Who: Howie, Amanda, T'Pol
What: Room raid.
Where: Amanda's room.
When: After
this thread.
Though her experience with the Collective had left her feeling steadier than she had in months, perfect logic was far from within T'Pol's grasp. There was something about Amanda that she found unfortunate, if not outright unsettling; and that fact that this woman still had access to dangerous materials did not sit well with her. Howie's offer had been precisely what she'd hoped for; waiting around for someone else to take care of things, when there was no strict chain of command, did not sit well with T'Pol. Aboard the Barge, she preferred to see to things herself.
Once her conversation with the Sergeant had ended, she'd headed for Amanda's room, considering what she knew of the other woman's actions aboard the barge. She'd assured Howie that she'd be able to restrain Amanda - and she was still nearly certain of that. But the smugness Amanda had exuded, and her willingness to announce what she had to the entire Barge left her - wary. Perhaps even a little suspicious.
It was the suspicion she was trying to bury when she arrived at Amanda's cabin, waiting for Howie.