Meet me under the mistletoe, darling.

Dec 19, 2010 11:42

Who: Parker and Uhura
Where: Some random Barge place.
When: Today.
Warnings: Intense dislike and mistletoe shenanigans. Oh, and it's Parker.

Parker had been actively making the attempt to avoid people after the stupid ass moment with the fucking sweater. )

miss parker, nyota uhura

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you_run_i_chase December 22 2010, 15:37:52 UTC
A small, deep part of Parker, the one in the back of her mind thought about how fucking amused Paddy'd probably be to see this. Miss Parker had always been a jealous sort of person, the kind who hated sharing anything, and she hated that there was a part of him that she'd always need to share with the woman who hated her. She was also worried that a few well placed words from the woman, and the one person she'd loved since Tommy (who'd been the only other person actually able to melt her way into the Ice Queen's heart. Jarod was an entirely different kettle of fish.)

When Uhura pulled away and turned her head, Parker's fingers immediately untangled from the Lieutenant's hair, her fingers leaving with more care than one would expect from the woman who had threatened to shoot Uhura. With her breath feeling heavy in her chest, Parker took a step back from the woman, and then reached up and snatched the mistletoe from the door frame.

After discovering what happened when the sap from the plant leeched all over her fingers, Parker didn't make the same mistake and crush the damn thing like she wanted too. She did, however, drop it onto the floor with more force than was strictly necessary.

"How about this," she said, her tone still husky. "We stay the fuck away from each other. I don't hate you, you don't hate me and neither one of us wants to fucking hurt Paddy." That was one thing that Parker was certain of; no one wanted Paddy fucked with.


lt_n_uhura December 23 2010, 15:13:36 UTC
As Parker attacked the mistletoe, Uhura reached up and ran her fingers through her hair, smoothing it out. There was no way that she was going to walk around looking like she had just...well, done what she did. The lieutenant was normally very well put together, but this had frazzled her almost to the point where she didn't care.

The deal that she proposed was a good one, at least. Uhura listened and then nodded, moving out of the door frame and bending down to pick up her laundry basket.

"No, we don't," she agreed. "And this isn't about us, anyway. This is about him." Taking a step back, she turned to head down the hallway. She really, really hated the Barge sometimes.


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