Aug 13, 2007 23:53
John and I went to see Labyrinth today. It was great to see it on the big screen. Unfortunately two obnoxious girls sat right behind us and had to talk through the entire movie. Not just whispering; talking in full voices. Frequently repeating the lines of the movie, sometimes after the actor. Like they were trying to prove they knew the movie so well, but didn't really know most of the lines. I'm sorry, but I didn't pay $8.50 to hear some brat pretend to be David Bowie. Multiple people (including myself) shushed them about every ten minutes, to no effect. >.> Sometimes I really hate people.
I should probably note I'm not entirely innocent of being an obnoxious teen talking during a movie, but I always stopped when it became apparent that I was annoying the people around me. Even John telling these girls flat out to shut up didn't phase them.
One of them went to the bathroom during the Fire Gang scene. So at least I got to see my second favorite sequence in peace. I doubt they really could have both been all that into the movie because it's not really that hard to sit through and hour and forty minute movie, but both of them got up at different times and left the theater for a few minutes. I probably should have gone to see if I could get an usher to kick them out.
obnoxious teenagers