Who: Hayley Anderson (Stark), with Aaron Tucker (Stampler); Robert Capa (Multiple threads with others possible, please ask first)
When: Day 2 of port
Where: At the high school; private lesson
What: Aaron thinks Hayley looks familiar; meanwhile, surprise! their friends are trying to make them a couple. Hayley has an art lesson with Capa.
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This life was too different from her own to enjoy. She hated having to pretend to be with Aaron, hated all the classes she hadn't taken in years or had never taken, and how many obligations were in this girl's life in general. Also, the whole fake family thing? A terrible idea. He was right to some extent, but she had to disagree on one point. "It's hard to be myself here even with people I know because it seems like there's always someone else, or it's someone like Tyr or Aaron that I don't want to be myself around."
She supposed she was more herself now, with Capa, but it felt like a mini-vacation she had to hurry and enjoy rather than actually spending time with her friend. Hayley tried to change that, focusing on the present, but it was hard to shake thinking about everything she had to do. "I would rather be without a 'family' or with one that actually knows and likes me? I would rather have taken classes I wanted to take instead of stuff way beyond my level. I would rather have not been pressured into that stupid relationship. And this is totally selfish? But I hate seeing Rex normal like this when I know he's going to go back to being all robot-y again soon.. And Merlin being a girl? It's just too much."
Capa had tried to make the best of it- though parts were awkward.
"It's not selfish," he told her first before he went anywhere else. He had figured out that these feelings were...not bad. She had actually been the one to show him that. It was just something he was trying to continue working on.
"But you could have most of that, Hayley." He didn't know about the family part of it, of course.
His first words made her freeze for a split second, even pausing her breathing. Then she picked up her normal actions almost immediately. It wasn't exactly what she had been expecting, but she appreciated the thought and gave him a small smile for his troubles. That happiness faded at the latter remark and her posture stiffened. "That's not what I meant. I meant for the port town, for something we have to deal with because the Admiral-- I'm not talking about my life."
She paused, then let out a small sigh and looked away from him. "In my life?.. I want to be able to be myself and to be honest. I can't do that with what I've done and what I believe."
"Then what do you think needs to change?"
"There's this quote by Elsie Dunn or Evelyn Scott or whatever her name was: 'A belief that doesn't come from a conviction in the emotions is no belief at all.' You have to be emotional to believe in anything at all." It was a subtle jab at Capa's general lack of emotion. As she continued, her voice became less angry and more determined, as if stating a fact. "I know that what I'm doing is right and to pretend otherwise would just be doing exactly what I did before coming here."
The inmate stood from her chair, moving over toward the studio door. She wanted to leave right now. Perceptions be damned. "So, great. I change the people I'm around and I stay on the Barge forever."
So her anger threw him off guard and he just watched when she stood up.
"I didn't say that."
The inmate unconsciously reached into her pocket for Harvey's coin, grimacing when she remembered it wasn't there. Instead of leaving, she just stayed there, leaning back against the door, watching and waiting for him to reply. She was still upset, but it hadn't been his fault, so she knew he deserved a right to talk.
After saying that, he had no idea where it had actually come from. It wasn't anything particularly pressing that had been wearing on him...it just seemed to come out.
Now he just had to wait.
"Dick doesn't even know and I'm not sure he would be friends with me if he did," she opted to begin with, trying to keep her voice level and block out the slight waver. After a deep breath and another stare, she finally addressed the main issue. She would try to give what he had to say a chance. "What ideas? Reinforcing how? Why do you object to them but not Rex? Why can you have genocidal friends but I can't have one that's just a bit insane?"
Which, he really wasn't upset. He just wished he knew how to talk to her consistently. He felt like he was either really good...or really wrong. But that was the way of things, he supposed.
"I don't know anything about Rex. And reinforcing your ideas that people need to be punished. Which..." And he turned to face her, then. "I understand. I told you that I did. But again, my personal beliefs on that matter aren't relevant."
The inmate gave a light shake of her head, still looking at him. "Mm-mm, no. It's totally not like that. I mean, we don't even know for sure that my 'punishments' are why I'm an inmate. Maybe it's just my trust issues or something. And if anything? It's the opposite. There are so many terrible people here that totally deserve to just die and not get a second chance. People like Jon and Loki? I don't know.."
She paused awkwardly, glancing away. "I just feel like.. maybe they deserve a second chance. I know I shouldn't feel that way, but.." She let out a puff of air, then shook her head, looking up at Capa again. Her voice was less tentative when she spoke again. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I should just try and befriend more wardens or whatever."
He looked completely at ease as he opened the refridgerator door and pulled out a can of soda. It was probably his second soda in three years, so he planned on savoring it for a while.
"Instead of looking for people who need second chances, it might be a good idea to look for people who don't."
"Besides, I just.. make friends with whoever I make friends with. That includes Dick and Merlin. It included Harry Lockheart, Ned, Harry Dresden.. uh.. Jack, Bruce, Leo. All of those guys were wardens. Both Harvey and Ruby graduated too." The inmate wasn't entirely certain what point she was trying to make really, just that she had lots of friends and she didn't usually discriminate between warden and inmate. Up until recently, it hadn't been a problem.
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