Jun 14, 2005 00:31
Omg so the past two nights I have had the best girl talks! I love my gals =o) hee hee
This entry is dedicated to Heather Case-Sweeney [yes that is her last name]-----
First of all I would like to say thanks for all u have done for me. I know u will watch over me. . . not only cause if u don't jacob will "kill u" [lmao]but because we gotta be there for eachother and our "boys". Look A.J. will always be in ur heart. He is ur first love and maybe he will be ur only love. . . only time can tell. As i have told u before u have to make sure u want this relationship with A.J. I am not saying blow off the idea of a future with him cause u r not sure but it HAS to be something that u r in 100%.Its hard dating a military boy. I got lucky. . . .well I wouldn't call it luck but u know what I mean. I found someone who loves me with all their heart and that is hard to come by. Maybe you have that with A.J. I don't know. All I know is that you just can't throw away love. If its worth fighting for then argue, if its worth crying for then go ahead have a girl moment, and if its worth saving keep the memories F O R E V E R!! I know we haven't know each other for very long but u have been a great friend to me and I would just like to say thank u for constantly putting up with me and my "girl moments"!!
And to all my other homies I love u all!! Don't worry I haven't fogotten u =o) This entry is dedicated to Heather but it goes out to everyone who has loved, is loved, and will find love. Hold onto the love u have right now even if the person u love does not realize what u have to offer them. When they finally do realize what was in front of them this whole time the wait will be well worth it. FOLLOW YOUR HEART! pleaseeee. . . . . just remember don't settle for second best. Love someone who will love u will everything they have.
<3 your "beautiful angel"
[I will continue to watch over u until u r back in my arms]