(no subject)

Jan 15, 2011 00:57

Who: Spike, OPEN.
What: Beating up a punching bag. Possibly also beating up people, depending on things.
When: Friday night
Where: Gym
Warnings: Violence and British curse words, probably.

Spike threw punch after heavy punch at the punching bag.

He was out of the infirmary, finally, and he didn't want to be any less than his strongest and hardest. Who knew what danger could show up next? Spike had to be ready. He didn't like being helpless, like he'd been while death tolling. He didn't like that some Aztec had gotten his inmate wet and she'd died when he should have been protecting her. The only particularly worthwhile thing he'd done as of late was die, and that hadn't really done any good either.

Maybe he was being too hard on himself. If anyone ever asked, he'd offer up some sarcastic remark and crow about his heroic accomplishments. But it bothered him that he couldn't have done more. Not that he could ever really make up for what he'd done in the past, not that he spent time thinking about that possibility. Still, what good was a Champion who couldn't save the day?

Spike stopped the punching bag for a moment and shook his head. If he brooded any harder, he'd turn into Angel. He had to stop over-thinking this. He hit the bag again, hard. He'd get past this. There'd be something else to fight, and he'd be there to face it.

With any luck, he'd even live through it.

spike, nicholas de lenfent, leia organa

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