Oct 15, 2011 12:46

OKAY, so life gave me a kicking (i.e., work shifts, uni work, mild illness et cetera) over the last few days and I sorta dropped off the internet for a bit., lol. SO YEAH I will be trying to get on all the old tags I owe, post Thom and intro Peace super soon, but tell me here if there's anything you really want to continue or anything I've missed or if you'd rather assume anything or idk. COMMENT HERE.

THIS POST ALSO SERVES ANOTHER PURPOSE: next week is a major week in parliament, which means I'm REALLY busy, as in night shifts until 10-11pm every night for the whole week, and that combined with uni means that I'm... not really going to be around and I'll be calling hiatus; I might be able to backtag some stuff, but count me as majorly scarce.

This counts for Perry (hatestriangles), Thom (giftedtwin) and Sister Peace. (ALSO HI NEW PLAYERS, I'm Jessi and I play those dudes. Welcome!)


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