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FILL: Real, Part 3 (final) septembers_coda May 15 2014, 04:10:25 UTC
Seizing the moment, before he could stop himself, Sam kissed him. He could never have imagined it would feel so natural, so right, that Cas would kiss him back, pull him closer instead of going stiff and pulling away, as Sam had always feared he would.

Sam crawled into bed with Cas, rearranging them so he could hold him closer, press the length of his body to his. “You have nothing to apologize to me for, Cas,” he murmured. “Nothing you should have nightmares about. I don’t want you to be afraid.” He crushed Cas in his arms, feeling his breath go ragged and his heart beat faster, craving an almost painful closeness.

Cas held him as tightly as he could wish, his fingers tangling in Sam’s hair as he brought his face to his for another kiss. “Please stay with me, Sam,” he whispered against his lips.

“I will,” Sam said, his hot hands sliding under Cas’s clothes, sensuous against his skin. “I’m not going anywhere.”


Cas wondered if he was still dreaming. Now the dreams had taken on an entirely different tone, of the kind that humans meant when they wished each other sweet dreams… pipedreams… wet dreams…

This could not be real.

He had imagined this before… Sam’s incomparably beautiful body sliding against his, his strong arms wrapped around him, his open mouth caressing his. Desire for Sam had stirred in him even before he was human, subject to lusts his celestial self had never imagined, lusts that were now expanded and inflamed and thoroughly satisfied. But he had never dreamed like this, breathless sweetness rocking into unbearable ecstasy, Sam’s cries of pleasure filling his ears, his taste and his scent and the sweat of his body swelling through every sense, overwhelming him, taming the monster of his guilt and the secret shame of his desires and sending to sleep the pain that had haunted him for years, the pain of causing grievous hurt to someone he loved. Loved, he now realized, beyond doubt or reason, beyond heaven and hell and humanity, all.

This could only be real.

~The End~


Re: FILL: Real, Part 3 (final) senberet May 15 2014, 04:14:58 UTC
WOW. you got the feeling of the season just right, as well as that odd-hours feeling (loved the scene with sam and the tea... and so cute how he was still a little weak from the trials. my favorite). you conveyed their feelings so well and i think that you did such a good job at keeping them in character (the crush thing! aww!), which some writers have difficulty with when it comes to romantic type stuff. i could hear their voices so well in this, too.

and oh man, the part about cas suddenly becoming more reachable and less intimidating now that he was vulnerable and human? love it. love it love it love it.


Re: FILL: Real, Part 3 (final) septembers_coda May 15 2014, 21:55:16 UTC
Trial-damaged Sam is my favorite, too!! So glad you enjoyed, thanks for the feedback. Yes, keeping slash IC was the first challenge I tried to figure out when I first showed up in fandom! So glad you think I succeeded here. :-)


Re: FILL: Real, Part 3 (final) septembers_coda May 15 2014, 21:55:16 UTC
Trial-damaged Sam is my favorite, too!! So glad you enjoyed, thanks for the feedback. Yes, keeping slash IC was the first challenge I tried to figure out when I first showed up in fandom! So glad you think I succeeded here. :-)


Re: FILL: Real, Part 3 (final) lauehime May 15 2014, 15:54:02 UTC
Aw how sweet! I really loved how you wrote Cas' nightmares! It was beautifully heartbreaking and I liked that Cas' reaction was well dosed. I just wanted to take him and give him a big hug after that! And then he unexpectedly found some comfort in Sam, which was unexpectedly completely adorable. I love that you also remained very in character with them. You didn't go over the top with their emotions and that was perfect :) I also loved how both of them were holding back even while giving into their heart's desire. It's very typical of the both of them to just stand back and take the time to think 'oh wait, am I doing the right thing?' and I totally enjoyed that the answer was 'yes'. And the ending? Awwww so passionate and beautiful once again. The last line made me melt!

Now I don't usually check out the Sastiel stuff but I'm glad I checked this one out ;) Great fill!!!


Re: FILL: Real, Part 3 (final) septembers_coda May 15 2014, 21:58:11 UTC
Perhaps, if I try hard enough, I can convert you to Sassy. SASSY IS LOVE. ;-) But seriously, such a compliment if I can get someone to read what they usually don't. <3

Glad you enjoyed, and thanks for hosting this lovely meme!


Re: FILL: Real, Part 3 (final) lauehime May 16 2014, 02:49:10 UTC
You're very welcome! I'm glad you're enjoying it!! Thanks to you for making it alive by participating :)

And you could probably get me to into that Sassy love :P lol


Re: FILL: Real, Part 3 (final) septembers_coda May 15 2014, 21:58:11 UTC
Perhaps, if I try hard enough, I can convert you to Sassy. SASSY IS LOVE. ;-) But seriously, such a compliment if I can get someone to read what they usually don't. <3

Glad you enjoyed, and thanks for hosting this lovely meme!


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