Spending this morning recovering a little from the effects of my favorite show and watching the male lead dump the hard-working blonde who knew his secret and was ok with it for a brunette twit.
Of course, Don Draper is no Clark Kent, so I'm not sure why I expected him to make the smart choice.
Also, Mad Men is no Smallville, so I feel pretty confident I'll be spending most of next season watching this new relationship crumble, as all Don's relationships seem to crumble, his secrets come to light. It would be nice for me, although maybe not so nice for Sally, if she were made aware of his secret in the process. Betty is a nightmare of a mother but it bothers me that Sally idolizes Don to the extent that she does. She seems to like Megan a lot, and since Don can only seem to treat women decently when he's not sleeping with them, I have to wonder how she'll react when she realizes that her father is "doing it" with women other than Megan (and also probably "did it" with women other than her mother during their marriage).
Speaking of doing it, or rather not doing it, I wonder if platonic relationships are supposed to represent some kind of ideal on this show. Seeing Ken and Peggy bring in Topaz pantyhose together reminded me that Ken and Peggy brought in the Popsicle account together as well. Despite Ken being an occasional low-level lech, he and Peggy seem to work well together in a way that Pete and Peggy never did. See also Joan and Lane (after the roses incident); Don and Peggy; Don and just about every woman he's slept with prior to sleeping with them, etc. And witness the utter failure of Peggy and Duck's relationship to produce anything.
Like everyone else I'm wondering what will happen next season with Joan trying to parent Roger's baby while her husband is in Vietnam & whether that experience will radicalize her at all, and I wonder if the show will continue to contrast Pete and Ken's different approaches to sales and relationships. I also can't help think that Don's secret is going to play into the survival of SCDP in some way and specifically whether they get any business from Dow Chemical, which wasn't just Saran Wrap. From 1951 to 1975 Dow Chemical produced plutoninum triggers for hydrogen bombs, and a subsidiary of Dow Corning was a major manufacturer of the silicon used in semi-conductors -- both businesses where the DoD might be expected to take an interest. Unfortunately like everyone else I have to wait for whenever to find out... : (