Pulled In (For svgurl)

Oct 22, 2010 03:35

Title: Pulled In
Fandom: Smallville
Pairing: Chloe/Tess
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I have no claims on these characters, if I did Smallville would have to be moved to an entirely different channel for all the things I’d want to do with them. XD
Warnings: Femslash. Don’t like, don’t read.
Summary: She hated her for making her want to understand her. For making her want to be close to her when she didn’t even want to like her.

Author's Notes: This is my gift for svgurl from my friend gift meme.  I sat down and attempted to write several different things for you and this was what ended up coming out. I hope that you like it and it lives up to your awesomeness.

Also, this is my first time writing entirely from Tess’s perspective, and my first time ever writing for this pairing, so I’m still working out the kinks and admittedly very nervous about this. So please be kind in your feedback.

Tess had never understood what it was that Chloe had that drew so many powerful men to her. They didn’t need her but they still wanted her there in their lives with them. She was important, she held so many secrets, but at the end of the day she wasn’t special, wasn’t powerful, wasn’t influential, didn’t bring anything to the team that couldn’t be replaced. But they still always came back to her. No matter what, they always came back. It wasn’t just heroes that had been drawn in by her. No, Lex had been invested in her as well, had files on everything about her life, far beyond her relationship with Clark or her meteor powers. He had known everything he could about her. Lionel too had been overly interested in her, had tried to conspire with her against Clark Kent. That choice had cost him. She had made him pay for it, for using her. For trying to control her.

That was something Tess didn’t understand. She knew the team’s opinions of Chloe. They trusted her with their secrets, trusted her to guide them, often to lead them, forgetting all the wrong that she had done. Tess was more than aware of all the wrong that Chloe Sullivan had done. She may be one of the good guys, but she didn’t wear a white hat, she was dressed in gray instead. But no one else seemed to notice her ventures over the line, or if they did they purposefully ignored them.

No one ignored the things she had done. She was mistrusted for her past, her association with Lex, her relationship with Zod, these things kept her on the outs of the league. She was a part of the league, attended all the meetings, helped gather intel, but her association with them ended there. She was someone to be wary of, someone to doubt until she had fully proven herself, something that she didn’t think she would ever be able to do. She would not be forgiven of her sins the way Chloe was, that was not how it worked.

Tess hated Chloe a little bit more of that. For being able to commit the same crimes but get forgiveness without ever asking. For being able to smile and laugh with them, for the way it affected her every time she saw it. For making her want to understand her. For making her want to be close to her when she didn’t even want to like her.

She hated her more for not moving away when she stepped closer, invading her personal space, for all appearances being unaffected by her presence. Tess hated her for making her want to close the gap between them, for wanting to feel her, feel all of her. She hated herself more for actually stepping forward, for taking the risk and pressing her own lips against hers.

It wasn’t a gentle kiss. Tess’s lips were bruising, punishing against hers. She wanted to feel what they did, wanted to see what they did in her. Tess pushed herself closer, her hands going to her waist as she slammed Chloe back into her desk. Chloe’s hands tangled themselves into her hair, pulling her closer and Tess wondered why she hadn’t pushed her away yet. Perfect Chloe Sullivan wouldn’t be doing this with her, wouldn’t be consorting with someone so close to being the enemy. She had expected her to push her away the moment her lips had brushed against her own. Instead she had deepened the kiss, had opened her mouth to her as though she had been waiting for this day to happen. And the idea that Chloe had considered this a possibility long before she had, made her even angrier. Made her wonder what other possibilities she had considered. Made her wonder if she was farther from the woman the league thought she was than even she had realized.

She broke away from the kiss, her lips traveling to Chloe’s neck, nipping the skin. She hoped she left a mark, tarnished her skin for everyone to see, for them to question. She wanted to hear her try to explain what had happened, wanted to see if she lied and was forgiven or if she told the truth and was condemned. She didn’t know which she was hoping for. Didn’t know if she was trying to find a way to tarnish her completely, to try to make them see Chloe the same way they saw her, or if she wanted to see if it was possible for whatever hold Chloe had to rub off on her, for her to finally understand what it was about her that drew them in. If it was possible for some of the warmness that seemed to radiate off of her would touch her like it did the others. Because she thinks that might be why she’s so easily forgiven, that she’s accepted so easily among the others. Because after everything that has happened, all the horrible things that Chloe has seen, has witnessed right in front of her, she doesn’t seem tainted by it, doesn’t appeared changed. She still smiled the same, still acted the same, still believed in her teammates, in what they’re doing. Tess knew it was different below the surface though. The girl Chloe Sullivan used to be would never let her kiss her, would never let her hands slide underneath her shirt, would never moan in pleasure because of something Tess had done. No, that Chloe Sullivan was long gone and had been replaced with this much harder version. Tess preferred this current version.

Tess felt hands against her waist before she was pushed away from her until she was at arm’s length and when Chloe looked up at her she was sure that whatever had just happened was going to be put to an end. Because she may know that a different, darker side of Chloe existed but that didn’t mean that she was ready to face it herself, was ready to face it down with her. Not here, not now when she could still hide behind the woman that she once was. The woman the league loved and Tess resented.

Tess wondered if this meant the end for her Justice League career, if this would be the final nail to a coffin they had started building long before she had joined their fight. If this would be one push too many, and Chloe would no longer defend her being there, no longer say she deserved a second chance and the others would follow in line. She knows she will only hate her more if it is, because she is sure somehow this is all of Chloe’s own making. That it was something she had done that lead them both there.

Chloe didn’t do what she expected though and she realized as Chloe’s hands went to hem of her shirt that maybe she really didn’t know her at all. That maybe her judgments had been off. That maybe it wasn’t Chloe unable to face herself, but everyone else who was unwilling to see her for who she really was.

Free of her shirt, Chloe pulled her back to her and this time it was her lips who met hers. It was her fingers that dug into her arms, it was Chloe’s mouth that punished hers, her hips that pushed against her own. They were backing up towards the sofa and Tess no longer knew who was following and who was leading, just knew that she was seeing a side of Chloe that no one else had seen. And she hated that it made her feel special, that it made her feel what she was sure Bart felt every time she smiled in his direction, what AC felt every time she defended him against his friends teasing. And she knew now, that this is what draws them in, what makes them keep coming back.

Because Chloe Sullivan wasn’t special, she had no wealth, no power; she wasn’t pure, she hadn’t remained untainted by the likes of the Luthors or Davis, she didn’t believe everyone was worth saving. No Chloe Sullivan herself had lived an extraordinary life, but she was human and tragically flawed, just like everyone else. More so than many. But she had been wrong when she had thought she held no influence, because she did. She had the power to somehow make you feel special, to make you feel like something more than just yourself, and once you feel that you don’t want to let that go. You want to keep that for as long as she’ll let you have it, no matter in what form. And Tess was sure that was what kept them coming back to her. She was sure that that was what would bring her there again.

fanfic, gifts, fandom: smallville, character: tess mercer, character: chloe sullivan, ship: chloe/tess

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