(no subject)

Mar 19, 2011 15:34

Hello everyone!

Some of you may recognize me, but either way, I'm Trevor and will be taking on one Jack Harkness post Children of Earth. I went quite a bit into his personality now a days in his profile, but do expect him to be more brooding and harsher than before.

Edit FFFFF-I managed to insult just about everyone in the guild...FOR THIS I APOLOGIZE. That was not intended. I wrote this up seriously fast during break from my class and so obviously didn't actually...read it through or anything. What I mean to say is, in short, not used to spam RPs, typically like to write on about my character forever (one of those jackasses), but here I am and obviously while I enjoy writing on for forever, and appreciate lots of writing in return, will of course be willing to settle for whatever is thrown at me and even may myself be drawn into the spam RP style as this is a....spam...RP...if that makes any more sense.

I beg patience too as I've done some spam RP, but nothing quite this detailed and have been told you guys are fantastic so...again, apologies for any hard feelings or misinterpretations on what I wrote earlier =____=;

-Trev the obvious genius man

friend add, new player!

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