Who: Space Leezar and OPEN (since this is a log for the establishment, it's open to other folks threading together, not necessarily in Leezar's presence)
Where: SPACE LEEZAR'S MAGICAL BAR. Let's call it... "The Spice Lounge," because I'm terrible with names.
When: Erghhh all of port, pretend I posted this a few days ago.
Warnings: SPACE.
[LOL I DO NOT HAVE TIME TO MAKE A REAL POST. I'll add a fancy intro when I return, but here's the quick and dirty breakdown: Leezar owns a club that specializes in exotic entertainment. With alien ladies. And all that. Some sing, some dance, some have other performances. He's a really slimy jerk, and he's an alien or something that kind of looks like a demon. Red skin and all. HE ALSO HAS THAT TERRIBLE FAUXHAWK FROM CHARLIE'S ANGELS.
Tag in wherever, whenever.]