It's An Olde-Timey Drag Party {Open Log}

Feb 13, 2011 19:08

Who: Sherlock Holmes, Data, and Everyone
Where: Library, CES, dinning hall, other places if need be.
When: Afternoon & evening
Warnings: Fabulous choreography

{Timing it with the influx of new wardens and inmates, Holmes is again venturing out as Geneviève Vernet. As ever, his costume is elaborate and complete, though his mannerisms are a little odd-he is far more a stage depiction of a woman of his time from his time than an actual person. His dress to-day is white, despite any lack of purity on his part.}

{He'll be in the library, the CES, and the dinning hall, possibly other places. Just join the relevant thread or make a new one if there isn't one. Presumably, this occurs after The Great Mistletoe plot, so it's been a very heterosexual day to-day.}

{OoC: Five people know it's Holmes thus far, and any character who wants to find need only talk to him long enough to figure something's off, or to ask around until someone who knows tells them. The thread(s) with Data is closed, all the rest are open. CR is love.}

sylvanas windrunner, the doctor (seventh), elphaba thropp, data, narvin, a day in the life, sherlock holmes, tim drake

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