Time Lord Death Match

Jan 14, 2011 17:45

Who: DK Nine, Narvin, Rose, and Kay
What: Time Lord Death Match (interrupted by Rose and Kay those pesky companions)
When: Today (Friday) evening.
Where: In an out of the way corner of the deck in the cold snow.
Warnings: Violence

It was a shame that he hadn't been able to complete any of his laboratory projects. Death Knight or not, the Doctor wouldn't have stood a chance if only Narvin'd had a de-mat gun, or a chronon grenade, or a quantum reverser. But he would make do with what weapons he had--a blaster, a small blade, and holy water.

He crouched, hidden in a corner behind a half-melted snowman, his black and white uniform blending into the patterns of snow and shadow in the dim starlight. He meditated as he waited, spreading his psychic presence wide and calm over his surroundings so he would be able to pick up Doctor's arrival while the Doctor wouldn't be able to pinpoint his location.

rose tyler, the doctor (ninth), agent k, narvin

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