(no subject)

Nov 07, 2011 23:11

WHO: Atia/Miss Parker.
WHERE: Atia's room.
WHAT: Her warden wants to discuss the future. Atia is perplexed and awaits.

Atia really wasn't sure what her guide had meant. Still, she had shrugged shoulders at the last written communication and decided to wait. Unlike her days in Rome, Atia had reverted from relatively social creature to a somewhat introverted one, aboard this ship. She no longer had anything others wanted, which meant she was divorced from her usual method of networking, but then... Octavian's decision to have her placed under house arrest for so long had made her used to that, more or less. Truth be told, Atia had very little in the way of incentives, whatsoever, these days. Save from survival - and she was very good at that.

Still, if her last journal post was anything to go by, Atia was starting to come around a little from her elitist views. Able to see the potential in those less fortunate than herself.

Whether Parker simply decided to enter or announce her presence with a call or knock on the door, Atia greeted the other woman with a, "Welcome." Ever-cautious gaze giving her warden a once over.

"And to what do I owe the pleasure?"
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