There is within man two natures...

Mar 02, 2011 17:44

Who: Martha and Aaron.
What: Warden meeting thing.
Where: Martha's room.
When: Backdated like so many days. Stupid flu.

Martha and Aaron had done a tour of the infirmary, and she had showed him the simple basics: what he would be doing, what his responsibilities were, where things were, how the scanner worked, and all of the things that people tended to do. And then they had adjourned to Martha's room for tea.

The friendly, interested and concerned expression never wavered, even as they had moved from the safety of the infirmary to the hallway and then into Martha's room. The chatter was mindless and normal, pleasant as they walked into her room. Once there, Martha opened the door and quickly called out "mind the cat! And sorry if she's a bit friendly, yeah?"

She wasn't at all nervous to have him in her room, despite the fact that she had read his file. Quickly she headed over to the kitchen area and flicked on the tea kettle. "Do you have a tea preference? I also have some ice cream if you're interested." Ice cream was rather ruined for her at the moment, thanks to her trip.

martha jones, aaron stampler

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