Jul 28, 2011 22:14
Who: The Marquis, Iago
Where: Level Zero
When: Day Seven of Iago's Incarceration
What: The Marquis settles things -- as best as he can.
It was Sergeant Howie, of all people, that had turned the Marquis mind in the right direction after breaking rather forcefully with his Inmate. It was not a conversation in which he had come to find himself necessarily wrong for feeling as he did over the murder of Jonathan Crane, but rather that he had approached his own reaction a little too hastily. While it would have been fine to allow the seventh day of Iago's imprisonment to come and go, and he would have been automatically released, he chose to be there that morning to address him. This was not an apology. It was an affirmation. As he stood there, he seemed stern, but resolute.
the marquis de sade,