
Jun 19, 2011 23:25

Who: Alien Valmont, Hobo Iroh, and... you?
What: Let's play some alien poker!
When: Last day of port!
Warnings: Gambling, drunkenness, casino full of douchebags?

The Platinum Feline was one of those gaming establishments which hover between being glamorous and sleazy. It attracted a certain kind of clientele, certainly, lots of criminals, lots of loan sharks, and there were plenty of opportunities to get involved with the wrong kind of crowd if you hung around long enough. That said, the mood was bright and friendly, and there was nothing to deter the casual tourist or gamer from showing up for a few rounds of cards and drinks.

It was this bright mood that had attracted Valmont to the establishment when he'd first come to OS-19, the diversity of the patrons meant that it was a good place to meet some interesting people, and win or lose, there was a lot of enjoyment to be taken from a night at the tables there.

Tonight was no exception. The reptilian had played a few rounds of cards at the table, but this round had folded early and was entertaining himself trying to catch the attention of one of the more attractive waiters, while waiting for the next round to start. Funds exhausted, the player in the seat beside him hauled himself to his feet, the hydraulics of his atmospheric suit hissing as he moved away from the table, leaving an opening for a new player to join them.

[Valmont is an alien career criminal, he's not as big a name as Valmont was in the real world, which gives him some time for fucking around, gambling, and actually having a life outside of crime and preening. Please feel free to start a new thread with him <3]

iroh, valmont, port: os-19

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