadows of Mexico
Andrew Pickering Bone Shadows: The Pickering Family Pack 40 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Angela Jennings Bone Shadows: Cahalith: Female: NPC: The Bone Orchard Pack 137 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Angeni Pickering Bone Shadows: Irraka: The Pickering Family Pack 40 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Angus Reimann Bone Shadows: Ithaeur: The Bone Orchard Pack 137 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Arlene Maeve Bone Shadows: Female: Lodge of The Rose Europe 112 Lodges: The Splintered
Azrael MacCreedy Bone Shadows 28 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Broken Plume (Bone Shadow) Bone Shadows: Flowers of Quetzal Pack: Ally to Los Fiel de Cuernavaca (Vampire Brood) 165 World of Darkness: Shadows of Mexico
Charun Lhitar Bone Shadows: Ithaeur: NPC: Lodge of Prophecy 80 Lodges: The Faithful
Cloz Bone Shadows: Cahalith: Lodge of Harbingers: The Ramblers Pack: NPC 82 Tribes of the Moon
Confessor of Leaves Bone Shadows: Rahu 38 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Corwin Sandstone Bone Shadows Backcover Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Crash at Market and Eighth Bone Shadows: Naming Conventions 61 Tribes of the Moon
Daniel "The Thug" Leon Bone Shadows: Rahu: NPC: Lodge of The Modernist France 100 Lodges: The Splintered
Darius Bone Shadows: Irraka 38 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Doctor Laurence Bone Shadows: Ithaeur: NPC: Lodge of Hallowed Halls 78 Tribes of the Moon
Duncan MacCreedy "Venus" Bone Shadows: Rahu 28 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Eddie Last Vengeance Bone Shadows: Rahu: King's Cross Pack 2 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Elliot Mason Clicks Bone Shadows: King's Cross Pack: Died 2 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Emmy Longham Bone Shadows Backcover World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Feliz Carrera Bone Shadows: Female Arizona 139 Territories
Francis the Confessor Bone Shadows: Elodoth: NPC: Lodge of Doors 52 Lodges: The Faithful
Frank Tate "Joshua" Bone Shadows: Ithaeur 88 Blasphemies
George Longing-Glance Bone Shadows: Ithaeur: Owl's Mourning Pack 136 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Greta the Hundred-Wounded Bone Shadows: Female: Lodge of the Black Woods Germany 37 Lodges: The Splintered
Gretchen Windtaster Bone Shadows: Cahalith: Female: NPC: Lodge of Harbingers 59 Lodges: The Faithful
Gullbaiter Bone Shadows new jersey 32 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Heath Miller Bone Shadows: Elodoth 108 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Induku Bone Shadows: Cahalith Africa 185 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Isteban of the Choking Vines Bone Shadows: Ithaeur 40 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Ito Death's Laughter Bone Shadows: Cahalith: NPC: Lodge of The Endless Moon Japan 48 Lodges: The Splintered
Ivan Grave-Eyes Bone Shadows: Cahalith: The Lodge of the Einherjar san diego 33 Tribes of the Moon
Jack Rat's Nest Bone Shadows: Elodoth: The Temple Guard Pack 133 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Jack "Shrike's Thorn" Kinneson Bone Shadows: Elodoth: The New Hope Pack 301 Werewolf: the Forsaken
James Bone Shadows 3 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Jamie Rankin "Wandering Voice" Bone Shadows: Elodoth Aspect: Envoy: Lodge of Harbingers: NPC San Diego: CA 110 Signs of the Moon
Janet Pickering Bone Shadows: Cahalith: Female: The Pickering Family Pack 40 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Jean Sehene Bone Shadows: Gibbous Moon: Lodge of the Hundred Days 64 Tribes of the Moon
Jenny Howls with the Wind Bone Shadows: Irraka: Female: The Witch 155 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Jericho Glass Bone Shadows: Legend/Tale 43 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Jesse "Burning Bones" Cartwright Bone Shadows: Rahu: NPC: Lodge of Death 48 Lodges: The Faithful
Jessie Hell Bone Shadows: Irraka: Female 29 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
John Blackstone Bone Shadows 42 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Kachi-Kachi Bone Shadows: Ithaeur: Female: NPC: Lodge of The Hungry Ghosts Japan 69 Lodges: The Splintered
Kaern Marx Bone Shadows: Ithaeur: Female: The Mountain Demons Pack 131 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Karen Spiral Bone Shadows: Ithaeur: Female: King's Cross Pack: Died 2 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Kelly Sadler Bone Shadows: Ithaeur: Jagged Sky's Pack 58 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Kim Carlson Bone Shadows: Rahu: Female: The Three Sisters Pack 45 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Lisa Brant Bone Shadows: Female 5 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Lusi Vasquez "Santo" Bone Shadows: Irraka: Died 12 Signs of the Moon
Maiandra Cloudheart Bone Shadows: Elodoth 40 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Marcus Bone Shadows: Rahu: Second Passage Pack 211 Signs of the Moon
Marie "Silver Mercy" Lves Bone Shadows: Irraka: Female: NPC: Lodge of Vocies 105 Lodges: The Faithful
Mark Bone Shadows: Died: King's Cross Pack 2 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Marrow Bone Shadows: Irraka: Hirfathra Hissu 23 Signs of the Moon
Martin-of-the-Rust Bone Shadows 35 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Mary Silent Running Bone Shadows: Irraka: Female: NPC: Lodge of Scavengers 90 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Micah McCreedy Bone Shadows: Irraka: Died 27 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Moon's Tear Bone Shadows: Elodoth: Owl's Mourning Pack 136 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Morrison Pickering Bone Shadows: Elodoth: The Pickering Family Pack 41 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Murky" Zane Coolidge Bone Shadows: Irraka: Lodge of Harbingers: The Ramblers Pack: NPC 80 Tribes of the Moon
Noah Bone Shadows: Cahalith: Alpha of The Second Passage Pack 211 Signs of the Moon
Oasis Bone Shadows: Elodoth: Female: The Mountain Demons Pack 132 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Obadiah Pickering Bone Shadows: Ithaeur: The Pickering Family Pack 304 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Obadiah Pickering Jr. Bone Shadows: Died: The Pickering Family Pack 40 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Octavian Pickering Bone Shadows: The Pickering Family Pack 40 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Owl Eyes Bone Shadows: Ithaeur: Past 80 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Park Sun Ae Bone Shadows: Ithaeur: Female: The Three Sisters Pack 305 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Peter Vasquez Bone Shadows: Rahu: The Mountain Demons Pack 132 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Phil Bone Shadows: Lodge of Hallowed Halls 66 Tribes of the Moon
Quetzal Bone Shadows: Past 93 Blasphemies
Rajesh Ghost Howler Bone Shadows: Cahalith: King's Cross Pack 2 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Red Jenny Bone Shadows: Cahalith: The Irregulars Pack 131 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Rob "Furthest Leap" Cross Bone Shadows: Rahu: The Temple Guard Pack 133 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Robin Miller Bone Shadows: Irraka: The Invisible City Pack 153 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Roslyn Leff Bone Shadows: Rahu: Female: Lodge of Harbingers: The Ramblers Pack: NPC 81 Tribes of the Moon
Sarabeth MacCreedy Bone Shadows: Female 28 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Semira Micci Bone Shadows: Cahalith: Female 104 Blasphemies
Sermon Bone Shadows: Cahalith: The Mountain Demons Pack 131 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Shorty Bone Shadows 58 Tribes of the Moon
Stella Bone Shadows: Female: Lodge of Reaping 69 Tribes of the Moon
Suchada Suthep Bone Shadows: Rahu 38 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Swept Sage Bone Shadows: Cahalith 38 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Ten-Six Bone Shadows: Naming Conventions 61 Tribes of the Moon
The Ghost of Tom Bone Shadows: Rahu: Eddie's Pack 49 Tribes of the Moon
Thomas Hamilton Bone Shadows: Ithaeur: The Ghost Knives Pack: NPC 135 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Three-Face Miranda Bone Shadows: Irraka 42 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Uriah MacCreedy Bone Shadows: Irraka: Past 27 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Vault's Keeper Bone Shadows: Elodoth: The Ghost Knives Pack 135 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Veado Dancante Bone Shadows: Elodoth Southern Europe 201 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Warren Jones Bone Shadows: Irraka: Black Light Pack 145 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Watcher of Shadows Bone Shadows: Cahalith: The Bone Orchard Pack 136 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Water-Bearer Bone Shadows: Irraka: Female The Middle East 199 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Winston Bone Shadows: Ithaeur: The Second Passage Pack 211 Signs of the Moon
Xiaolan Luna's-Shine Bone Shadows: Female: King's Cross Pack 2 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Zuza Oldrich Bone Shadows: Ithaeur: Female: NPC: Lodge of Kletby Czech 82 Lodges: The Splintered

Aled Morgan Hunters in Darkness: Elodoth: Blaidd Drwg Pack 138 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Andie "Wolf's Grin" Currin Hunters in Darkness: Irraka: Female: NPC: Lodge of Harmony 62 Lodges: The Faithful
Arden Kanter Hunters in Darkness: Ithaeur 61 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Barnumbirr Hunters in Darkness: Elodoth: Female: NPC: Lodge of The Firestick Australia 62 Lodges: The Splintered
Belinda Hunters in Darkness: Ithaeur: Female: Last Howl Pack 172 Signs of the Moon
Black Foot Hunters in Darkness: Naming Conventions 97 Tribes of the Moon
Bloody Mary Hunters in Darkness: Irraka: Female 21 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Breeze "Spring" Hunters in Darkness: Rahu: Lodge of Seasons: Last Howl Pack 172 Signs of the Moon
Calum Thompson Burns Hunters in Darkness 47 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Cathy Admonton Hunters in Darkness: Cahalith: Female: The Rotten Leaf Steps Pack 84 Territories
Chandra Hepp Hunters in Darkness: Elodoth: Female: NPC: Lodge of Wrath 117 Lodges: The Faithful
Chain-Breaker Hunters in Darkness: Lodge of Ashes 33 Lodges: The Faithful
Chilling Murmur of Laughter Hunters in Darkness: Irraka: Shadow of Smoke and Fire Pack 50 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Christopher Howl-of-the-Storm Hunters in Darkness: Irraka: NPC: Lodge of Howling Death 79 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Dawn Ghostfoot Hunters in Darkness: Irraka: Female: The Mountain Demons Pack 133 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Don Stiles Hunters in Darkness: Cahalith: NPC 112 Tribes of the Moon
Doug Hawkins Hunters in Darkness: Rahu: Crimelord 154 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Dreamcatcher Hunters in Darkness: Rahu: Female: Last Howl's Pack 171 Signs of the Moon
Dylan ap Owen Hunters in Darkness: Cahalith: Blaidd Drwg Pack 138 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Eagle's Eye and Claw Hunters in Darkness: Irraka: Mountain's Proud Children Pack 47 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Eagle's Reach Hunters in Darkness: Rahu: Blaidd Drwg Pack: NPC 138 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Edryn Snow Runner Hunters in Darkness: Irraka: Blaidd Drwg Pack 138 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Edward Miller "Voice of Shadow" Hunters in Darkess: Irraka Aspect: Scout: Lodge of Luna's Tears: NPC 38 Signs of the Moon
Elise Glass-Shattering Howl Hunters in Darkness: Cahalith: Female: The Silver Syndicate Pack 56 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Eric Russell aka "Russell Sheep's Clothing" Hunters in Darkness: Elodoth 74 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Esteban "The Prophet of Rust" Hunters in Darkness: Ithaeur: NPC: Lodge of Ruin 83 Lodges: The Faithful
Evan Sky's Reach Hunters in Darkness Ithaeur: Blaidd Drwg Pack 138 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Frostbite Hunters in Darkness: Irraka: Female: NPC: Lodge of The Lake Antarctica 88 Lodges: The Splintered
Furious Spark of Inferno Hunters in Darkness: Rahu: Shadow of Smoke and Fire Pack 51 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Gilbert Owens Hunters in Darkness: Irraka: The Rotten Leaf Steps Pack: Parkdale Owens Clan 83 Territories
Hattie Irons Hunters in Darkness: Rahu: Female: Lodge of the Empty Den 100 Tribes of the Moon
Haunting Howl of Peril Hunters in Darkness: Naming Conventions 97 Tribes of the Moon
Herne the Huntsman Hunters in Darkness 136 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Hla Hlaing Hunters in Darkness: Elodoth: Female Asia 188 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Iron Soul Hunters in Darkness: Elodoth: Mountain's Proud Children Pack 306 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Jack Carter Hunters in Darkness: Irraka: NPC: The Invisible City Pack 153 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Jake "True West" Westridge Hunters in Darkness: Irraka: NPC: Lodge of The Lost South Europe/North Africa 94 Lodges: The Splintered
Joanna Hunters in Darkness: Irraka: Female 165 Tribes of the Moon
John Miles Hunters in Darkness: Irraka: Past 94 Tribes of the Moon
Johnny Reb Hunters in Darkness: Ithaeur: Eddie's Pack 49 Tribes of the Moon
Jose "Blackmark" Garcia Hunters in Darkness: (Formerly Predator King): NPC: The Last Misery Jester Pack Santa Fe Mexico 189 The Pure
Josie Raincaller Hunters in Darkness: Ithaeur: Female: Mountain's Proud Children Pack 48 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Juris Hunters in Darkness: Latvian 137 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Kelly Hunters in Darkness: Elodoth: Female: The Second Passage Pack 211 Signs of the Moon
Last Howl Hunters in Darkness: Rahu: Alpha of Last Howl's Pack 171 Signs of the Moon
Locksmith Hunters in Darkness: Naming Conventions 97 Tribes of the Moon
Lou Wendling Hunters in Darkness: Rahu: Last Howl's Pack 171 Signs of the Moon
Lucy Black Hunters in Darkness: Ithaeur: The Invisible City Pack 153 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Mark "Little Shadow" Lee Hunters in Darkness: Ithaeur 56 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Mark Wing Hunters in Darkness: Rahu: The Rotten Leaf Steps Pack 84 Territories
Melanie Rennes "Winter" Hunters in Darkness: Cahalith: Female: NPC: Lodge of Seasons 93 Lodges: The Faithful
Mgelika Tusiev Hunters in Darkness back cover Blood of the Wolf
Mist Eyes Hunters in Darkness: Naming Conventions 97 Tribes of the Moon
Mother Vigilant Hunters in Darkness: Irraka: Female: NPC: Brotherhood of Eshu's Cap Lodge Africa 23 Lodges: The Splintered
Mountain's Patience Hunters in Darkness Elodoth: Blaidd Drwg Pack 138 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Muktar Al-Ahsan Hunters in Darkness: Rahu: NPC: Lodge of Ashes 35 Lodges: The Faithful
Narayana the One-Legged Liar Hunters in Darkness: Irraka India 192 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Nick Andreas Hunters in Darkness: Elodoth 76 Blasphemies
Night Hunters in Darkness: Naming Conventions 97 Tribes of the Moon
Night's Call to Arms Hunters in Darkness: Elodoth: Shadow of Smoke and Fire Pack 308 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Night's Watchful Eye Hunters in Darkness: Irraka: Jagged Sky's Pack 58 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Omen Hunters in Darkness: Rahu: Female: The Mountain Demons Pack 133 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Owl's Wing Hunters in Darkness: Ithaeur: Female: Tanya Osk: The Rotten Leaf Steps Pack 84 Territories
Profound Weight of Seasons Hunters in Darkness: Ithaeur: Female: Shadow of Smoke and Fire Pack 51 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Rail Hunters in Darkess: Ithaeur: Female: Lodge of Carrion: NPC 116 Tribes of the Moon
Sangram Maruda Hunters in Darkness: Cahalith: AKA Graciously Greets the Sunrise: Mountain's Proud Children Pack 47 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Sarah Keely Hunters in Darkness: Rahu: Female: NPC: Lodge of London 83 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Sensei Taylor "Autumn" Hunters in Darkness: Elodoth: Lodge of Seasons: NPC 114 Tribes of the Moon
Sky's First Defender Hunters in Darkness: Naming Conventions 97 Tribes of the Moon
"Square" Lester Hunter in Darkness: Irraka: The Temple Guard Pack 133 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Stephen "Sky's First Defender" Cullum Hunters in Darkness: Rahu: Mountain's Proud Children Pack 48 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Switchblade Jack Hunters in Darkness Irraka: The Irregulars Pack 132 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Terry Hunters in Darkness 4 The Pure
The Goddess of Nightmares: Aisling Tulane Hunters in Darkness: Cahalith Aspect: The Mad: Female: NPC 148 Signs of the Moon
The Wolf of the Woods Hunters in Darkness: Irraka: NPC 115 Tribes of the Moon
Unseen Wolf Hunters in Darkness: Rahu South America 196 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Victor Lawrence Hunters in Darkness: Cahalith 72 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Wandering Jacob Hunters in Darkness 181 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
William Pine Hunters in Darkness: Cahalith: Last Howl's Pack 171 Signs of the Moon
Wolf's Grin Hunters in Darkness: Naming Conventions 97 Tribes of the Moon

Alex Crow Iron Masters: Elodoth: The Floating Harbor Pack 144 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Alfonso Amsturo Iron Masters: Ithaeur: Past: Lodge of Stones 94 Lodges: The Faithful
Andreas Wrhner Iron Masters: Irraka: NPC: Lodge of Scrolls 90 Lodges: The Faithful
Bill Iron Masters: Irraka (Leaves) Nashville 2 Lodges: The Faithful
Billy the Collar Iron Masters: Irraka: NPC: Lodge of the Savior 139 Lodges: The Faithful
Blackblood Jack Iron Masters 176 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Black Eye Betty Iron Masters: Female 119 Tribes of the Moon
Black Thursday Iron Masters: Rahu: Extremis Pack 148 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Boltcutter Iron Masters: Elodoth: NPC: Lodge of 66 Amercia 36 Lodges: The Splintered
Casper Iron Masters: Rahu: Founder of Lodge of the Starless Sky 177 Signs of the Moon
Cassie Half-Blind Iron Masters: Elodoth: Female 102 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Danny Cross Iron Masters: Cahalith: The Bystander 156 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Enki's Song Iron Masters: Ithaeur: Female: NPC 150 Tribes of the Moon
Finny Iron Masters Nashville 2 Lodges: The Faithful
Fix-with-a-Hammer Iron Masters: Ithaeur: Scar Angels Pack 36 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Fred "Gears" Niven Iron Masters: Irraka: New Hope Pack 62 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Gail Measures-Twice Iron Masters: Elodoth: Female: NPC 153 Tribes of the Moon
Georgia Iron Masters: Ithaeur: Female 71 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Gudrid Runolfsdottir Iron Masters: Irraka: Female: NPC: (Iceland: Past: Vikings) 111 The War Against the Pure
Gunpowder Jack Iron Masters: Irraka 127 The Pure
Jace Jenkins aka Zero Boy Iron Masters: Lodge of Wires 136 Tribes of the Moon
Jackie Iron Masters: Female Nashville 2 Lodges: The Faithful
Jackie K. Iron Masters: Ithaeur: Female: Alpha of the Silent Howlers Pack 211 Signs of the Moon
Janet "Two-Foot Flying" Kirby Iron Masters: Irraka: Female: NPC: Lodge of Ilia 75 Lodges: The Splintered
Jason "Tycho" Champlain Iron Masters: Ithaeur: The Silver Syndicate Pack 54 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Joanna Singh Iron Masters: Irraka: Female: NPC: The Temple Guard Pack 133 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
John Eve Iron Masters: Cahalith: Black Light Pack: NPC 145 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
John Steelboot Iron Masters 172 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Josiah Stone Iron Master: Ithaeur: NPC: Lodge of Mammon 134 Lodges: The Faithful
Karl Iron Masters 213 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Karol Nicole Iron Masters: Irraka: Female 108 Blasphemies
Laughing Boy Iron Masters 39 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Lawrence Collins Iron Masters: Ithaeur: The Temple Guard Pack 133 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Martin Hosell Iron Masters: Elodoth: NPC: The Trawlermen Pack 147 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Mary Sutton Iron Masters: Ithaeur: Female: NPC: Lodge of Metal 72 Lodges: The Faithful
Max Roman Iron Masters: Elodoth: The Silver Syndicate Pack 299 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Mel Jordan Iron Masters: Elodoth: Black Light Pack 145 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Michaela Iron Masters: Elodoth: Female Nashville 2 Lodges: The Faithful
Micky the Judge Iron Masters: Elodoth: The Irregulars Pack 132 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Mustafa the Rebuilder Iron Masters: Elodoth The Middle East 198 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Nimble Gibson Iron Masters: Irraka: The Floating Harbor Pack 144 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Noach "Emeth" Weidenseld Iron Masters: Cahalith: NPC: Lodge of The Fallen Idol 54 Lodges: The Splintered
Outside of Doorways Iron Masters: Ithaeur Japan 188 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Pierce "Lightning" Hitch Iron Masters: The Irregulars Pack: Died 131 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Ragnar Goldshirt Iron Masters: Alpha of the Iron-Biters Pack (Iceland: Past: Vikings) 109 The War Against the Pure
Ragnhild Fire-Stealer Iron Masters: Irraka: Female: Dr. Erich Torvald "Furious Howl"'s Ancestor (Past) 14 Signs of the Moon
Red Jenny Iron Master Cahalith female 101 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Restless Screams Iron Masters: Rahu: Silent Howlers Pack 211 Signs of the Moon
Rex Mundi "Chaz Hamilton" Iron Masters: Cahalith: Lodge of Wires: NPC 152 Tribes of the Moon
Ritchie Whelan Iron Masters: Cahalith: NPC: Wednesday's Children Pack 130 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Robert "Jagged Sky" Fiero Iron Masters: Elodoth: Jagged Sky's Pack 309 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Robin Young Iron Masters: Ithaeur: The Floating Harbor Pack 144 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Rumor Iron Masters: Female: The Silver Syndicate Pack 55 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Sam "Offside" Chandler Iron Masters: Irraka: Wednesday's Children Pack 130 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Santayana Iron Masters: Cahalith: Jagged Sky's Pack 59 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Sarah McTurk Iron Masters: Cahalith: The Ghost Knives Pack 135 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Shack Iron Masters: Elodoth 35 Werewolf Translation Guide
Sharp-Eyed Kendall Iron Masters: Past: Roanoke Colony: Pack Leader of the Wandering Claw 129 Tribes of the Moon
Stuart Brown "Stalks-the-Truth" Iron Masters: Irraka: Concept: New Journalist 42 Werewolf Translation Guide
Stefan Ellis Iron Masters: Rahu: NPC: Lodge of Stones 96 Lodges: The Faithful
Toby Charter Iron Masters: Elodoth: NPC: Lodge of Lightning 65 Lodges: The Faithful
Tomorrow's Son Iron Masters: Lodge of Wires 137 Tribes of the Moon
Tom Walker Iron Masters: Lodge of the Hidden Hunt 139 Tribes of the Moon
Vic Bellows Iron Masters: (Past) Died 151 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Vince Pride Iron Masters: Ithaeur: The Irregulars Pack 132 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
White Shadow Iron Masters: Irraka: Silent Howlers Pack (Died) 211 Signs of the Moon
Wrenchbiter Iron Masters: Lodge of 66 Amercia 31 Lodges: The Splintered
Zee Iron Masters Nashville 3 Lodges: The Faithful
Zulficar the Unclean Iron Masters: Cahalith India 192 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide

Absalom Storm Lords: Past: Founder of the Lodge of Salvation 84 Lodges: The Faithful
Al Altan Storm Lords: Cahalith: Past 165 Tribes of the Moon
Alexandra Stross Storm Lords: Ithaeur: The Lords of Smoke Pack 140 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Andy "Light's End" Ware Storm Lords: Irraka: The Ghost Knives Pack 135 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Angel Harrison Storm Lords: Elodoth: Female 159 Tribes of the Moon
Anthony Stanhope Storm Lords: Rahu: The Lords of Smoke Pack 140 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Arbiter of Shadows Storm Lords: Elodoth :The Ghost Knives Pack 135 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Barney "Firelight" Jeffrey Storm Lords: Rahu: NPC: Lodge of Echoes 76 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Bernard Cordeval Storm Lords: Elodoth 91 Blasphemies
Beth Hall Storm Lords: Rahu: Female: NPC: Extremis Pack 149 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Buzz Storm Lords: Ithaeur: Female: BMX (Black Moon Extreme) Pack 64 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Christian Barr Storm Lords: Elodoth: NPC: Lodge of the Feast 126 Lodges: The Faithful
Christopher "Solo" Lowrie Storm Lords 4 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Chronos Storm Lords: Elodoth: NPC 184 Tribes of the Moon
Crash of Thunder Storm Lords: Rahu: Echoes of Thunder Pack 68 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Derek Jansen Storm Lords: Stone Cauldron Pack 57 Signs of the Moon
Douglas Hoarfrost Storm Lords: Irraka: Runs a Cult 63 Blasphemies
Dragan Valentin Storm Lords: Elodoth: Lunar Consulate: NPC 78 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Dr. Erich Torvald "Furious Howl" Storm Lords: Irraka 14 Signs of the Moon
Eddie Storm Lords 164 Tribes of the Moon
Eddie the Black Storm Lords: Cahalith 168 Tribes of the Moon
Ellen Ragnarsdottir Storm Lords: Past 182 Tribes of the Moon
Elias Winterborn Storm Lords Backcover The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Elizabeth Kreczmar Storm Lords: Ithaeur: Female: NPC: Lodge of the Maelstorm 69 Lodges: The Faithful
Esteban Santiago Hurtado Storm Lords: Cahalith: NPC: Lodge of The Union Europe 138 Lodges: The Splintered
Firewalker Storm Lords: Elodoth: BMX (Black Moon Extreme) Pack 65 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Frank Talbot Storm Lords: Rahu: Wednesday's Children Pack 130 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Frost on Weeping Maple Storm Lords: Ithaeur: Female The Swaggering Rousers of Butcherblock Avenue Pack: NPC 188 Tribes of the Moon
Garrett Storm Lords 157 Tribes of the Moon
Gibson Storm Lords: Irraka: BMX (Black Moon Extreme) Pack 66 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Gideon Raney Storm Lords: Elodoth: The Lords of Smoke Pack: NPC 140 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Haluk Diriker "Checkmate" Storm Lords: Ithaeur 160 Tribes of the Moon
Hrafn Kodransson Storm Lords: Cahalith: NPC: (Iceland: Past: Vikings) 110 The War Against the Pure
Jack Alderton Storm Lords: Rahu: The Trawlermen Pack 147 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Jason Shearing Storm Lords: Rahu 50 The Pure
Jennifer Dawnell "Rage-Against-Luna's-Death" Storm Lords: Cahalith: Female: Founder of the Lodge of the Final Winter 173 Tribes of the Moon
Juno Storm Lords: Cahalith: Female: NPC: Lodge of Thunder 102 Lodges: The Faithful
Juan Santiago Ramirez Storm Lords: Lodge of The Union Europe 139 Lodges: The Splintered
Juan "Vibora" Stroncoso Storm Lords: Irraka: NPC: Lodge of Winter 113 Lodges: The Faithful
Julia Clarke Storm Lords: Cahalith: The Lords of Smoke Pack 140 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Kate "Ransom" Raniston Storm Lords: Elodoth: Female: NPC: Lodge of Crows 43 Lodges: The Faithful
Kiernan the Killer Storm Lords: Elodoth: The Swaggering Rousers of Butcherblock Avenue Pack: NPC 186 Tribes of the Moon
Kunula Sun-Killer Storm Lords: Female: Past: Pomo Tribe: Lodge of the Shadow's Storm 176 Tribes of the Moon
Lighting Ferrara Storm Lords: Ithaeur: Echoes of Thunder Pack 70 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Marla Price Storm Lords: Cahalith: Female: Echoes of Thunder Pack 68 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Martin Storm Lords 39 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Michael "Mikey" Ruben Storm Lords: Rahu: NPC 52 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Midnight Queen Storm Lords: Female: Past 77 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Moriarity Storm Lords: Rahu: Black Moon Extreme Pack 310 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Muerdame Storm Lords: Irraka: Female South America 195 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Murphy Storm Lords: Elodoth 71 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Namarrkun Storm Lords Australia 163 Tribes of the Moon
Narsi the Honey-Tongued Storm Lords: Cahalith: NPC: Kshatriyas Lodge India 29 Lodges: The Splintered
Nikki Stone Storm Lords: Cahalith: Female: New Hope Pack 62 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Rachel Snow Storm Lords: Elodoth: Female: The Echoes of Thunder Pack 300 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Ragnar the Red Storm Lords: Rahu: Past 182 Tribes of the Moon
Righ Rowe Storm Lords: Ithaeur: Past 169 Tribes of the Moon
Robert Halvarsson Storm Lords: Rahu 159 Tribes of the Moon
Robert "His Lordship" Stokes Storm Lords: Elodoth: Wednesday's Children Pack 130 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Samuel Storm Lords: Killed by the Pure 70 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Scar-Faced Russel Storm Lords: Elodoth: Extremis Pack 148 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Scent of Ash Storm Lords: Elodoth: The Lords of Smoke Pack 140 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Sergei Quiet Steel Storm Lords: Irraka: Echoes of Thunder Pack 69 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Silent Nancy Storm Lords: Female: Past 171 Tribes of the Moon
Solo Storm Lords: Cahalith: Has a band called "The Mood": BMX (Black Moon Extreme) Pack 66 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Stanislav the Fist Storm Lords: Rahu Eastern Europe 200 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Storm's Heart Storm Lords: Ithaeur 168 Tribes of the Moon
Storm's Whisper Storm Lords: Female: Past 169 Tribes of the Moon
Subtle Storm Storm Lords: Ithaeur: Female: The Silver Syndicate Pack 56 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Tesse Brandt Storm Lords: Female 163 Tribes of the Moon
Thunderous Cry Storm Lords: Cahalith: Female 168 Tribes of the Moon
Tomas Chavez Storm Lords: Elodoth: NPC: Last Light Pack Santa Fe Mexico 190 The Pure
Tom "Chaplain" Moore Storm Lords: Rahu: NPC: Lodge of Salvation 87 Lodges: The Faithful
Tomorrow's Battle Storm Lords: Rahu Aspect: Tactician: Female: NPC: Lodge of Crows 184 Signs of the Moon
Twister Cross Storm Lords: Rahu: Jagged Sky's Pack 59 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Ulf Seawatcher Storm Lords: Lodge of the Maelstorm 66 Lodges: The Faithful
Uratha Berserker Storm Lords or Iron Masters: Rahu: Stats (Iceland: Past: Vikings) 112 The War Against the Pure
Wallace Germaine Storm Lords: Cahalith 171 Tribes of the Moon
Your Pal Charles Storm Lords: Cahalith: The Swaggering Rousers of Butcherblock Avenue Pack: NPC 186 Tribes of the Moon

Aaron Forsaken: Ithaeur: Died 51 Signs of the Moon
Absalom Carter Forsaken: Past: Founder of The Lodge of Silence 73 Blood of the Wolf
Adrienne Forsaken: Female 11 Signs of the Moon
Aisha Forsaken: Cahalith: Female 122 Signs of the Moon
Alan Kensington Forsaken: Died 55 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Ana Miercoles Forsaken: Female: Lodge of The Union Europe 134 Lodges: The Splintered
Anders Forsaken: Fell Dogs Pack 57 Signs of the Moon
Andrea "Sundown" MacFadden Forsaken: Female: Lodge of The Union Europe 136 Lodges: The Splintered
Anezka Oddanost Forsaken: Female: Past: Lodge of Kletby Czech 77 Lodges: The Splintered
Antonio Michael DeLuca Forsaken: Ithaeur 42 Signs of the Moon
Anya Forsaken: Female: Killed 69 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Arjuna the Dutiful Forsaken: Female: Founder of the Kshatriyas Lodge India 25 Lodges: The Splintered
Backwards Grayson Forsaken: Elodoth: Tornado Fang Pack 84 Signs of the Moon
Beatrix Forsaken Cahalith: Female: Alpha 113 Signs of the Moon
Bennett Forsaken 118 Signs of the Moon
Betty Forsaken: Female 63 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Big T Forsaken: Cahalith: Lodge of the Spoken Word 139 Signs of the Moon
Billy "Billyboy1989" Forsaken: Elodoth 85 Signs of the Moon
Biz Forsaken: Female Boston 3 Skinchangers
Black Aud Forsaken: Irraka: Female: Past (Iceland: Vikings: Hrafn's Lieutenants) 108 The War Against the Pure
Black Sky Forsaken: Died 97 Signs of the Moon
Blue-Eyed June Forsaken 57 Signs of the Moon
Bogong Forsaken: Lodge of The Firestick Australia 56 Lodges: The Splintered
Bonebender Forsaken 194 The War Against the Pure
Boneroller Forsaken 215 The War Against the Pure
booksabillion Forsaken: Online 163 Signs of the Moon
Boomstick Forsaken: Blood Moon Company Pack 19 Signs of the Moon
Brandr Roaring Thunder Forsaken 14 Signs of the Moon
Brian Forsaken 54 Signs of the Moon
Brokedown Val Forsaken: Crescent Moon Back Cover Lore of the Forsaken
Carla Forsaken: Female Tornado Fang Pack 87 Signs of the Moon
Caroline Dawnsprinter Forsaken: Female 3 The Pure
Carter Forsaken: Crescent Moon 17 Lore of the Forsaken
Cassie Half-Blind Forsaken: Elodoth: Female: Tornado Fang Pack 86 Signs of the Moon
Chief Forsaken 54 Signs of the Moon
Chris Lewis Forsaken: Jackson's Pack 46 Tribes of the Moon
Christof Schmidhuber Forsaken: Lodge of The Fallen Idol 49 Lodges: The Splintered
Christopher "Chris Roof-Runner" Forsaken 4 Blasphemies
Claw Sondheim Forsaken 27 Blood of the Wolf
Cliff Walker Forsaken 17 Blood of the Wolf
Cold-Steel Forsaken Boston 3 Skinchangers
Coraggio Evangelista Forsaken: Founder of the Lodge of The Lost South Europe/North Africa 90 Lodges: The Splintered
Crow's Wit Forsaken: Female: Died 59 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Daniel Forsaken 41 Blood of the Wolf
Danny Forsaken 89 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Danny Forsaken: Elodoth: The Secret Tribunal 101 Signs of the Moon
Danny H. Forsaken: Cahalith 131 Signs of the Moon
Darion Silver Tongue Forsaken 71 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Derek K. Forsaken: Cahalith 124 Signs of the Moon
Dr. Knauss Forsaken: Cahalith 130 Signs of the Moon
Dr. Uli Knauss Forsaken: Cahalith: Female: Slpha of the Eignar Research Team Pack: The Eigner Lodge Austria 134 Signs of the Moon
Eli Marks Forsaken: Dead 2 Tribes of the Moon
Emmett Forsaken: Cahalith 78 Blood of the Wolf
Emmet "Points Toward Sky" LeBeau Forsaken 59 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Endless Sky Forsaken: Irraka 23 Signs of the Moon
Erika Forsaken 48 Signs of the Moon
Erin Oleac Forsaken: Female 23 Blood of the Wolf
Ethel Forsaken: Female 63 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Faust Forsaken: Alpha of the Diamond Ridge Five Pack 11 Signs of the Moon
Firebringer Forsaken: Rahu: Legend 56 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Florian Forsaken: Dead: Lodge of The Willow Branch Poland 140 Lodges: The Splintered
Fran Forsaken 54 Signs of the Moon
Francis Wells "Bloody Shackle" Forsaken: Ithaeur: Story/Tale 48 Signs of the Moon
Frank Forsaken: Rahu 121 Signs of the Moon
Franz Michner Forsaken: Ithaeur 52 Signs of the Moon
Franz Michner Forsaken: Crescent Moon: Past 165 Signs of the Moon
Fred Forsaken 63 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Fredrik Eigner Forsaken: Cahalith: Founder of the The Eigner Lodge 134 Signs of the Moon
Fuse Forsaken 11 Signs of the Moon
Garret Silverton Forsaken: Rahu 92 Blood of the Wolf
Gary Forsaken 113 Signs of the Moon
Glintin Forsaken 39 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Granite Stu Forsaken Nevada 58 The War Against the Pure
Gravethumb Forsaken 77 Signs of the Moon
Gudaga Forsaken: Past: Lodge of The Firestick Australia 56 Lodges: The Splintered
Gunny Richter Forsaken: Cahalith: Died 19 Signs of the Moon
Harry Forsaken 72 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Harry Forsaken 4 The Pure
Haunting Howl of Peril Forsaken: Cahalith: Female: Died: Shadow of Smoke and Fire Pack 51 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Heinmen Forsaken: Cahalith: The Eigner Lodge 134 Signs of the Moon
Helen Forsaken: Female 3 The Pure
Helga the Thunder Forsaken: Female 71 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Henry Thornpaw Forsaken: Traitor: Died Colt Mesa 2 The War Against the Pure
Hick Forsaken: Blood Moon Company Pack 19 Signs of the Moon
Home Invasion Forsaken: Irraka: Farsil Luhal 17 Signs of the Moon
Hutch Forsaken 159 Signs of the Moon
Ilse Forsaken: Alpha 32 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Irene "Mother's Clutch" Gordowski Forsaken: Female 59 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Iris" Moonblossom91 Forsaken: Ithaeur: Female: Online 47 Signs of the Moon
Jack Lapsley Forsaken: Elodoth 91 Signs of the Moon
Jack Miriam Forsaken 51 Signs of the Moon
Jackson Forsaken: Lodge of The Firestick Australia 56 Lodges: The Splintered
Jackson Forsaken: Elodoth: The Lodge of the Boundary 98 Signs of the Moon
Janelle Forsaken: Female 215 The War Against the Pure
Janna Fireleaf Forsaken: Female 58 The War Against the Pure
Jasmine B Forsaken: Cahalith: Female: Founder of Lodge of the Spoken Word 139 Signs of the Moon
Jason Forsaken 4 The Pure
Jason "Ranger" Burren Jr. Forsaken: Irraka: Outlaws Pack 24 Signs of the Moon
Jasper the Old Forsaken: Cahalith: Past 116 Signs of the Moon
Jay-Jay Forsaken: Killed 69 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Jenna Forsaken: Female 59 Tribes of the Moon
Jeremy Barlowe "Jared Barrow" Forsaken: Ithaeur 45 Signs of the Moon
Jessie Shaker Forsaken: Ithaeur: Female 69 Signs of the Moon
Joachim Adler Forsaken: Irraka: Died 11 Signs of the Moon
Joel Forsaken 2 Blood of the Wolf
Johnny Forsaken: Irraka 16 Signs of the Moon
Johnny Forsaken 54 Signs of the Moon
Jonesy Forsaken 57 Signs of the Moon
Jono "Steel Trap Mind" Forsaken: Elodoth London 85 Signs of the Moon
Julio Wind Talker Forsaken: Died 83 Signs of the Moon
Jurgen Rending Shadow Forsaken 14 Signs of the Moon
Karna Blood-Armor Forsaken: Rahu: Kshatriyas Lodge/Lodge of the Sacred Thread India back cover Lodges: The Splintered
Kate "Majestic" Carson Forsaken: Female Lodge of The Lost South Europe/North Africa 91 Lodges: The Splintered
Kathy Mizen Forsaken: Lodge of Hallowed Halls 66 Tribes of the Moon
Kills-Silent Forsaken: Blood Moon Company Pack 19 Signs of the Moon
Kiriti Forsaken: Past: Kshatriyas Lodge India 25 Lodges: The Splintered
Lacey Forsaken 57 Signs of the Moon
Lady Cate Forsaken: Elodoth: Female 84 Signs of the Moon
Laurie the Ghost Forsaken: Female 25 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Lee Godspeaker Forsaken Colt Mesa 2 The War Against the Pure
Leonard Shepard Forsaken: Cahalith 121 Signs of the Moon
Lila Nazari "Three-on-a-Match" Forsaken: Irraka: Alpha of the Blood Moon Company Pack 19 Signs of the Moon
Lionel's Fist Forsaken: Blessed Pack of Iminir: Past 221 Signs of the Moon
Little Dee "Barking Sparrow" Kincaid Forsaken: Female 59 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Liza the Bitch Forsaken: Female: Died 55 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Longtooth Forsaken 23 Blood of the Wolf
Lord Dalton Forsaken: Rahu: Past 165 Signs of the Moon
Luce Forsaken 41 Blood of the Wolf
Lycurgus the Bold Forsaken: Elodoth: Past 81 Signs of the Moon
Maggie Forsaken: Female: Alpha: Died: The Lodge of Luna's Tear 28 Signs of the Moon
Mako Forsaken: Dead Boston 3 Skinchangers
Malcom Forsaken: Dead: "Night's-Last-Blood" 6 Lore of the Forsaken
Malcolm Carter Forsaken: Past: Founder of The Lodge of Silence 73 Blood of the Wolf
Maori Forsaken: Died: Lodge of The Lake Antarctica 89 Lodges: The Splintered
Marek Forsaken: Lodge of The Willow Branch Poland 140 Lodges: The Splintered
Margaret Forsaken: Female 128 Signs of the Moon
Marie-Maude Lespinass Forsaken: Irraka Haiti 208 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Marked-by-Blood Forsaken: Irraka: Female: Suthar Anzuth 17 Signs of the Moon
Martin Ellis Forsaken: Died: The Irregulars Pack 131 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Mary Forsaken: Ithaeur 53 Signs of the Moon
Mary Forsaken: Elodoth: Female: The Lodge of Lycurgus 99 Signs of the Moon
Meathook Forsaken: Died: Former Alpha of the Scar Angels Pack 304 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Michee Born-of-Three-Worlds Female: Forsaken: Lodge of The Union Europe 138 Lodges: The Splintered
Mila Forsaken: Female 32 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Millstone Forsaken: Cahalith 115 Signs of the Moon
Moe Forsaken 113 Signs of the Moon
moonfucked Forsaken: Rahu: Online 163 Signs of the Moon
Mujina Forsaken: Female: Lodge of The Hungry Ghosts Japan 64 Lodges: The Splintered
Nadezda the Thrice-Crossed Forsaken: Ithaeur: Elderly: Lodge of Kletby Czech 78 Lodges: The Splintered
Nardo Forsaken 32 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Natia Morela Forsaken: Dead: Lodge of The Willow Branch Poland 140 Lodges: The Splintered
Neil Forsaken 27 Blood of the Wolf
Newton Forsaken: Probably Dead 72 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Nick Forsaken: Rahu 63 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Nora Forsaken: Female 63 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
No Speak Nancy Forsaken: Cahalith: Female 126 Signs of the Moon
Nuke Forsaken Boston 3 Skinchangers
Oathmaker Lyn Forsaken: Female: Alpha of the Talons of the Green River Pack: Killed by Jack 74 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Orson Forsaken: Elodoth 84 Signs of the Moon
Owen Forsaken 43 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Parker Forsaken: Alpha 118 Signs of the Moon
Parminder Maruda Forsaken: Female: Newly Changed: Mountain's Proud Children Pack 49 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Patrick Forsaken 48 Signs of the Moon
Paul DeLisle "Fair Paul" Forsaken: Elodoth: Died 93 Signs of the Moon
Piper Forsaken: Female: Blood Moon Company Pack 19 Signs of the Moon
Poet Forsaken 77 Signs of the Moon
Pretty Boy Don Forsaken: Cahalith: Died 55 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Professor Tamara Haughten Forsaken: Cahalith: The Eigner Lodge 134 Signs of the Moon
Proud Howls Forsaken 155 The War Against the Pure
Ram Forsaken 61 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Razzar Forsaken 126 Signs of the Moon
Redshanks "old One-Eye" Forsaken: Female 78 Blood of the Wolf
Rex Forsaken: Died 25 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Rhiannon Forsaken: Died 43 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Rich Forsaken: Died 124 Signs of the Moon
Richie Guzman Forsaken: Jackson's Pack 46 Tribes of the Moon
Ricky B. Forsaken: Cahalith: Patient 118 Signs of the Moon
Ricky the Shiv Forsaken: Drowned/Died 57 Signs of the Moon
Roger the Hound Forsaken 58 The War Against the Pure
Rosebud Forsaken: Female 27 Blood of the Wolf
Ryan Forsaken 159 Signs of the Moon
Sakura Forsaken: Female 21 Signs of the Moon
Sam Valentino Forsaken: Jackson's Pack 46 Tribes of the Moon
Sandra A. Forsaken: Cahalith: Female 119 Signs of the Moon
Sandy Munro Forsaken: Ithaeur: Glaswegian: Vanished 45 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Sara Daniels aka John Forsaken: Old 31 Blood of the Wolf
Scarlet Forsaken: Female 125 Signs of the Moon
Sekhautet Forsaken: Female: Lodge of The Red Sands Desert of Sub-Africa 102 Lodges: The Splintered
Shadowthief Marcy Forsaken: Female: Died Colt Mesa 2 The War Against the Pure
Shahar the Blind Forsaken: Cahalith: Past 114 Signs of the Moon
Shelly Forsaken: Female: The Lodge of the Hazzan 137 Signs of the Moon
Shrouded Talon Forsaken: Female 97 Signs of the Moon
Sings-Under-Clouds Forsaken 92 Blood of the Wolf
Sir Reginald Arcbright Forsaken: Founder of the Lodge of The Modernist France 96 Lodges: The Splintered
Slade Names-the-Darkness Forsaken: Lodge of The Modernist France 99 Lodges: The Splintered
Slays-the-Firebird Forsaken: Echoes of Thunder Pack 69 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
SnakePanther Forsaken: Online 58 Signs of the Moon
Split Moon Forsaken: Elodoth 77 Signs of the Moon
Spotlight Forsaken 208 The War Against the Pure
Steven Forsaken: Lodge of Reaping 69 Tribes of the Moon
Storm Chaser Forsaken: Dead: Echoes of Thunder Pack 70 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Stormfather Forsaken 23 Blood of the Wolf
Strikes with Thunder Forsaken 115 The War Against the Pure
Switch Forsaken: The Lodge of the Hazzan 137 Signs of the Moon
Switcher Forsaken 215 The War Against the Pure
Tara Beth Forsaken: Female 113 Signs of the Moon
Tarkwuno Far-Strider Forsaken: Irraka: Past 9 Signs of the Moon
Ten Knives Forsaken 170 The War Against the Pure
Ten-Spot Forsaken: Killed 69 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Thomas Forsaken: Lodge of Hallowed Halls 67 Tribes of the Moon
Thundering Tom Forsaken 96 Blood of the Wolf
T-Money Forsaken 15 Tribes of the Moon
Tommy Forsaken: Died 118 Signs of the Moon
Tom Steele Forsaken: Founder of Red Wolf Tribe 86 Blasphemies
Tooth of Darkness Forsaken: Irraka: Beta of the Split Water Pack 115 The War Against the Pure
Torch Forsaken 18 Signs of the Moon
Two Fires Forsaken: Elodoth 97 Signs of the Moon
Two-Knives Forsaken 8 Signs of the Moon
Val Bloodmuzzle Forsaken: "Valerie Boyton" 50 Blood of the Wolf
Warren Forsaken 71 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Wiktoria Forsaken: Dead: Lodge of The Willow Branch Poland 140 Lodges: The Splintered
Will Forsaken 159 Signs of the Moon
Willard Forsaken: Cahalith 122 Signs of the Moon
William Burren Forsaken: Irraka: Jason's Father: Died 24 Signs of the Moon
Winter Rain Forsaken: Elodoth: Iminir 17 Signs of the Moon
Wongar Forsaken: Lodge of The Firestick Australia 56 Lodges: The Splintered
Wyn Bright Forsaken 21 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Zoe Blanc Forsaken: Lodge of The Thin Shadow East Germany 127 Lodges: The Splintered
Zygmunt the Hewer Forsaken: Dead: Lodge of The Willow Branch Poland 140 Lodges: The Splintered

Agnes Vaille Werewolf 59 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Amelia Werewolf: Female 183 Predators
Angus Werewolf: Rolling Thunder Pack 106 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Beast-of-Rage Werewolf 211 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Big Bob Werewolf New Orleans 15 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Bill Werewolf 15 Territories
Birdcatcher Werewolf: Female 21 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Black Betty Werewolf 86 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Bobby Coltraine Werewolf: Missing Cub 42 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Bone Cleaver Werewolf 86 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Cannon's Fire Werewolf 5 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Carly Werewolf: River King Pack 111 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Cholo Howlrunner Werewolf 5 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Colin Werewolf 178 Predators
Crimson "Renate Long" Werewolf: Gibbous Moon: Female 3 Territories
Dana Werewolf 59 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Devi Werewolf: Female 13 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Digging Claws Werewolf 120 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Emma Werewolf 213 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Erin Werewolf: Died 89 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Erin Alker Werewolf: Female 119 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Father Wolf Werewolf: Mary's Dad 21 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Festerboar aka Samuel Great-Tusk Werewolf 167 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Fink Werewolf: Died 89 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Found Werewolf: "Used to be a Ghost Wolf" New Orleans 15 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Four-Fingered Sally Werewolf: Female: Work-for-Hire Pack 174 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Gareth Night-Hunter Werewolf: Quick Raven Pack 8 Lore of the Forsaken
Gregor Werewolf 86 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Grigori Werewolf 13 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Grim Root Werewolf 21 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Gutthrush Werewolf 175 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Halo Werewolf: Rolling Thunder Pack 106 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Hangman Werewolf: Died 89 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Hardclaw Cahill Werewolf: Cahill's Crazies Cult: Following Him after he fought a Ridden 63 Blasphemies
Hardclaw Cahill Werewolf: Runs a Cult 63 Blasphemies
Humble Sarah Swan Werewolf: Female 173 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Irina Werewolf: Female 161 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Jacks Werewolf: Rolling Thunder Pack 106 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Jason Champlain Werewolf 2 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Jock Werewolf: River King Pack 111 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Johnny Werewolf: River King Pack 111 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Johnny "Gearshift" Blaine Werewolf 122 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Judy Werewolf: Gibbous Moon: Female 2 Territories
Kalila Werewolf 59 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Katey Kelly Werewolf: Female 8 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
K.C. Werewolf 2 Territories
Mama Vigil Werewolf: Female New Orleans 15 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Mark Werewolf 3 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Martin Werewolf 118 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Matthew Wilson Werewolf 59 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Meg Werewolf: Female 13 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Michael Simmons Werewolf in Denial 118 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Mike Werewolf 109 Blasphemies
Milewalker Werewolf 137 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Miranda Werewolf: Female 101 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
New Dawn Werewolf 82 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Possum Werewolf 21 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Prodigal Werewolf 101 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Richard Canfield Werewolf 3 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Russell Werewolf 312 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Santos Werewolf: Died 89 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Scipio Werewolf 13 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Shelly Werewolf: Female 3 Territories
Sonia Werewolf: Female 161 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Subtle Storm Werewolf: Female 5 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Thunderbolt Hamilton Werewolf: Female 122 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Tommy Werewolf 13 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Trace Werewolf: River King Pack 111 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Tucker Werewolf 2 Territories
Tungsten Valentines Werewolf: Female: Work-for-Hire Pack 174 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Tycho Werewolf 5 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Walter Blaze Werewolf 38 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Wesnesday Werewolf: Died 89 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane

Bare Claw Werewolf (Pure or Forsaken?) 33 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Bearskull Forsaken? The Red Knives Pack 302 Werewolf: the Forsaken
Charles Werewolf? 165 Tribes of the Moon
Dave Forsaken? Human? 81 Signs of the Moon
Guznan Forsaken? 15 Tribes of the Moon
Harvey Capplin Forsaken? Trainer to the Stars and Historian 39 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Jason Forsaken? 11 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Lewis Forsaken? 15 Tribes of the Moon
Longseeker Douglass Forsaken? 56 The War Against the Pure
Marcus Wolf-blooded? Forsaken? 5 The Pure
Montu Forsaken? (Dead) Dhaka 2 Lodges: The Splintered
Morris Forsaken? 15 Tribes of the Moon
Nundri Forsaken? Female: Richard's Packmate Dhaka 3 Lodges: The Splintered
Valentine Forsaken? 15 Tribes of the Moon
One Wolf or Wolf Blood Talon? 27 Tribes of the Moon
Rachel Jackman Iron Master?: Cahalith: Female: NPC: Lodge of Arms 32 Lodges: The Faithful
Richard Forsaken? Dhaka 2 Lodges: The Splintered
truckerdad Forsaken? Online 162 Signs of the Moon
Urnissa Forsaken? Human? Female (Died) 78 Forsaken Chronicler's Guide (Print on Demand)
Valentine Forsaken? 15 Tribes of the Moon
Zudin the Strangler Forsaken? Dhaka 3 Lodges: The Splintered

Alejandro Oathbreaker Ghost Wolf: Ithaeur: NPC: Lodge of The Storm's Eye Mexico 125 Lodges: The Splintered
Amani Ghost Wolf: Elodoth: Female India 192 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Anahit the Brave Ghost Wolf: Cahalith: Female: NPC: Past (Parthia) 100 The War Against the Pure
Annalise Ghost Wolf: Elodoth: Female: Ally to Mages 91 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Bastien "En Venir au Fait" Ghost Wolf: Armee Sauvage Lodge France 13 Lodges: The Splintered
Beeline Ghost Wolf: Irraka: Died 22 Signs of the Moon
Blake Calloway "The Mad Doctor" Ghost Wolf: Ithaeur: Aspect: Ritualist: NPC 74 Signs of the Moon
Chuy Ghost Wolf South America 196 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Darren Moore Ghost Wolf: Irraka: The Concrete Jungle Pack: NPC 142 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Deadlock "Little Engine Who Couldn't" Ghost Wolf: Rahu 161 Tribes of the Moon
Debbie Frakes Ghost Wolf: Irraka: The Estate Pack 152 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Cassandra Pennington Ghost Wolf: Elodoth: The Invisible City Pack 153 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Charlie Andrews Ghost Wolf: Rahu: The Trawlermen Pack 147 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Chelsea Miller Ghost Wolf: Elodoth: The Concrete Jungle Pack 142 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Chris "Macca" McKenzie Ghost Wolf: Rahu: The Trawlermen Pack 147 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Claire Grant Ghost Wolf: Female: The Small-Timer: Ithalunim Shine on Her 157 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Crowbar Morris Ghost Wolf: Rahu: Wednesday's Children Pack 130 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Eli Marks Ghost Wolf: Deceased 2 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane
Ezekiel Smith Ghost Wolf: Rahu: The Pickering Family Pack 41 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Ezekiel Walks-Alone Ghost Wolf: Elodoth 113 Lore of the Forsaken
Fathia's Flower Ghost Wolf: Rahu: Female Africa 185 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Helena the Inquisitor Ghost Wolf: Elodoth: Female: NPC: Lodge of Praetors 86 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Frank "The Fixer" Polcetti Ghost Wolf: Ally to Vampires 91 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Fred "Blackout" Sykes Ghost Wolf: Elodoth: Brick and Bone Pack 150 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Jack "Bomber" Harris Ghost Wolf: Cahalith: Brick and Bone Pack 150 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Jenny Kincaid Ghost Wolf: Irraka: Female: The Floating Harbor Pack: NPC 144 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Jenny Munroe Ghost Wolf: Rahu: The Concrete Jungle Pack 142 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
John Ventner Ghost Wolf: The Ramblers Pack 82 Tribes of the Moon
Keith "Abbot" Costello Ghost Wolf: Rahu: Brick and Bone Pack 150 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Kevin "Moxie" Moxley Ghost Wolf: Irraka: NPC 150 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Knifetooth Ghost Wolf 86 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Kristina Ghost Wolf: Elodoth : Female: NPC: The Estate Pack 152 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Lawrence "Loz" Boswell Ghost Wolf Rahu: The Concrete Jungle Pack 142 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Lee Grice Ghost Wolf Irraka Wednesday's Children Pack 130 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Little Macaw Girl Ghost Wolf Ithaeur female South America 196 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Mad Jane Blackwell Ghost Wolf Cahalith: Black Light pack 145 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Mercy Adams Ghost Wolf: Cahalith: Female 80 Blasphemies
Mopan Ghost Wolf South America 196 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Morue Ghost Wolf: Irraka: Female Western Europe 202 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Murray Shadow Watcher Ghost Wolf: Ithaeur: Black Light Pack 145 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Nicholas Dale Ghost Wolf: Ithaeur: Former Bone Shadow 117 Hunting Grounds: The Rockies
Ouida Breaux Ghost Wolf: Rahu: Female: NPC: Armee Sauvage Lodge France 16 Lodges: The Splintered
Pai Garra Ghost Wolf Brazil 92 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Redwing Ghost Wolf: Armee Sauvage Lodge France 17 Lodges: The Splintered
Rich "Davy" Jones Ghost Wolf: Cahalith: The Invisible City Pack 153 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Scott Mitchell Ghost Wolf: Elodoth: The Trawlermen Pack 147 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Shaun Harper Ghost Wolf: Cahalith: Slowly Becoming a Bale Hound: The Concrete Jungle Pack 142 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Skitter Ghost Wolves: Irraka: Female: NPC: Lodge of the Grotto 131 Lodges: The Faithful
Snowflake Ghost Wolf 91 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Spencer Jones Ghost Wolf: Elodoth: Extremis Pack 148 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Stella Claws of Steel Ghost Wolf: Rahu: Extremis Pack 148 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Storm Over Water Ghost Wolf: Cahalith: The Floating Harbor Pack 144 World of Darkness: Shadows of the UK
Tess Nelson Ghost Wolf: Elodoth: Female: NPC: Lodge of The Thin Shadow East Germany 132 Lodges: The Splintered
The Caliph of Fire Ghost Wolf: Cahalith The Middle East 198 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Thom Washington Ghost Wolf 86 The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Wandering Jack Ghost Wolf: Rahu 77 Night Horrors: Wolfsbane

white wolf, werewolf the forsaken, characters

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