New character!

Jan 28, 2010 15:44

Hey all! This is Rycca (Snape, Rube) with a new character who is not Vida. SHHHH. We need inmates, anyway.

Meet Abigail Williams from The Crucible. If you've never seen or read it, it's about the Salem witch trials and Abigail is the ringleader in the finger-pointing, and in the play, it's pretty well implied that she started the whole mess so she could have her lover's wife murdered in the most Puritan way possible. (Obviously, historical fact of the witch trials is way different.)

ANYWAY. tl:dr = Fourth Walling? PLEASE.

So, hover and add.


ALSO, since it's been a few days and I don't want to spam the OOC com, SNAPE IS NOW BACK.

From his perspective, he's been gone for three months. I'll post with him shortly. Feel free to be super suspicious of him for the foreseeable future. He did meet all his requirements to graduate, but he did graduate from a level 0 cell, and he's still a jerk and a troll.
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