Aug 15, 2011 14:15

Who: Rex, infirmary staff, people who want to visit him, etc. BASICALLY, OPEN
Where: Infirmary lol
When: After getting his ass beat by a child
Warnings: References to violence?  Use of painkillers.  Uhhh, that's should be it.

Way to fail, Rex. )

the doctor (seventh), billy costigan, kevin flynn, charles "trip" tucker, arthas menethil, rex lewis/cobra commander, iago

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inhistorybooks August 15 2011, 23:32:10 UTC
Not too long after Dick's post announcing the incident, talking with his own new inmate and making sure everything was alright with T'Pol (so really, about a day after everything had happened) Trip had downloaded a couple good scifi and some arguably not as good horror films onto a PADD and headed over to the infirmary to check on Rex, who he knew was probably miserable and angry about the incident.

Not that Trip could really blame him, but Rex's version of being angry was a lot different from most people's, and occasionally involved stabbing people with science projects. Although really, Trip hoped he was moving away from.

He headed over immediately, holding up the PADD and smiling sympathetically when he saw his friend's injuries.

"Thought you could use some entertainment."


stopthat_destro August 16 2011, 01:31:44 UTC
Rex sat up a little, not expecting Trip to show up. He didn't exactly want people to see him like this, bruised and beaten like he'd just "fallen down some stairs," but on the other hand... the painkillers were making it exceptionally difficult for him to read, do recreational equations, work on his robot arm schematics, so... The company was welcome. His mouth quirked a little in a friendly smile in lieu of a verbal greeting. Then, he pointed to the PADD and arched his brow, as if to say, "What did you bring?" It wasn't that he couldn't speak right now, so much as every time he did... anything with his mouth, it aggravated his fracture. He'd give it a few days before he tried speaking more than absolutely necessary.


inhistorybooks August 16 2011, 02:17:11 UTC
"Couple movies." He held up the PADD to read off the list. "Alien, Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein, Son of Frankenstein, and Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein." In case it wasn't clear, Rex, Trip likes Frankenstein films. His warden item was even a model of the monster.

"I can grab some different ones if you want," he said, handing it over to Rex. "Wasn't exactly sure what you'd be in the mood for."

Although Jurassic Park seemed like a bad idea after the most recent port. Admittedly, they'd both gotten out pretty unscathed, all things considered, but it still seemed a little close to home.


stopthat_destro August 16 2011, 05:43:31 UTC
His eyes practically lit up as Trip started reading off the movies. Sci-fi? Horror? His favorite genres! Granted, Rex tended towards body horror, psychological... but he didn't mind the classics. Unfortunately, meeting the real Victor Frankenstein dampened the love he had for the films. A shame, because he totally had a childhood crush on Frankenstein's Bride.

Rex set the PADD on his lap and pulled out his communicator to start typing a message to Trip, since he found it a lot less frustrating than trying to write with his left hand.

alien was my favorite movie when i was 5.

So, it was tempting...

but i've never seen 'attack of the 50 ft woman'

Oh, how he missed being able to type with two hands. Or... do anything with two hands. And it'd only been a day. He couldn't imagine how much more frustrating this was going to get.


inhistorybooks August 17 2011, 01:16:35 UTC
"It's kinda corny, but that's what makes it good." And by kind of corny, he really meant extremely. It was basically B Horror Movie at its finest, and that really was what made it good, at least, in his mind.

"There all on there, so whenever you're in the mood to give up on one or put one on or somethin', go right ahead." The PADD would be easy enough to navigate, especially given Rex's talent with machines, so he was pretty confident he'd be able to get through it even if he'd never handled one before.

He regarded him with some concern, brow furrowing slightly. "They say how long you're gonna be in here for?"


stopthat_destro August 17 2011, 05:46:10 UTC
Rex nodded, looking through the list again, then typed out: thanks. He furrowed his brow a little, frowning, trying to remember if he was told and just forgot through the haze of everything else, or if the doctors were still trying to determine what and how long his recovery would be.

few days, maybe a week. He pointed to his chest, then moved his hand to the side, around his ribs. these are the real problem.


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