The Great Mistletoe Plot

Feb 13, 2011 21:11

Who: Narvin and Omega, Braxiatel and Sherlock
Where: Library
When: Yesterday thereabouts.
Warnings: Mistletoe

Omega was in a foul mood when he called Narvin, feeling a little petty because Braxiatel implied Rassilon was a tyrant, Rassilon, for some reason, decided to take this very personally indeed (surely others had implied it too) and then when Omega confronted him about why he decided killing Braxiatel was the measured and appropriate response, had a nervous breakdown.

The Mature and Responsible Thing to Do was, of course, call Braxiatel, explain to him that he'd rather he didn't provoke his best friend into killing him, thank you, and ask him why precisely did Braxiatel feel the need to jab at Rassilon's sore spots like that and ignore common sense. There was bound to be something more than 'boredom' to that.

But despite the fact that Omega was, in fact, quite angry, it was clearly unwise to confront Braxiatel in a state of unrest. He generally tried to avoid that if he could, feeling that if Omega was in control, then Braxiatel could feel at least that he didn't have to take it.

Well, that was the official line of thought, at any rate. The one Omega half heartedly told himself was true. The actual, deep down reason? Omega felt awful. He didn't want to be angry at Brax. He was hurt that even had to be. And he certainly didn't want to take that out on... whatever the hell Brax was to him. Inmate, wasn't quite right, was it?

So petty and vindictive, it would have to be. And after all, he had promised Narvin they'd do this and it would provide a good source of morale to the coordinator and in the end what harm?

Sherlock wasn't known to be an idiot, surely he would have known that the mistletoe would come back to haunt him? And as for Brax? He had the Doctor for a brother, this, he could survive.

[OOC: Apologies for taking ages to get this going, Rafe and I figured we could do this in one post. Narvin and Omega in one thread for the setting up and action, Brax and Sherlock in the other for the action and aftermath.]

narvin, sherlock holmes, irving braxiatel, omega

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