Oct 15, 2011 15:51

Hello Barge dwellers. Yes, that's right, it's time for yet more additions to the Halloween Barge for the Pleased to Meet You event! Previous event posts are here, here and here. The things we've got for you this time are:

1) In addition to things slamming against the doors from the inside, now when you're in a room things may start banging on them from the outside, trying to get in. As before, if/when you check outside, there'll be nothing there.

2) The CES will start to malfunction and sporadically spill out into the rest of the Barge. These changes can be fairly full, so a common room might suddenly look like a desert, with sand and succulent plants and high temperatures; a hallway might grow a forest; a stairwell might become a waterfall. The changes can also be smaller too, so you might end up with little patches of moss sprouting from the walls or some snow piling at the edges of a hallway. It may rain, hail or be enormously windy through the corridors. That sort of thing. These changes will be in flux constantly, so someone may walk into a corridor and find it a forest then the next person that comes in ten minutes later may find it perfectly normal.

3) If your character has ever died on the Barge, they may start to feel their death toll again at random, like phantom pains. The severity of it--whether it's the same painful level as it was directly after they woke up or whether it's just an annoying ache--is totally up to you. If they've died more than once, feel free to combine death tolls or pick and choose what bits they're affected by.

As always, questions/concerns/comments here!

plot, mod note

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