Ding, Dong the bells are gonna chime

Sep 19, 2011 14:31

Who: T'Pol, Trip, Kirk, with a side order of EVERYONE
What: WEDDINGS. YAAAY WEDDINGS. T'Pol and Trip apparently have to get married in every universe but their own. It's how Star Trek works.
When: Day three of Fairy tale port, midday
Where: Edge of the forest that surrounds town. THERE IS ALWAYS A MAGICAL FOREST.

Pull out the stopper, let's have a whopper! )

port: once upon a time, charles "trip" tucker, t'pol, jim moriarty, captain james t. kirk

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Open not_annika September 19 2011, 21:44:40 UTC
[Seven had been utterly bemused by this port. She had once, thanks to some Hirogen, forgotten who she was and became, for all intents and purposes, someone not herself, but that was due to an implant, which here either wasn't applicable, or undetectable by her tricorder. Regardless, given the ennui which this event had been considered by her… new colleagues, she chose to quietly observe rather than intervene.

Then she got wind of this wedding. Curious more than anything, Seven decided to bring her observations there. As a result, decked in a simple dress, she arrived at the reception area.]


Re: Open with_discipline September 20 2011, 13:43:27 UTC
[T'Pol was not the most social of hosts at the best of times, but this was something of a special occasion. She mingled more than usual, intending to treat it as a diplomatic function - instead, she found herself enjoying the duty, and pleased to see people she did not know.]

Hello, [she said when she spotted Seven.] Have you been enjoying yourself?


not_annika September 20 2011, 14:06:42 UTC
[Seven bowed her head slightly.] A beautiful ceremony.


with_discipline September 22 2011, 14:47:55 UTC
[T'Pol smiled, inclining her head in return.] Thank you. It's been a long time in coming.


not_annika September 22 2011, 15:02:54 UTC
Indeed? Well, my most sincere congratulations. [Neelix and the Doctor would be crying tears of joy to hear her.]


with_discipline September 27 2011, 16:06:40 UTC
[So much growth. T'Pol's smile widens a little.] Thank you. I don't believe we've met, lady...?


not_annika September 28 2011, 09:34:40 UTC
Seven. [She shrugs, then blinks, surprised the 'you are Annika' refrain didn't emerge. She smiles a little with relief.]


with_discipline September 30 2011, 06:04:21 UTC
[Eeeyebrow. That is an odd name. But T'Pol figures it's a human thing. Charles goes by Trip, after all.] Lady Seven. Welcome, then. We hope you enjoy yourself.


not_annika September 30 2011, 15:59:48 UTC
Thank you, I'm sure I will.


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