A couple of years ago, I read this:
The Marbury Lens by Andrew Smith is one of my favorite novels of the past couple of years. It's dark and sinister and not easy to read. It's freakin' scary. If you haven't read it, because you've been too busy reading about vampires and witches and teenagers- that- are- dead -but -somehow -still- manage- to- narrate- an- entire- book-while-wearing-fashionable- clothing, you need to get it. Because it is a great read.
But I'm soooo excited, because my UPS dude, Kelly, just dropped this off.
Passenger by Andrew Smith. The sequel to one of my favorite books of the past few years. It doesn't come out until October. Yes, I despise when people do this. "Oh snap. Lookie what I've got. But you can't read it for three years yet, because it's not out, but I have a galley because I'm cool like that." I despise that. So here I am, doing a despicable thing. Only because I have been dying to get my hands on this ever since I heard it was going to happen. So I did what any respectable reader would do: begged my editor, who happens to be Andrew's editor, to send me one. And, wonderful person that she is, she sent me one . Along with a note saying Buckle up tight. It's a dangerous ride.
( I don't do this very often. Beg for a galley. In fact, I do it much less than often. Maybe once a year I beg for a galley I want to read.) I didn't do this so I could lord it over you all who don't have a copy. (Because those of you who live near me will certainly be knocking on my door to borrow it and I will let you. Maybe.) I wanted the thing so I can read it, because if I had to pick only novel, YA or other, to read in 2012? This one would be it. And I don't want to wait until October. So forgive me for doing that which I despise. But hey, may I just say, "Oh snap. Lookie what I've got...."