Fic Recs: OMG! Feel the Love

Apr 04, 2015 21:28

I've been meaning to do this forever, finally getting around to it. All are for Smallville unless I develop a life sometime soon. Most of these authors have longer, multi-chapter fics you've probably read and loved, but these stories below are mostly the smaller tales that got me hooked on their writing.

1-900-Chloe- Rating: NC-17. This is the fic that started my descent into SV fandom madness: the first, singular hit that had me crawling the webs late at night, searching for more! Everything apeygirl writes is gold, but this is still my sentimental favorite. Set in the hazy golden Chlark days of late S5, this is a fun, beautifully characterized coulda shoulda woulda. And by beautifully characterized I mean she not only writes Clark and Chloe beautifully, but hilariously captures Martha, Lana, Lois and random Talon customers. Read for the smut, stay for the Jim Henson vs. Peter Jackson debate.

Splinter - Rating: PG-13. Fun, sexy Chlark -- "It's all in the subtext, baby!"
Slingshot - Rating: PG. Wee!Chlollie. Young Oliver Queen rescues Chloe from certain danger -- and then braids her hair. Who says Chlollie isn't destiny?

Just Go To Sleep - Rating: PG. Haunting. Chloe battles memory loss and escapes from a lab with Dean's help. This is the first Chloe / Winchester brothers cross-over I ever read; it's not romantic, but it completely sucked me into the world of Winchullivan fic.

elliottxoxo NOW HAS HER OWN BLOG!
Somewhere, Up There, Forever. - Rating: G. Playful pre-series Chlark. This totally happened.
Never - Rating: PG-13. Angsty AU Chlark and Chlex. Tight, well-written if awful scenario that I could envision as the series finale, if the series hadn't dragged itself into oblivion.
No Ordinary World - Rating: PG-13. Chlark. What if Clark's life had been planned out for him by a television producer? Smallville meets The Truman Show, with Lex Luthor as the Man in the Moon.

Could End Up a Story - Rating: none listed; I'd call it PG-13. Mileage varies, so feel free to comment if you think I'm prudish/depraved. Smallville/Batman crossover. Lex has business in Gotham and therefore so does Chloe. Officially Chlark, but the big romance here is Chloe/Journalism. Discovered this through a post by aj at het_reccers.

Five Ways Clark and Chloe Didn't Meet - Rating: stories vary between PG-13, R, and NC-17. Five fun AUs that explore different aspects of Chlark: reporters, heroes, friends, siblings, rivals, lovers. There's some really fun Cho-lo, Chruce, and Chlex in here, as well as SuperDad!Gabe. Each of these AUs deserves it's own universe (and some of them deserve some smutty follow-up!).
Armageddon - Rating: NC-17 for violence and torture. Dark AU re-write of Apocalypse. A great answer to why the world needs Superman, and features some terrific Chlex in addition to some open-eyed Chlark.
The Lara Verse - features three stories: Saith the Lord, Black as Sackcloth, and Of Wolves and Lambs. Rating: NC-17. Pay attention to the rating: this is very, very dark, and the most devastating thing I've read in SV fandom. A good answer as to why the world needs Lex Luthor.

Pulled In - Rating: PG-13, but much hotter than it sounds. Chloe/Tess. Looks inside Tess' head and examines what she might think of Chloe:

nonky  / kitten - All links are to Naughty Seduction, which requires registration to read fic
Sugar Burns Blue - NC-17. Twisty, Chlexy spin on Arrival. The first fic that made me think Chlex could work.
The Billionaire Muggings - PG-13. Ok, so this is definitely not a one-shot, but I didn't want you all to think I do nothing but troll for porn all day. This fic contains nothing but Chlex prank wars, a fake pregnancy, a fake wedding, a South American tree frog named Franz and a truck-load full of ball-gagged Jimmy Olsens.

Helping Wings  - Rating: NC-17. Chloe/Castiel. Sweet and hilarious. Posted right after Savior aired and so exactly what I felt Chloe needed at the time.

Granted - Rating: R/M. Chlex. Lex uncovers a Kryptonian artifact that grants Pete, Chloe, Clark, Lana and himself each a wish. Terrific early-season Chloe snark, the best fanon explanation I've read yet for how SV!Pete and SV!Lana could get together, and a genuinely heroic Clark.

And Now, My Rebuttal  -  Rating: PG. Chlavis crackfic. Bride from Doomsday's perspective.
Davis Bloom, Hero To Those Who Walk Through Dark Alleys In the Dead of Night - Rating: PG-13; more Chlavis crackfic. This is actually part of a series, but I love this story in particular for the Clark / Jor-El pissing match at the end.

Poker with the Boys - Rating: T/PG-13. Chlam. Everything I ever wanted in a demonic buddy comedy, and I'm not saying that just because she said a comment of mine inspired it. Part of the excellent Choice series.
Casa Winchester - Rating: T/PG-13. Pre-Chlean. Chloe's living with her cousin and her cousin's husband when one day two strangers knock on the door. Part of the Winchester-Lane Family Chronicle.
Of Evil Eyes and Unlikely Alliances - Chloe/Whitney. Whitney think he's been cursed and he turns to the only person who will take him seriously. An interesting development of a character the show-runners didn't bother to develop themselves.

Pygmalion: Flying Isn't Easy
- Rating: R/NC-17. Lex. Davis. Lex/Davis. Lex and Davis taking down Zod in an AU of Pandora that captures the both of them so perfectly you'll believe this is Exactly What Really Happened.

Zannie - all links are to Naughty Seduction, which requires registration to read fics
The Light and the Dark - Rating: NC-17. Crackfic. Chlex as seen through the eyes of a Lana possessed by the Goughlar. First Chlex fic I ever read and the one that got me over thinking that Michael Rosenbaum looks too much like my nephew for me to consider him sexy.
terza rima - Rating: NC-17. Chlionel / Chlex. Zannie does great psychology, and in this fic she does an excellent job of exploring what could bring Chloe and Lionel together and also of recreating the Season 3 Chluthor dynamic (and the post-Season 3 Safehouse of Love).


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