Winchester Festival of Hurt/Comfort, a Supernatural Comment Fic Meme Event

May 14, 2014 00:12


Note: I love comment fic memes, but there aren't enough of those to satiate my needs! So instead of waiting, I decided to make my own! Everybody who wishes to join is totally invited to my Winchester H/C Festival! Please participate, it'll make it so much livelier.

HERE ARE THE RULES, please pay attention.

~> Post your prompt in a comment. Please, post one prompt per comment (it makes it easier to follow).
~> Specify any restrictions you have (specific timeline, pairing, characters involved, etc.)
~> IF YOUR PROMPT CONTAINS SPOILERS, PLEASE BE CAREFUL! It wouldn't be nice to reveal what happens in the latest seasons to those who haven't seen them.
~> Same goes for anything that would be triggery. I'll be super open to let you post about many subjects, but some readers may not so use your discretion if you think your subject might be disturbing. Don't hesitate to use warnings as well, people will be able to browse through what they want to read.

~> Your prompt must contain elements of hurt/comfort. I don't mind if the 'comfort' part is absent, but I'm expecting some hurting. You get to pick your poison too! The hurting may be physical or psychological. (ex. injuries, sickness, depression, one of them just having a bad day and needing a hug, etc.)
~> Use the characters you want! You know there's team Dean and there's team Sam and everybody has his own fetish. You can make them both sick if you want to. Any other character is welcome into the game. We do love ourselves some Cas and some Bobby... and even some papa Winchester!
~> You can also use the pairings you want! You won't see me write any Wincest, but if that's your thing, go ahead! Anything's allowed! You want some Destiel or some Samifer? Go ahead, the fun's yours! I'll just say 'don't like, don't read'.

~> Post AS MANY prompts as you wish. The more there are, the happier everybody will be. You don't have to post prompts in order to fill them. If you only want to write for other people's prompts, that's totally fine by me! Feel free to prompt if ever anything comes to your mind, though.
~> Fill as many prompts as you wish too. There are no limits. You can fill a prompt that's already been filled too.
~> I'll keep the meme on as long as people still comment on it, so don't stress about deadlines or anything. Take your time and make it fun! This isn't a competition, it's a place of sharing!
~> Please, HAVE FUN! Like I said, it's an opportunity to share ideas and stories. Everybody is welcome to post and you all deserve to have a good time! This also means that I'm expecting respect! I'll keep my veto open for any comment that I would find disrespectful and it will be deleted.

Should you have any questions or requests - suggestions even - , feel free to contact me at anytime!

So now I hope you enjoy this and spread the word! The more we are, the crazier we get!

comment fic meme, supernatural, hurt/comfort

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