If GOD made you He's in LOVE with me =o)

Jun 10, 2005 01:03

I hate when ppl hurt and there's nothing u can do about it. I hate not having control. . .control over being away from the ppl u love. Why does life have to pull u from the ones u love the most when they and u need them the most. . .

Tonight I was talking to Jacob and I felt so bad cause he was hurting so much cause he wants us to be together but right now that is not a reality. I have my school and I mean what is there for me in montana?! No school or jobs in my major [or even of interest]. Plus I don't have a job anymore so I had to break it to him that my plan of seeing him went down the drain. I mean he wants me to go see him for christmas which would probably be cool but I don't know if we could wait that long. Gosh I just feel so helpless. Him crying on the phone, and saying he loves me leaves me speechless.

He also brought up the "M" word tonight. Hmmm wonder what that was all about?! I just don't know what to do anymore. All I know is that I really need to go see him. Not because I want to but because I HAVE too! He was really at his lowest tonight =o( I wish I knew what to do. . . . .

<3 Becca

ROAD TRIP ANYONE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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