Hey guys! Heads up for everyone that my hiatus begins today/tomorrow while my mother visits from Florida. I'm going to be ever-so-slowly picking off my characters, time permitting.
I shall return on April 3rd!
This effects:
Severus Snape
emptyyourselfSarah Harding
whattheytellyouRooster Cogburn
fillyourhandRandal Graves
blesseddumbfuck So, here's what happens to everyone:
Randal, Biff, and Rooster will fall into Barge comas sometime tonight. Randal in the library, Biff in one of the common rooms (doesn't matter which), and Rooster...well, I'd like it to be in Franklin's room for the lulz, but the pub also works.
Sarah will fall into one after the nanomites plot ends, because I want her to know her pals were using her infected. This can happen in her room, as that's where she'll be holing up for a while.
If anyone wants to find them Randal, just comment here and let me know.
They'll all wake up on April 3rd, when I return.
Snape will be in the middle of trying to tell everyone Rex is behind it (permission given, and I shall post shortly) at the exact moment Dr. John Hix uses his EXCELLENT TIMING to kidnap summon him to the Disc for the nefarious purpose of encouraging Hix's colleagues to call him Mr. Snape instead of "Professor".
He'll PROBABLY return in one week or so, and I will backdate muchly, as I want him to experience the flood at the end of the month.
If you need me, hit me here or on IM, or PM me if I'm not around. I'll check my e-mail occasionally.
See ya! <3