Nicotine and Bacteria

Oct 20, 2006 14:21

We played with blocks in math class today. We were supposed to be illustrating division and addition and subtraction and multiplication and such, but we all just built castles.
Considering that I missed the first two days of school this week, the week has gone by very slowly. I've got work tonight with Kerry and Ross who are my Sweet Tomatoes fave's! Should be a good night. Ross invited us to his friend's apartment for a party afterwards but I'm not totally sure that's still an open invite. If yes, then Kerry and I will definitely be checking that out but if not, then I'm sure we'll find something to do around here.
I have a ticket for tomorrow night's hockey game but I don't know ANYONE who's going. Lindy said she and Leyna might be so if that's the case then I'll go. I hope so because I really want to go but there's no way I'll just go by myself.
Everyone seems to be going home this weekend. Maybe I should go somewhere. Tomorrow would be perfect to go into Boston and get some stuff done if nobody's here. I can wake up early (maybe haha) and go out and it will be a nice little day all to myself. That would be fantastic!
I went to my International Studies Advisor today and it looks like next year I will be in Bilbao, Spain!!! It's gorgeous and there aren't a ton of Americans there so I can just chill and enjoy the Spanish language. I ccaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnttttttttt wwwwaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiitttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<3 <3 <3
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