Hey let's ruin Paris. Again. [CLOSED]

Oct 22, 2011 16:38

Who: Rex, Ana, Perry, Shego and ~SPECIAL GUEST STAR NPCs~
Where: Paris, just outside the Particle Acceleration lab.
When: Forward-dated to the last day of port, shortly before the end of port.

Just as he'd predicted, entry into the lab proved simple. With Cobra sufficiently "defeated" in the eyes of the Joes, security at the particle acceleration lab was lax, to say the least. A few hired guards, easily dispatched-- knocked out and restrained this time-- and the scientists in the lab proved no threat at all. The Baron may no longer have been alive to see this project through, but with the combined efforts of Rex-- he had been doing his research, after all-- and a coerced, fearful scientist, his new, makeshift nanomite explosive soon became weaponized. The luminescent green light emanating from the weapon was nothing short of beautiful. A small smile tugging at his lips, he stuffed it into his messenger bag (look, he didn't have any cool briefcase this time) and shrugged it over his shoulder.

It took a month of work to reach this point-- only a month, because he already had all of the research and the equipment, thanks to his earlier experiments in the lab with Narvin, the T-X and now Capa. And still, every night he toiled in the lab, led there by the walking, whistling boot-heeled man, he never thought it would come to this. It was just a fun project to pass the time, fueled by wishful thinking and childish dreams of escape.

And now?

He had the nanomites. He'd gotten in touch with Zartan (President Zartan now, not that he ever doubted his nanomites would work), and the latter had begun to make arrangements for their transport out of France. All he had to do was make it back to the Barge for their return home, detonate the nanomites before the Barge took off, and watch as they ate through that damned ship until there was nothing left but whoever remained inside.

And then he, Ana, everybody, would be free. And with Cobra's reinforcements on the way, the wardens wouldn't be able to stop them from escaping. He could take Iago, his sister, his friends, and return to one of Cobra's hidden bases (formerly one of MARS Industries' bases). And then he could continue his work, free from the Barge and the Admiral and all of the stupid floods, ports, the vampires...

"Let's go," he commanded the others, waiting for them to lead the way since, well. He had the nanomites. They were too valuable for him to take point. A wicked grin played at his lips. "We have an appointment with the Admiral."

It felt strange, at first, sinking into his old persona again. It had been so long since he was the Doctor, let alone the Commander, and yet... He found that he had to take on the role to even go through with this. For now, Rex Lewis would have to take a back seat to the Commander.

(No, he didn't have identity problems, what are you talking about?)

[OOC: NO POSTING ORDER, JUST BE REASONABLE. I figure they're outside now, so the Joes can like, jump out of a helicopter or ~something~]

rex lewis/cobra commander, shego, perry dawsey, ana lewis/the baroness, npc

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