Oct 17, 2007 15:46
Didn't get to sleep until around two last night, so I was pleasantly surprised to see my schedule for the day was changed from 8am - 4pm to 8am - 2pm (and I was even happier when I was falling asleep around 1:45. I adore my job. It's busy and hard and actually requires work, but unlike anywhere else I've worked the time goes unbelievably quickly.
I even actually stayed until 2:30, because I was pissed I didn't finish comping yet. After nearly seven hours I've come to realize that I despise Transportation and it is by far my least favorite section in the store. I feel bad that I left Veronica[..I'm pretty sure that's her name..] with the majoirity of Exercise/Fitness, but we left at the same time and it's not my fault they didn't schedule me today.
Truth be told, I really didn't like her this past week, she had a very condiscending attitude toward me. [While I was alphabatizing last week she actually came up to me to explain how it works and why someone who's name started with Sca would come before Sch. That pissed me off. I know my alphabet. Despite my appearance, I'm not seven, thankyouverymuch.] I think I'm drifting from my point. Anyway, she was rather nice and helpful today (once I corrected her a few times, I guess she realized I wasn't completely incompetent).
Anyway, I kinda stretched the truth with my boss. I told him I was offered a job I technically wasn't yet (atleast not officially) and while I really didn't want to deal with conflicting schedules, I couldn't afford to turn them down unless BAM was willing to up my hours. He seemed rather happy that I was willing to work more, so I don't feel too bad about it.
On a happier note, I'm moving out relatively soon. I'm going to need to save up for a bit first, because I'll most likely be spending more than I'm earning, but with my dorm money coming in, my parents finally agreeing to pay me back the money I "lent" them last June [together that's already two thousand. yes, I am awesome, tyvm.], and two months of savings, I should be fine for atleast a few months.
I know I'm going to start feeling like a mexican, though. Apparently we're going to get a four bedroom house. It's going to be Jessie and Sean, Me, Sam, and Marilyn(and possibly her boyfriend). Rent split six ways shouldnt be too bad.
Well, it seems I've rambled on forever, so I guess I'll find a more productive way to spend my time now. As always, don't hesitate to give me a call. If you're aleast relatively important to me, you already know my number. If you're not, you don't and you do happen to need me.. well, I guess you're screwed.