A Wild PLAYER Appears!

Mar 19, 2011 11:51

Howdy, all. I'm Milbury, new player here, and I bring with me David (sixthanimorph), the infamous sixth ranger of K.A. Applegate's book series Animorphs. If ever there was a kid in need of a redemption, this would be that kid. He's selfish, sociopathic, and speciesist (and may possibly have a thing for the letter S). Hobbies include long walks on the beach, zoology, and violently murdering non-humans. He just wants to be your friend, though. Really!

I'm on AIM infrequently as docmilbury and the best time to catch me there is in the evenings. I'm real psyched to be here and am looking forward to playing with you all!

friend add, new player!

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