[Click.] Subject one. Test 1503. Equipment check completed. Tertiary signal test. 1503.
1503, copy.[Beep.]
[Click.] 1503, go. Full battery. Tertiary signal test and proceed.
Tertiary signal test. Tertiary signal test. [Beep.]
Tertiary signal test is go. [Beep.]
Tertiary signal test is go. [Beep.]
((A brief pause, a beat of silence.))
Tertiary test successful: signal received. [Beep.]
Signal received, tertiary test, copy. [Beep.]
[Click.] Mother is online.
Mother is online. Mother is now online. [Beep.]
Mother is online, copy. [Beep.]
Mother is online, copy. Ready for signal from Father. [Beep.]
Father is ready. [Beep.]
Father is ready, copy. Awaiting signal from Father. [Beep.]
((A brief pause, not even a breath.))
Signal is go, signal is go. [Beep.]
Synchronous observation is go. [Beep.]
Mother is at 89.0000% and rising. [Beep.]
((There's the barest of pauses before...))
[Click.] Damn. Wrong setting. Abort, abort, abort. Start over--from the beginning. Scrap this set. The results will still hold this batch.
So noted, sir, copy. [Beep.]
[Click.] From the top.
From the top, sir. [Beep.]
Remember this? Oh, but this time he'd rather not let anyone see or hear what he's up to. The feed is cut, alas.]