Meet me under the mistletoe, darling.

Dec 19, 2010 11:42

Who: Parker and Uhura
Where: Some random Barge place.
When: Today.
Warnings: Intense dislike and mistletoe shenanigans. Oh, and it's Parker.

Parker had been actively making the attempt to avoid people after the stupid ass moment with the fucking sweater. )

miss parker, nyota uhura

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lt_n_uhura December 19 2010, 17:04:08 UTC
Uhura had been a good girl about this whole thing. Yes, she had her rant session at Paddy, but really, that wasn't so bad. She had just been wanting to get it all off her chest. She was mad at the situation, not really at Parker, and she knew that. But she still hated having to tiptoe around the issue of Parker. She hated that Paddy was so whipped by her. She hated that she felt replaced.

Even though she knew it was illogical.

However, walking by Parker's door was kind of unavoidable if she wanted to get her laundry done. So she carried a small basket past, just as Parker opened the door.

Awkwardly, she hesitated, wondering why she was even stopping. To get an apology? To tell her that she didn't care?

"Hey..." Nope, that wasn't what she wanted to say at all.


you_run_i_chase December 19 2010, 17:31:20 UTC
And of course, the Barge was just the sort of place where she'd open a fucking door and there would be the very person whom she had been trying to avoid. For a moment, Parker had the entirely irrational thought that if she just slammed the damn door then the nuisance on the other side would just go away like she didn't exist. Doing that, however, would only be seen as another sign of weakness and she wasn't going to give Uhura that satisfaction.

However, the sight of Uhura filled Parker with an unknown feeling. For someone who had faced down Lyle and Raines, it made her feel expressly uncomfortable. No one else aboard (not even Jarod when he was here, or Denise after she had started harping on the secrets in her file) had filled her with such emotion.

So when there was that awkward, Parker grimaced a bit, and her responding greeting of "Hey" was issued through a clenched jaw and grit teeth.


lt_n_uhura December 19 2010, 18:14:30 UTC
And now Uhura was obligated to stay. She put a hand on her hip and shifted the basket awkwardly, letting the silence stretch out for as long as she could. But, of course, she would have to speak eventually. And so she did, almost against her will. She, too, had yet to notice the mistletoe.

"I know you don't like me, Parker. Despite what you said." She looked down the hallway, trying to find escape routes. Truthfully, Parker made her extremely nervous. Especially when she admitted to wanting to shoot her. That really hadn't made things any easier.

" don't have to worry about it."


you_run_i_chase December 20 2010, 04:01:39 UTC
When Uhura said that Parker didn't like her, her posture tightened and her hands moved to rest on her hips. She really had just wanted to forget that entire fucking mistletoe based fuckery hadn't happened. Taking a deep breath, she narrowed her eyes slightly.

Of course this bitch couldn't let it go. No, it was another thing another bullet to put in the gun to use against her. Parker knew that Uhura didn't want Paddy to have anything to do with her, and there was no doubt in her mind that she'd bring that up.

"I wasn't worried about it." The tone was sharp and snide. "And I know you do hate me, despite what you said, so we're at an impasse." She took a step forward, because god damn if Parker was going to retreat.


lt_n_uhura December 20 2010, 04:05:33 UTC
Uhura dropped the laundry to the side and returned the look with a glare. Her anger at the situation was much more than the fear she felt for Parker. This was starting to get personal. She really didn't care about their relationship before because it never interfered with the one she had with Paddy. But now that they were crossing over, she was starting to have a problem with it.

"I don't hate you, Parker. I hate what you're doing, but I don't hate you." When Parker stepped forward, though, Uhura swallowed hard and set her jaw. She really didn't want to get shot.

"I don't care enough about you to hate you." She felt a tightness in her chest. A compulsion....dammit. She didn't dare look up. But she was going to fight it. She wasn't that far gone yet.


you_run_i_chase December 20 2010, 04:17:29 UTC
"What I'm doing?" Parker's voice had raised an octave when she had reached the middle word, a sure sign that the anger was starting to catch the better of her. Her brows raised a bit and her eyes went flat at that.

Oh this was going to be fucking good, she could tell. "And what, pray tell, is it that you think I'm doing?"

She felt it too, but there was going to be no way that Parker was going to make out with Uhura, the mistletoe could fuck itself. "And we both know that's not true."


lt_n_uhura December 20 2010, 15:12:42 UTC
Uhura was so tired of fighting with her. She was getting tired of listening to her and tired of talking to her. The urge in the back of her mind was telling her the best way to end this argument, but she ignored it for the moment. At least, until Parker decided to call her a liar.

"What are you doing? Being a bitch. Contemplating shooting me because the mistletoe made me kiss your boyfriend. But still...I don't hate you."

But this was making her regret saying that. "You just need to leave me alone, Parker. Honestly. There's nothing going on with Paddy and me. The fact that you even think that is appalling." Anger again overcoming fear, she stepped closer to her, knowing that it wasn't going to help the mistletoe situation.

But she didn't care. And she would pay for that. As she opened her mouth to say something else, her body finally stopped fighting the compulsion and she reached out to grab Parker and kiss her...though that anger was seeping through into the kiss.


you_run_i_chase December 20 2010, 16:23:23 UTC
Parker hadn't even considered it fighting. She'd felt like she'd spoken to the woman maybe three or four times since she and Paddy had actually been doing what they were doing, and most of those at least one of them had been under some sort of influence of some kind, be it the fucking mistletoe, or the honesty flood or whatever the fuck else. She'd tried her god damn best to ignore every little thing the woman had done.

When Uhura said that Parker was being a bitch, she laughed. It was a little laugh and laden with sarcasm. "I'm not being a bitch, I am a bitch and Paddy likes me that way." There was a truth in it, and she knew it. And Parker didn't want to admit that if it had been anyone else, she probably wouldn't have considered shooting them. It was only Uhura who had this magical mystical power to get her haunches up like that. Parker hated it, but it was true. Anyone else and Parker probably would have found it amusing ( ... )


lt_n_uhura December 20 2010, 23:26:48 UTC
Uhura leaned back against the doorway, her hands still grabbing a fistful of Parker's shirt. She didn't know why she couldn't just pull away, but it was inevitable. She seemed to be stuck, just like that, kissing this woman she logically knew she shouldn't be. But the emotions of the past few days had been getting to her. And she was making this situation out to be a lot worse than it really was, simply because she was afraid.

And that fear had turned to anger that was directed right at Parker. So when she felt the hands in her hair, the woman wrapped her free arm around Parker's neck in an attempt to bring her closer. This seemed like the best outlet for whatever it was she was feeling. Anger. Hatred. Frustration. It didn't matter.


you_run_i_chase December 21 2010, 04:28:14 UTC
When Uhura leaned back, Parker followed her eagerly, keeping her mouth locked to hers. She really shouldn't be kissing Uhura like this. It was a fucked up thing to be doing, especially considering that she had threatened to shoot Paddy if he'd ever done anything like that again. And now here she was involved in the same sort of kiss that tended to lead to things melting.

The kiss was flaming, that was certain. It was angry and punishing and when Uhura's arm wrapped around her neck, she pulled in closer, the height advantage clearly in her direction. After all, even without the heels, Parker stood at five ten, and today's shoes were three inch heels.

Teeth nipped at Uhura's lower lip, dragging along it as Parker breathed for a moment, and then leaned forward again.


lt_n_uhura December 21 2010, 13:39:07 UTC
There was a distinct height advantage, though Uhura was shamelessly enjoying it. Without shoes, she was already a good three inches shorter than Parker. With the heels involved, well, that didn't make matters any better. It certainly wasn't the case with Harper, who wasn't any stretch of the imagination.

Good God, Harper. She could only imagine his face if he saw this. Of course, it wouldn't be a face of horror. Oh no. She was positive that he would enjoy such a thing. So there wasn't any guilt involved with it. Not yet, at least.

When Parker pulled away, Uhura sucked in a breath, anticipating the second kiss when it came. However, the compulsion in her was waning slightly, as was the anger. She was now starting to realize why Paddy stayed with her. The woman could kiss. But all things had to end and, with a force of will, she pulled away, turning her head to the side and shutting her eyes tightly.

"Parker..." Her hand fell from her shirt.


you_run_i_chase December 22 2010, 15:37:52 UTC
A small, deep part of Parker, the one in the back of her mind thought about how fucking amused Paddy'd probably be to see this. Miss Parker had always been a jealous sort of person, the kind who hated sharing anything, and she hated that there was a part of him that she'd always need to share with the woman who hated her. She was also worried that a few well placed words from the woman, and the one person she'd loved since Tommy (who'd been the only other person actually able to melt her way into the Ice Queen's heart. Jarod was an entirely different kettle of fish ( ... )


lt_n_uhura December 23 2010, 15:13:36 UTC
As Parker attacked the mistletoe, Uhura reached up and ran her fingers through her hair, smoothing it out. There was no way that she was going to walk around looking like she had just...well, done what she did. The lieutenant was normally very well put together, but this had frazzled her almost to the point where she didn't care.

The deal that she proposed was a good one, at least. Uhura listened and then nodded, moving out of the door frame and bending down to pick up her laundry basket.

"No, we don't," she agreed. "And this isn't about us, anyway. This is about him." Taking a step back, she turned to head down the hallway. She really, really hated the Barge sometimes.


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