Don't worry, the novelty will wear off, but in the meantime...

Dec 06, 2006 03:26

1. Yourself: Ick
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner: My lurve
3. Your hair: Shoulder-length, and this odd color between post-dye black and Irish mutt.
4. Your mother: FRACKIN' CRAZY!
5. Your father: absent. completely.
6. Your favorite item: iPOD!!!
7. Your dream last night: Not sure, but it was strange and stressful.
8. Your favorite drink: Depends entirely on my mood.
9. Your dream car: A Jetta
10. The room you are in: Mine, paid for by the way
11. Your ex: Unmentionable
12. Your fear: Still the dark.
13. What you want to be in 10 years? A successful speech therapist, maybe a mom?
14. Who you hung out with last night? No one
15. What you’re not? Glamorous
16. Muffins: WANT ONE. NOW.
17. One of your wish list items: Digital camera and/or yet another *hehe* Tarot deck
18. Time: 10:16 pm (I should so be doing HW right now...)
19. The last thing you did: Cried because I'm way too stressed right now.
20. What are you wearing? Brown PJ pants, a cool coi fish green thermal shirt thing, socks
21. You favorite weather: Warmer than this!
22. Your favorite book: Eh, I need to get back into reading
23. The last thing you ate: A huge frackin' cheeseburger and fries at Five Guys. But OMG was it DELICIOUS
24. Your life: Fracked up. (I'm trying not to curse)
25. Your mood: Melancholy and afterburnish
26. Your best friend: Somewhere between Pockeh and my lurve. Recent events dictate Pockeh.
27. What are you thinking about right now? French presentation tomorrow
28. Your car: BIG. We call her Bertha. Yes Pockeh, the name stuck. And she has a big ass.
29. What are you doing at the moment? This. Der.
30. Your summer: WEIRD but romantic
31. Your relationship status: Completely in love, but sometimes pissed about it. Love scares me.
32. What is on your TV? I don't have one. In fact, there isn't one in this house.
33. What is the weather like? Cold and dry. Hellish on sinuses.
34. When is the last time you laughed? Wholeheartedly? When mah lurve did a Sloth impression in the car on the way back from eating because he finally got his heater to work. It was completely unexpected and frackin' hilarious.
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