Mar 19, 2009 11:18
Oh well, that's clever. Who did that, I wonder? I could dig up the paperwork if I felt so inclined. It's there, stamped, signed, filed, somewhere. Blessed are the Knowledge Managers, for they shall inherit everything we leave them. Dangle dangle dangle strings, so puppetless, so sad, sadder than a limp puppet. I've had parking tickets for worse offense, though.
Did you see the sunset last night? That was the kind of sunset you hardly see any more, a 19th-century wilderness sunset, a few of which got set down, approximated, on canvas, landscapes of the American West by artists nobody ever heard of, when the last was still free and the eye innocent, and the presence of the Creator much more direct. It thundered over the sea, high and lonely, this anachronism in primal red, in yellow purer than can be found anywhere today, a purity begging to be polluted.
Of course Empire took its way westward, what other way was there but into those virgin sunsets to penetrate and to foul.
But out at the horizon, out near the burnished edge of the world, who are these visitors standing, these robed figures? Perhaps, at this distance, hundreds of miles tall--their faces, serene, unattached, like the Buddha's, bending over the sea, impassive, indeed, as the Angel that stood over Lubeck during the Palm Sunday raid, come on that day neither to destroy nor to protect, but to bear witness to a game of seduction.
What have the watchmen of world's edge come tonight to look for? Deepening on now, monumental beings, stoical, on toward slag, toward ash the color the night will stabilize at, tonight.
What is there grandiose enough to witness?
[ ]Citizens [ ]Toys [ ]Seeds [ ]Bitches [ ]Creatures [ ]You [ ]___________ (name) [x]Residents :
Those of you who have been paying attention may realize that it is time, yet again for y/our regular reshuffling of useless offices. And we let it slip a bit.
Whoops. Our bad.
Nature abhors a vacuum. Come come, now. We're running a bit late, you know.
Nominations are presently open. State equally openly and publicly to me, here, as a matter of record and for the requisite paperwork, the name of the one who is to be nominated.
If it is your name, I trust you have the mental capacity to understand what it is you are doing.
If it the name of someone else, I trust they know where to find you when you learn they do not wish to become a candidate and the rest is between the two of you.
You have twenty-four hours--starting now--to nominate candidates.
Candidates, be candid.
Platforms? Rules? Intentions? Expectations? Party lines?
Please remember: this is the wardenship at stake. Not the Secretariat of the League of Nations or the chairmanship of the ARF department or the presidency of Yoyodyne Industries.
But there is the illusion of the democratic process to be maintained. I know how these things work.
Campaigning may begin immediately after nomination. Be cutthroat, sling mud. I need a bit of entertainment. Scrubbing up graffiti does that. I'm hungry. Om nom nominees!
Behold, your illusions.
And the nominees are--?
[ooc: Warden nominations are now open! Characters can nominate other characters (or themselves) in this entry, and do so ICly please! But if nominating someone else, make sure you have that player's consent. Keep in mind that only characters approved before today can run. Nominations will be open for 24 hours starting now.
The election will take place as a poll post on tomorrow, and will be open for 24 hours. For my sake, please put the LJ username of the character being nominated in your nomination comment (all inclusion of usernames is automatically considered an OOC reference, of course). Have fun!]