This is The Compound, my first YA novel that came out in 2008. I honestly never thought about writing a sequel. Ever. It was a stand-alone story with a fairly open ending. But was there really more to tell?
Apparently,according to readers, yes. This past year and a half I spent a LOT of time in middle school and high schools in states where the book has made it onto state reading award lists. And everywhere I went, it was the first question they all asked: "Will there be a sequel?" And I always said no. Sequels are never as good as the first, everyone is disappointed, etc. etc. There would be no sequel. But then, I was watching television, as I am wont to do, and heard this fairly amazing story on the science channel about a discovery. And it got me thinking. ( Also as I am wont to do...) And I came up with this CRAZY idea. In July, my editor and I presented together at a SCBWI conference in Maryland, and we had a chance to talk. I said, "Okay. I've never considered a sequel, but...I have this idea. You will either think I am insane or you will love it." I told her and and she said, "I love it."
Well, I spent the next few months working up a synopsis to go with the idea, not sure it was going to work. But, I just found out last week that it is a go. So the next book you'll see from me after The Raft will be the sequel to The Compound.