Title: A Thousand Words Pairing: Akame Genre: Romance, Angst Length: Chaptered; Chapter 3: 2174 words Description: Love vanished with the flash, but the instilled memories would bring back their feelings...
Title: A Thousand Words Pairing: Akame Genre: Romance, Angst Length: Chaptered; Chapter 2: 2900 words Description: Love vanished with the flash, but the instilled memories would bring back their feelings...
Title: A Thousand Words Pairing: Akame Genre: Romance, Angst Length: Chaptered; Chapter 1: 2037 words Description: Love vanished with the flash, but the instilled memories would bring back their feelings...
Title: A Thousand Words Pairing: Akame Genre: Romance, Angst Length: Chaptered; Prologue: 1031 words Description: Love vanished with the flash, but the instilled memories would bring back their feelings...